Attachment L
Sunny Graphics

(Sample) Indirect Cost Proposal FYE 12/31/98

Elimin- Indirect Direct Project A Project B Project C (4)

Salaries & Wages
Total Ations Costs Costs NSF DOE NASA IR&D
B. Able, President 70,000   25,000 45,000 15,000 5,000 15,000 10,000
J. Brue, Sr. Scientist 65,000   15,200 49,800 23,800 10,000 8,000 8,000
P. Dent, Engineer 60,000   4,800 55,200 0 40,000 10,000 5,200
C. Kipe, Scientist 50,000   4,000 46,000 30,000 12,000   4,000
S. Smith, Typist 30,000   12,400 17,600 10,000 6,000 1,000 600
M. Jones, Accounting 45,000   45,000 0 0 0 0 0
Total Salaries & Wages 320,000   106,400 213,600 78,800 73,000 34,000 27,800
      (3)  (B)        
FICA 24,480   24,480          
Health Insurance 28,000   28,000          
Consultant Fees 49,000   3,000 46,000 13,000 27,000 3,750 2,250
Depreciation 10,000   10,000          
Entertainment/Penalties 3,500 3,500            
Equipment 23,000 23,000            
Legal & Accounting 5,000   5,000          
Materials & Supplies 20,000   1,500 8,500 9,400 2,500 900 5,700
Office Supplies 2,000   2,000          
Computer Services 6,500   1,000 5,500 4,500 1,000    
Postage & Telephone 1,500   1,500          
Printing & Publication 3,000   400 2,600 1,400 700 500  
Rent 12,000   12,000          
Utilities 2,400   2,400          
Travel 6,000   600 5,400 3,600 800 750 250
Subawards 95,000 95,000            
Total Expenses  611,380 121,500 198,280 291,600 110,700 105,000 39,900 36,000
(1) (2)  (A) (C)        

            Indirect Cost Pool (divided by)                           (A)     198,280
            Salaries and Wages Distribution Base              (B)      213,600 = 92.8%


            Indirect Cost Pool (divided by)                           (A)     198,280
            Modified Total Direct Cost Distribution Base     (C)      291,600 = 68%

(1) Indirect cost proposal should be based on actual cost data for the most current ended accounting year and should be submitted with the financial statements (F/S) for that year. The total amount of expenses per the indirect cost proposal should be reconciled to the total expenses reported in the F/S. A second "budgeted" indirect cost proposal(s) should be provided if it is expected that the indirect cost rate will change significantly during the actual period of the award (if covering more than one acounting year, a proposal should be provided for each year). Where projected costs in any particular cost category have significantly increased, an explanation for the increase should be provided.

(2) Both direct costs and indirect costs shall exclude capital expenditures. Unallowable costs are also excluded, unless they 1) include the salaries of personnel, 2) occupy space, and (3) benefit from the organization's indirect costs; in which case they are included as a direct cost (see applicable cost principles which identify other unallowable costs). Distorting items such as subawards and participant support costs should be excluded from the distribution base.

(3) Fringe benefits, including FICA, non-work time, health, etc., in this example are included in the indirect cost pool and therefore would not be proposed as a separate direct cost element. (Although not separately itemized, vacation, holiday and sick are included in the indirect salaries and wages amounts in this example.) It can be appropriate, however, to segregate fringe type costs and allocate these costs to direct and indirect salary and wage categories in determining total indirect and direct amounts. It would then be appropriate to propose fringe benefits as a separate rate applied to direct salaries and wages.

(4) It is NSF's policy to treat Independent Research and Development (IR&D) as a direct cost.

Direct costs are those costs that can be identified specifically with a particular final cost objective, i.e., a particular award, project, service, or other direct activity of an organization. Indirect costs are those that have been incurred for common or joint objectives and cannot be readily identified with a particular final cost objective. After direct costs have been determined and assigned directly to awards or other work as appropriate, indirect costs are those remaining to be allocated to benefiting cost objectives. Where an organization's major functions benefit from its indirect costs to approximately the same degree, the allocation of indirect costs may be accomplished by (1) separating the organization's total costs for the period as either direct or indirect and (2) dividing the total allowable indirect costs (net applicable credits) by an equitable distribution base. The distribution base may be total direct costs (excluding capital expenditures and other distorting items, such as major subawards and participant support costs), direct salaries and wages, or other base which results in an equitable distribution. (It should be noted that NSF policy is to treat Independent Research and Development (IR&D) as direct costs.)