This document has been archived. This document has been archived. Title : FDP-ONR97 OFFICE OF NAVAL RESEARCH Specific Requirements Date : April 1, 1997 OFFICE OF NAVAL RESEARCH Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP-III) Agency Specific Requirements (July 1996) 1. Identification of the Cognizant Awarding Agency Official a. Where the requirements of this award provide for the recipient to make a written request or notification or obtain prior approval of the cognizant awarding agency official, the Administrative Grants Officer is the appropriate official unless another official is so identified. b. The Counsel for Patent Matters (Code 00CC), Office of Naval Research will represent the Administrative Grants Officer with regard to patent and invention matters under Article Number 22 of the Terms and Conditions. 2. Allowable Costs and Prior Approval a. Notwithstanding Article Number 2 of the General Terms and Conditions, no funds provided under this award shall be used for the following unless prior written approval is obtained: foreign travel. b. No funds provided under this award shall be used for travel by employees of the U.S. Government. c. Unless otherwise stated in the award, indirect costs will be reimbursed at the rate(s) negotiated or established by the Federal agency responsible for indirect cost negotiation under OMB Circular A-88. Should the rate(s) increase subsequent to award, the Office of Naval Research is under no obligation to provide supplemental funding. 3. Reports The type, frequency and distribution of reports, both technical and financial, shall be as specified in the special conditions of this award. A copy of the letter transmitting technical reports and the SF-298 shall be provided to the Administrative Grants Officer. 4. Extensions Without Additional Funds Notwithstanding Article Number 14 of the General Terms and Conditions, prior written approval is required to extend the period of performance, without additional funds, beyond the expiration date of this grant. 5. Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software are as specified in 48 CFR 227 and 252, as amended, incorporated in this Grant by reference. 6. Animal Welfare In addition to the requirements contained in Article Number 27 of the General Terms and Conditions, grantees performing research on warm blooded vertebrate animals shall comply with the following: a. DoD Directive 3216.1 (32 CFR 219) b. SECNAVINST 3900.38B and the clause at Appendix B thereof. 7. Human Subjects In addition to the requirements of Article Number 30 of the General Terms and Conditions, the grantee must comply, as appropriate, with the following: a. DoD Directive 3216.2, "Protection of Human Subjects on DoD Supported Research," of 7 Jan 83 (NOTAL) b. FDA Regulations (21 CFR, subchapters A, D, and H)