Grant Proposal Forms

Electronic forms are available in a variety of formats. Choose the appropriate format based on your computer resources.

Please read the file if you have any problems with the forms.

Proposal Forms Kit (NSF 98-3)

These files contain all the forms for proposal submission, plus instructions. These forms become effective after October 1, 1997, and may be used in the interim before that date.

Proposal Forms Kit (NSF 95-28)

These files contain all the forms for proposal submission, plus instructions.

Individual Forms

    Form 1030 Summary Proposal Budget
    Form 1030 (7/95) Summary Proposal Budget (Effective until October 1, 1997)
    Form 1207 Cover Sheet
    Form 1207 (7/95) Cover Sheet (Effective until October 1, 1997)
    Form 1225 Information about P.I.'s
    Form 1239 Current and Pending Support
    Form 1263 NSF Grant Transfer Request
    Form 1328 Grant Progress Report
    Form 1358 Project Summary (Effective until October 1, 1997)
    Form 1359 Table of Contents
    Form 1359 (7/95) Table of Contents (Effective until October 1, 1997)
    Form 1360 Project Description (Effective until October 1, 1997)
    Form 1361 References Cited (Effective until October 1, 1997)
    Form 1362 Biographical Sketch (Effective until October 1, 1997)
    Form 1363 Facilities
    Form 98a Project Report
    Form Cert Certification Page
    Form Cert (7/95) Certification Page (Effective until October 1, 1997)

NSF encourages you to provide any tips that you have discovered which might be helpful to others. Tips and suggestions (and even complaints) should be e-mailed to: .