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National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, Virginia 22230

March 11, 2004

SUBJECT: Supplement Opportunity: NSF-DOE/PNNL Interaction in Environmental Molecular Sciences

Dear Colleague:

The Directorates for Biological Sciences (BIO), Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE), Engineering (ENG), Geosciences (GEO), and Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS), and the Office of Polar Programs (OPP) are coordinating efforts with the Department of Energy’s (DOE) William R. Wiley Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL) operated by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) for DOE to facilitate the use of resources at the EMSL by NSF-supported Principal Investigators (PI). This letter is to inform NSF-supported PIs that the Foundation welcomes requests for supplements to existing awards funded by any of the participating Directorates and OPP for research at EMSL in the area of environmental molecular sciences.

Introduction and Rationale

The National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Department of Energy (DOE) have shared interests in the environmental molecular sciences. EMSL, located in Richland, Washington, offers a comprehensive array of cutting-edge resources that are available to its users. To meet their specific needs, users may employ any combination of equipment and capabilities from the six facilities housed within EMSL. The facilities cover an array of topics.

  • Fundamental research on the chemistry and physics of complex systems, providing molecular information about processes occurring at the surface and interface of liquids, solids, and gases.

  • Minerals and microbe surfaces, examined using environmental spectroscopy and biogeochemistry analysis and modeling.

  • Structural biology, solid-state materials and catalysis, and imaging studied using the resources of EMSL's high-field magnetic resonance, which include spectrometers ranging from 300 to 900 MHz.

  • Proteomics research by high-throughput techniques carried out using high-performance mass spectrometers.

  • The interfacial and nanoscale science of materials determined by material synthesis, characterization, and microanalytical separations and sensing.

  • Computational studies of physical, chemical, and biological processes performed using molecular science computing hardware, software, and visualization resources.

For additional information about EMSL, contact:

Dr. Allison Campbell, EMSL Associate Director for Scientific Resources, William R. Wiley Environmental Molecular Science Laboratory, telephone: (509) 376-6688, fax: (509) 376-6742, email:

At the NSF, research and education in the environmental molecular sciences is supported in the Directorates for Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science and Engineering, Engineering, Geosciences, and Mathematical and Physical Sciences, and the Office of Polar Programs. This program is designed to make the cutting-edge research resources at EMSL available to academic researchers whose areas of research and education are traditionally supported in one or more of the participating NSF Directorates and OPP. Support may be requested as supplements to existing NSF awards for travel expenses and per diem associated with work at EMSL for faculty, students and other personnel associated with the NSF-DOE/PNNL activity. NSF expects to fund in total up to 20 supplements annually, contingent on the availability of funds, the availability of research resources at EMSL, and the quality of submissions. The supplement size may not exceed $20,000.

Preparation, Submission and Evaluation of Requests

Requests for supplemental funding should be prepared and submitted in accordance with the general guidelines contained in the NSF Grant Proposal Guide (GPG) Section V.B.4, "Supplemental Funding." The complete text of the GPG is available electronically on the NSF Website at: Paper copies of the GPG may be obtained from the NSF Publications Clearinghouse, telephone (703) 292-7827 or by e-mail from

Before submitting a supplemental funding request to this program, principal investigators are strongly encouraged to consult the program officer who normally handles the award for which a supplement is being requested.

Requests for supplemental support to existing NSF grants must include a summary of the proposed work, a brief justification, and a budget for the requested funds. These requests are submitted through the FastLane Award and Reporting module ( Supplemental funding requests should not exceed $20,000. Only support for per diem and travel expenses associated with work at EMSL can be requested. In accordance with Grant Policy Manual Section 633.2, no indirect costs may be requested for supplemental funding requests submitted in response to this Dear Colleague Letter.

The total amount requested for support of travel and per diem for the Principal Investigator(s) and other employees of the institution requesting support should be entered under Travel on Line E of the proposal budget. Travel and per diem support for students should be entered under Participant Support on Line F of the proposal budget. The total amount requested should not exceed $20,000. In addition, as budget justification, a breakdown of Participant Support should show the amount and nature of the expenses for each participant.

In the Special Information and Supplemental Documentation section of the Supplemental Funding Request, a one-page letter signed by the EMSL Director must be included. This letter of commitment should describe briefly the nature of the collaboration and the willingness of EMSL to support the portion of this research performed at EMSL. Information about obtaining such a letter of commitment can be obtained by contacting the EMSL staff member with whom the principal investigator will be working or Dr. Allison Campbell, EMSL Associate Director for Scientific Resources at the address given above.

Proposals for supplemental funding may be submitted at any time; there is no fixed deadline date. They will be reviewed by NSF program officers as they are received.


John A. Brighton
Assistant Director
Directorate for Engineering

Mary E. Clutter
Assistant Director
Directorate for Biological Sciences

Karl A. Erb
Office of Polar Programs

Peter A. Freeman
Assistant Director
Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering

Margaret S. Leinen
Assistant Director
Directorate for Geosciences

Michael S. Turner
Assistant Director
Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences