Exhibit III-2 (3 Pages)

- page 1 -Nsf Form 1263 (7/95) -- NSF Grant Transfer Request

- page 2 -page 2 of 1263 (Certification Page)

(Not available here. Copies may be accessed in the Word version or in the paper copy.)

- page 3 - Instructions for Use of NSF Grant Transfer Request


When a Principal Investigator plans to leave an rganization during the course of an award, the PI or the I's organization must notify the NSF Program Office. If the project is to continue with the original organization, the NSF Program Officer will advise the grantee to nominate a substitute PI (see GPM 312622.7). If the project is to be continued at the PI's new organization, and if NSF and both organizations agree, formal notification of the impending transfer countersigned by the Authorized Organizational Representatives of both the original and new organizations must be made to the NSF Program Office using NSF Form 1263. The required certifications on page 2, Certification Page, must be signed by both the Principal Investigator(s) and the Authorized organizational Representative of the new organization.

The completed transfer request (NSF Form 1263) must be accompanied by:

a brief summary of progress to date;

a description of work yet to be accomplished; and

a budget for the amount to be transferred.

Signing of the equest constitutes agreement by the new organization to assume responsibility for completion of the project effort and to administer the grant (as originally awarded) from the transfer date to completion in accordance with any special terms and conditions and the applicable general terms and conditions that normally govern NSF awards made to the new organization.

Upon receipt of the above material, NSF will review the request and, if approved, deduct the specified transfer amount from the original award and re-establish it under a new grant number at the new organization. Signature of the NSF Grants Officer will constitute formal ratification of the grant transfer. At that time, the Grants Officer will also specify the applicable terms and conditions to govern the award, (i.e., NSF GC-1, FDP, or other Terms and Conditions).

Equipment purchased with NSF funds for use in a specific project should remain available for use for the duration of the project. PIs who are in the midst of projects that included funding for equipment and who will continue the project at a new organization with NSF support should be able to arrange with their original organization to have the equipment transferred with them. Shipping costs for such equipment may be charged to the original or transferred grant as an allowable cost. Budgets should not include funds to "buy" equipment that had been previously obtained with Federal funds.