Checklist for Proposal Preparation

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1 = Use of format required*
2 = Use of format optional
3 = Use instructions provided in Grant Proposal Guide for completion of this section of the proposal

Complete proposals help expedite review and processing. To assure that research and other proposals submitted to the Foundation are complete, an administrative check should be made before mailing.

[ ] Is all or part of the proposal required to be submitted via FastLane?**
[ ] Information About Principal Investigators/Project Directors, NSF Form 1225 (one copy only)1
[ ] List of suggested reviewers, or reviewers not to include (one copy only) (optional)
[ ] Cover Sheet for Proposal to the National Science Foundation, Certification Page, NSF Form 1207 (one copy only),1 Page 2
  [ ] All required signatures (Principal Investigator, co-Principal Investigator(s), and Authorized Organizational Representative)
[ ] Deviation Authorization (one copy only, if applicable)
[ ] SF LLL, Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (one copy only, if applicable)
[ ] Cover Sheet for Proposal to the National Science Foundation, Page 1, NSF Form 12071
[ ] Program Announcement/Solicitation No./Closing Date. If the proposal is not submitted in response to a specific program announcement, proposers must enter "NSF 00-2"
  [ ] Specific NSF program(s) identified
  [ ] For renewal proposal, previous award number entered
  [ ] Related preproposal number entered, if applicable
  [ ] Organization’s DUNS number included
  [ ] Appropriate boxes on Cover Sheet checked
[ ] Project Summary3
[ ] Table of Contents, NSF Form 13591
[ ] Project Description, including Results from Prior NSF Support3
  [ ] Human-resource information (required for renewal proposals from academic institutions only)
[ ] References Cited3
[ ] Biographical Sketches3
[ ] Summary Proposal Budget, cumulative and annual, NSF Form 10301
  [ ] Budget Justification (not to exceed three pages)
  [ ] Cost sharing amount, if applicable
[ ] Current and Pending Support, NSF Form 12392
[ ] Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources, NSF Form 13632
[ ] Special Information and Supplementary Documentation (letters of commitment, eligibility statements, etc.) as required
  [ ] Animal Care and Use Statement, if available at the time of proposal submission***
  [ ] Human Subjects Certification, if available at the time of proposal submission****
  [ ] Special provisions for research in Greenland or Antarctica
[ ] Required number of copies of the proposal, including the original signed copy (See Appendix A)
[ ] Proposal packages addressed exactly as shown in Chapter 1

*See Proposal Forms Kit, for NSF’s Forms Acceptance Policy.

**Some NSF programs may require electronic submission of all or part of a proposal, including unsolicited proposals. Please check the FastLane Web site at: <http://www.fastlane.nsf.gov/a0/fldeadli.htm> prior to proposal submission for a listing of programs and program announcements that require submission via FastLane.

***Statement that indicates that the proposal has been reviewed and approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee and that assures the grantee will comply with the Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals by Awardee Institutions. If statement is submitted with the proposal, include in Section I. After proposal submission, send to cognizant program office.

****Statement that indicates that the proposal has been approved and will be subject to continuing review by the Institutional Review Board and that an approved assurance for the institution in conformance with the Common Rule (Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects, 45 CFR §690) is appropriately filed with a Federal agency. If statement is submitted with the proposal, include in Section I. After proposal submission, send to cognizant program office.

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