Appendix B1

Sample Indepth Interview Guide

1 This guide was designed for interviews to be conducted after the project has been active for 3 months. For later interviews, the guide will need to be modified as appropriate.


Interview with Project Staff

"Good morning. I am ________ (introduce self).

This interview is being conducted to get your input about the implementation of the Undergraduate Faculty Enhancement workshops which you have been conducting/involved in. I am especially interested in any problems you have faced or are aware of and recommendations you have."

"If it is okay with you, I will be tape recording our conversation. The purpose of this is so that I can get all the details but at the same time be able to carry on an attentive conversation with you. I assure you that all your comments will remain confidential. I will be compiling a report which will contain all staff comments without any reference to individuals. If you agree to this interview and the tape recording, please sign this consent form."

"I'd like to start by having you briefly describe your responsibilities and involvement thus far with the Undergraduate Faculty Enhancement Project." (Note to interviewer: You may need to probe to gather the information you need).

"I'm now going to ask you some questions that I would like you to answer to the best of your ability. If you do not know the answer, please say so."

"Are you aware of any problems with the scheduling and location(s)?" (Note to interviewer: If so, probe - "What have the problems been?", "Do you know why these problems are occurring?", "Do you have any suggestions on how to minimize these problems?")

"How were decisions made with respect to content and staffing of the first three workshops?" (Note to interviewer: You may need to probe to gather the information about input from staff, participant reactions, availability of instructors, etc.)

"What is taking place in the workshops?" (Note to interviewer: After giving individual time to respond, probe specific planned activities/strategies he/she may not have addressed - "What have the presentations been like?", "Have there been demonstrations of model teaching? If so, please describe", Has active participation been encouraged? Please describe for me how")

"What do you think the strongest points of the workshops have been up to this point? Why do you say this?" (Note to interviewer: You may need to probe why specific strong elements are mentioned - e.g., if interviewee replies "They work", respond "How can you tell that they work?")

"What types of concerns have you had or heard regarding the availability of materials and equipment?" (Note to interviewer: You may need to probe to gather the information you need)

"What other problems are you aware of?" (Note to interviewer: You may need to probe to gather the information you need)

"What do you think about the project/workshops at this point?" (Note to interviewer: You may need to probe to gather the information you need - e.g., "I'd like to know more about what your thinking is on that issue")

"Is there any other information about the workshops or other aspects of the project that you think would be useful for me to know?" (Note to interviewer: If so, you may need to probe to gather the information you need)

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