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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

The following questions address information related to the preparation of unsolicited proposals to the National Science Foundation. This includes subjects such as proposal preparation and submission, proposal processing and merit review. Questions related to grant award administration and closeout are available on the Division of Grants and Agreements (DGA) home page.

On Preparing and Submitting a Proposal to NSF

Click on the applicable letter of the alphabet to go to a specific subject:













  Audit Reports

  Outreach Opportunities

  Concurrent Proposals



  Points of Contact

  Delivery of a Proposal

  Post Award Considerations

  Electronic Forms

  Program Announcements & Solicitations


  Proposal Preparation

  FastLane Project

  Proposal Submission


  Receipt Dates

  Information Sources


  Merit Review Criteria

  Senior Personnel

  New Grantees

  Special Considerations

  Notification of Proposal Receipt


Audit Reports

  Where should copies of an A-133 audit report be sent?

Concurrent Proposals

  Can a proposer send multiple copies of a proposal to different organizations within NSF?

 Can the same proposal submitted to NSF be submitted to other agencies for simultaneous review?


 Is cost-sharing required as part of an award?

 What constitutes acceptable cost-sharing under an NSF award?

Delivery of a Proposal

 Where should proposals be delivered?

 Does use of express delivery or courier service qualify as an acceptable method of delivery?

Electronic Forms

 Where/how can a proposer electronically access forms for proposal submission?

 Where should questions on accessing or completing electronic forms be directed; who should a proposer contact regarding questions on completion of forms submitted via the NSF FastLane system?


 Can an award be made to an individual?

 If an individual is not a U.S. citizen, can the individual apply for a grant? Can a permanent resident serve as a Principal Investigator at a U.S. institution?

 Can an award be made to a foreign organization?

 Can a Federal agency apply for an NSF award?

FastLane Project

 What is FastLane? Where can a proposer find more information?


 The Grant Proposal Guide and the Proposal Forms Kit were recently revised. Which forms should a proposer use for preparation and submission of a proposal prior to October 1, 1997?

 What is the difference between use of the terms "form" and "format" for purposes of proposal preparation?

 Must the awardee organization code and the Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number be included on the Cover Sheet for Proposal to the National Science Foundation (NSF Form 1207)? Where can a proposer find the awardee organization code and DUNS number?

 Should copies of the Certification Page (page 2 of the Cover Sheet for Proposal to the National Science Foundation, NSF Form 1207) be included in all copies of the proposal?

 Should the Disclosure of Lobbying Activities, SF LLL, be submitted with every proposal?

Information Sources

 Where can a proposer find general information about NSF programs?

 Where can a proposer find guidance on proposal preparation?

 Where can a proposer find guidance on administration of an NSF award?

 Where and how can a proposer obtain copies of the Grant Policy Manual (GPM) and Grant Proposal Guide (GPG)?

 Where can a proposer obtain copies of Grant General Conditions?

Merit Review Criteria

 Where can a proposer find information related to NSF's revised merit review criteria?

New Grantees

 An organization is preparing a grant proposal for submission to NSF but does not have a negotiated indirect cost rate. Can the organization submit a grant proposal without a negotiated indirect cost rate, and if so, what indirect cost rate should be used in the grant proposal budget?

 What if an organization has never received NSF funding?

 Where can a new proposer find information on the types of documents required to be completed and submitted to NSF in order for NSF to conduct the necessary administrative and financial reviews of the organization?

Notification of Proposal Receipt

 How will a proposer know whether NSF has received his/her proposal?

Outreach Opportunities

 How does a proposer find out about NSF outreach opportunities on proposal preparation?


  On the "Current and Pending Support" form (NSF Form 1239), how do I calculate the person months per year committed to the project?

Points of Contact

 Who should a proposer contact when seeking guidance on proposal preparation?

Post Award Considerations

 What is the CFDA number and where can an awardee find it?

 Where can an awardee find information related to post award administration?

Program Announcements and Solicitations

 Where can a proposer obtain copies of program announcements and solicitations?

 If there is a conflict between the Grant Proposal Guide (GPG) and a program announcement or solicitation, which document should be followed?

 Is a proposal submitted in response to an NSF Program Announcement considered unsolicited?

Proposal Preparation

 Can a PI request more than two months salary for the summer?

 What is the limitation on payments to consultants under NSF awards?

 Is there a salary cap for proposals submitted to NSF?

 Are there specific line spacing requirements that must be used for preparation of a proposal?

 Do the margin requirements apply to forms such as the Summary Proposal Budget (NSF Form 1030) and the Cover Sheet for Proposal to the National Science Foundation (NSF Form 1207)?

 Are there any specific page numbering requirements which should be used in preparation of a proposal?

 Should copies of the proposal be stapled or bound?

 What are the guidelines concerning collaborative/group proposals?

 Where should "References Cited" information be placed in the proposal?

 What is the definition of "person months"?

 What is the NSF policy on submission of appendices?

Proposal Submission

 How does a proposer find out how many copies of the proposal should be submitted?

 Are original signatures required on all copies of the proposal?

 How does a proposer submit a proposal to NSF? How does a proposer submit a proposal electronically via FastLane?

Receipt Dates

 What happens if a program announcement/solicitation deadline falls on a weekend or Federal holiday?

 What is the difference between deadline and target dates?


  Can a proposer resubmit a previously declined proposal?

Senior Personnel

  How is the term "senior personnel" defined?

Special Considerations

  Where can a proposer find information on conflicts of interest (investigator financial disclosure policy)? Does NSF provide a written sample of an institution conflict of interest policy? Who should a proposer contact if there are questions?

  Are there any special requirements for proposals which involve the use of human subjects or vertebrate animals?


  If a proposer includes a budget (NSF Form 1030) for a subaward from a subawardee, should it be signed by the subawardee?

  What documentation is needed for subawards?

Send questions by email to: policy@nsf.gov

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