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News Releases1. Scientists Say Tropics Are Next Emerging Disease Hotspot
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number pr08027
Document Number: pr08027 
Document History: Posted:  February 20, 2008. 
2. Researchers Predict Location of Next Pandemic Disease
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number ma08016
Document Number: ma08016 
Document History: Posted:  February 19, 2008. 
3. Maryland Professor Discusses How Language is Understood
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number ma08007
Document Number: ma08007 
Document History: Posted:  January 22, 2008. 
4. National Science Board Releases Science and Engineering Indicators 2008
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number pr08005
Document Number: pr08005 
Document History: Posted:  January 15, 2008. 
5. 9/11 Attacks American Hearts
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number pr08004
Document Number: pr08004 
Document History: Posted:  January 9, 2008. 
6. "The Linguists," Documenting Vanishing Voices, Premieres at Sundance
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number pr08002
Document Number: pr08002 
Document History: Posted:  January 8, 2008. 
7. Understanding How Humans Cause, Respond and Adapt to Change (PR 07-180)
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number pr07180
Document Number: pr07180 
Document History: Posted:  November 28, 2007. 
8. Children's Bad Behavior Gives Insights to Academic Achievement and Later Career Success (PR 07-175)
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number pr07175
Document Number: pr07175 
Document History: Posted:  November 26, 2007. 
9. National Science Foundation Makes Documenting Endangered Languages Permanent Program (PR 07-173)
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number pr07173
Document Number: pr07173 
Document History: Posted:  November 20, 2007. 
10. U.S. Awards Record Number of Science and Engineering Doctorates (PR 07-174)
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number pr07174
Document Number: pr07174 
Document History: Posted:  November 20, 2007. 
11. Wildfire Letdowns and Wake-up Calls (PR 07-171)
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number pr07171
Document Number: pr07171 
Document History: Posted:  November 19, 2007. 
12. Risking Wildfire
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number pr07165
Document Number: pr07165 
Document History: Posted:  November 2, 2007. 
13. Study of Lions and Wildebeest Finds Being Social Stabilizes Ecosystems
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number pr07151
Document Number: pr07151 
Document History: Posted:  October 24, 2007. 
14. NSF Awards 12 Grants for Research on Coupled Natural and Human Systems
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number pr07144
Document Number: pr07144 
Document History: Posted:  October 16, 2007. 
15. National Science Foundation, National Endowment for the Humanities Award New Grants to Document Endangered Languages
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number pr07142
Document Number: pr07142 
Document History: Posted:  October 12, 2007. 
16. Science and Technology Investments Strengthen Asia's Economic Future (PR 07-089)
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number pr07089
Document Number: pr07089 
Document History: Posted:  August 2, 2007. 
17. Number of Published Science and Engineering Articles Flattens, But U.S. Influence Remains Strong
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf07082
Document Number: nsf07082 
Document History: Posted:  July 19, 2007. 
18. Family-Related Issues Top List of Reasons for Migration of Immigrant Scientists and Engineers to the U.S.
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number pr07073
Document Number: pr07073 
Document History: Posted:  June 28, 2007. 
19. NSF Funding to Advance Research on Interplay Between Biology and Society
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number pr07069
Document Number: pr07069 
Document History: Posted:  June 15, 2007. 
20. National Science Foundation Releases Statistics on Women, Minorities and Persons with Disabilities
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number pr07021
Document Number: pr07021 
Document History: Posted:  March 5, 2007. 
Newsletters/Journals21. SEES Newsletter: Spring 2014
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number nsf14080
Document Number: nsf14080 
Document History: Posted:  June 19, 2014. 
Policies and Procedures22. Meeting NSF's Technical Reporting Requirements
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf16040 | PDF of Document number nsf16040
Document Number: nsf16040 
Document History: Posted:  January 28, 2016.  Replaces: nsf13094.
23. General Programmatic Terms and Conditions (PTCs) for the Online Ethics Center for Engineering and Science (OEC) (NSF 13-558) Cooperative Agreement(s)
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number nsf13558tptc000
Document Number: nsf13558tptc000 
Document History: Posted:  January 16, 2014.  View Program Page of Document number nsf13558tptc000
24. General Programmatic Terms and Conditions (PTCs) for the Science and Technology Centers Program (STC): Integrative Partnerships (NSF 11-522) Cooperative Agreement(s)
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number nsf11522tptc000
Document Number: nsf11522tptc000 
Document History: Posted:  September 26, 2013.  View Program Page of Document number nsf11522tptc000
26. NSF Implementation of the October 5th OMB/OSTP Joint Announcement Entitled, Hurricane Relief on Federal Research Awards
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number katrinaostpomb
Document Number: katrinaostpomb 
Document History: Posted:  October 11, 2005. 
Program Announcements & Information27. Pathways to Enable Open-Source Ecosystems (POSE)
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf24606 | PDF of Document number nsf24606
Document Number: nsf24606 
Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:  September 17, 2024.  Replaces: nsf23556. View Program Page of Document number nsf24606
28. Cultural Anthropology Program - Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants (CA-DDRIG)
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf24605 | PDF of Document number nsf24605
Document Number: nsf24605 
Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:  September 12, 2024.  Replaces: nsf23502. View Program Page of Document number nsf24605
29. Dear Colleague Letter: Request for Information on the CHIPS and Science Act Section 10343. Research Ethics
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf24127 | PDF of Document number nsf24127
Document Number: nsf24127 
Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:  September 9, 2024. 
30. Mid-scale Research Infrastructure-1
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf24598 | PDF of Document number nsf24598
Document Number: nsf24598 
Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:  August 21, 2024.  Replaces: nsf22637. View Program Page of Document number nsf24598

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