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FY 2010 Agency Financial Report

Table of Contents

NSF Mission and Vision Statement/About the Cover (101 kb)
About this Report (76 kb)
Table of Contents (55 kb)
A Message from the Director (89 kb)

I. Management's Discussion and Analysis (588 kb
    Agency Overview
        Mission and Vision
        Achieving the NSF Mission
        Organizational Structure
        Management Challenges
        Future Challenges and Opportunities
    Performance Goals and Results
        Strategic Outcome Goals
        Recovery Act Performance Results
        Workload and Management Trends
    Financial Discussion and Analysis
        Understanding the Financial Statements
        Limitations of the Financial Statements
        Other Financial Reporting Information
    Systems, Controls, and Legal Compliance
        Management Assurances
        Highlights from NSF's Internal Control Quality Assurance Program
        Improper Payments Information Act
        Financial System Strategy

II. Financials Statements(658 kb)
     A Message from the Chief Financial Officer
     Independent Auditor's Report and Management's Response
     Financial Statements and Notes
        Principal Financial Statements
        Notes to the Principal Financial Statements
        Required Supplementary Stewardship Information
               Stewardship Investments
        Required Supplementary Information
               Deferred Maintenance
               Budgetary Resources by Major Budgetary Accounts

III. Appendices (495 kb)
     1. Summary of NSF FY 2009 Financial Statement Audit and
         Management Assurances
         A. Table 1. Summary of Financial Statement Audit
         B. Table 2. Summary of Management Assurances
     2. Improper Payments Information Act (IPIA) Reporting
     3. Management Challenges
         A. Inspector General's Memorandum on FY 2011
             Management Challenges
         B. NSF Response to IG's Memorandum on FY 2011
             Management Challenges
             and NSF FY 2010 Management Challenges Report
     4. Patents and Inventions
     5. Acronyms

Entire Report pdf entire report (2.7 MB)

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We welcome suggestions on how to make this report more informative.  Please provide your comments to Shirley Watt (