National Science Foundation
Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer
1999 SBIR/STTR Phase I Program Solicitation and Phase II Instruction Guide

CHAPTER 6.0 Submission of Proposals

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6.1 The Submission Process
6.2 Deadlines
6.3 Table of Deadlines
6.4 Physical Packaging Requirements
6.5 Where to Send Proposals
6.6 Acknowledgement of Proposal Receipt
6.7 Withdrawal of Proposals

6.1 The Submission Process. The proposal cover pages and project summary for both SBIR and STTR Phase I must be submitted via FastLane. Full SBIR Phase II Proposals must be submitted via FastLane. For instructions for preparing and submitting a cover page or proposal via FastLane reference the following web location:

Complete proposal packages must arrive at the NSF by the specified deadline (reference Table of Deadlines). Proposers are cautioned to consider unforeseen delays, which can cause late arrivals of proposals.

All Phase II proposals must be submitted in their entirety via Fastlane. Reference instructions for preparing a proposal and submitting via FastLane One completed proposal, with all attachments must be mailed and postmarked within five working days of the deadline.

Proposals that do not meet the deadline or that do not adhere to other requirements stated in this solicitation will be returned to the proposer without further consideration.

6.2 Deadlines. SBIR and STTR Phase I cover pages must be submitted via FastLane. Paper copies of proposals must be received by 5:00 p.m. East Coast Time at the NSF on the deadline date listed in the Table of Deadlines.

The SBIR and STTR Phase II proposals must be submitted via FastLane. All proposals must be received by 5:00 p.m. submitter's time on the deadline date listed in the Table of Deadlines.

6.3 Table of Deadlines. The Table of Deadlines shows all the due dates in conjunction with the SBIR/STTR Phase I and II activities. The submission opportunity for Phase II proposers who receive Phase I awards is limited to two submission opportunities following the end of the Phase I grant performance period. The following table is an example of the SBIR/STTR proposal submission timeline.

SBIR and STTR Phase I Deadlines
June 9, 1999 SBIR and STTR Phase I Proposals Due by 5:00 p.m. East Coast time (original and 9 copies). All cover pages required to be submitted through FastLane.
July 1999 NSF mails notification of receipt of proposal.
December 1999 NSF mails notification of awards and declinations.
January 1, 2000 SBIR and STTR Phase I Award effective date.
June 30, 2000 End of SBIR Phase I (6-month) grant performance period.
July 14, 2000 SBIR Phase I Final Report Due (12 copies), NSF Final Project Report (submitted electronically).
December 30, 2000 End of STTR Phase I (12-month) grant performance period.
January 30, 2001 STTR Phase I Final Report Due (12 copies), NSF Final Project Report (submitted electronically).

SBIR AND STTR Phase II Deadlines
July 15, 1999 
January 12, 2000
SBIR and STTR Phase II Proposals Due via FastLane by 5:00 p.m. submitters time. One complete Phase II package must be mailed and postmarked within five days of the closing date.
September 1999
March 2000
NSF mails notification of receipt of proposal
January 2000 
June 2001
Proposal Recommendations made.
June 1, 2000 
December 1, 2001
Possible Phase II Award Effective Date

For SBIR and STTR Phase II awards, please reference Chapter 5.0, Section 5.2. The typically schedule for Phase II awards is based on a 24-month grant with progress reports due approximately every 6-months.

6.4 Physical Packaging Requirements. Do not use special binding or covers. Staple the pages in the upper left-hand corner of each proposal. Secure packaging is mandatory. The NSF cannot be responsible for proposals damaged in transit. The original plus nine (9) copies of the SBIR and STTR Phase I proposals should be sent in the same package. Only one original copy of the SBIR and STTR Phase II proposal should be sent. Do not send separate "information" copies or several packages containing parts of a single proposal.

NSF forms may be copied as needed, however, one copy of the Certification Page and Summary Proposal Budget must have original signatures of the appropriate individuals and shall be marked "Original". The other copies of the proposal need not have original signatures.

6.5 Where to Send Proposals. All SBIR and STTR Phase I and II proposals should be mailed to the following address:

National Science Foundation
SBIR/STTR Phase I or Phase II (whichever applies)
Proposal Processing Unit, Room P60
4201 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22230

6.6 Acknowledgement of Proposal Receipt. The NSF will acknowledge receipt of proposals by a postal card, which will be mailed to the company official who endorsed the proposal cover page. If a proposal acknowledgement card is not received from the NSF within 30 days following the deadline, the proposer should email NSF at the following address:

6.7 Withdrawal of Proposals. Proposals may be withdrawn by written notice received any time prior to award. Proposals may also be withdrawn in person by an offeror or authorized company representative upon presentation of personal identification and the signing of withdrawal documentation.