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{2} As used in this Guide, the term "Principal Investigator" also includes the term "Project Director." [Back]

{3} Unless otherwise specified, the term "organization" refers to all categories of proposers. [Back]

{4} Target dates are dates after which proposals will still be reviewed, although they may miss a particular panel or committee meeting. [Back]

{5} Deadlines are dates after which proposals usually will not be accepted for review by NSF. [Back]

{6} A complete listing of all upcoming deadlines, sorted by date and by program area is available electronically on the NSF Web site at: <>. [Back]

{7} Detailed instructions for proposal preparation and submission via Fast-Lane are available at: <>. [Back]

{8} See Proposal Forms Kit for NSF's Forms Acceptance Policy. [Back]

{9} For consistency with the DHHS conflict of interest policy, in lieu of "organization," NSF is using the term "institution" which includes all categories of proposers. [Back]

{10} In general, group proposals that contain up to ten pages of overall project description (including overall progress under the appropriate prior award) plus up to five pages (per person) of individual project descriptions (including description of progress under prior awards) will be acceptable. [Back]

{11} See FastLane proposal preparation instructions at: <> for further instructions. [Back]

{12} The current maximum consultant daily rate is available at: <>. [Back]

{13} The term "subaward" also includes contracts, subcontracts and other arrangements. [Back]

{14} Section .23 of OMB Circular A-110 prescribes criteria and procedures for the allowability of cash and in-kind contributions in satisfying cost sharing and matching requirements. [Back]

{15} See the FastLane Web site at: <>for further instructions. [Back]

{16} The Biological Sciences and Education and Human Resources Directorates will not participate in the extension or supplementation of SGER awards. [Back]

{17} Additional coverage on the NSF grant conditions (e.g., GC-1 and FDP) is contained in GPM Section 240. These conditions are also available at grantee organization sponsored projects offices as well as on the NSF Web site at: <>. [Back]

{18} This requirement also applies to renewal proposals submitted in the accomplishment-based renewal format. [Back]

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