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Remarks by Dr. France A. Córdova, Director, National Science Foundation, Before the Science Museum, London, November 17, 2016, Text Slide 5 of 18

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Slide title: NSF champions research and education across all fields of science and engineering

Slide words (clockwise from top left): Biological Sciences; Engineering; Mathematical & Physical Sciences; Computer & Information Science & Engineering; Geosciences (including Polar Programs); International Science & Engineering; Social, Behavioral & Economic Sciences; Education & Human Resources; Integrative Activities

Slide images (clockwise from top left): image of a cancer cell and lymphocytes; illustration of a carbon nanotube; illustration of an exoplanetary system; photo of Stampede supercomputer; photo of Ellsworth Range in Antarctica; digital image of Earth’s horizon; abstract photograph of a crowd of people; photo of two Rutgers students working in a research lab; photo of two students with high-temperature high-vacuum molding system

Image credits (clockwise from top left): ): Thinkstock; Christine Daniloff; Gemini Observatory/AURA; Sean Cunningham, TACC; James Yungel/NASA IceBridge; Thinkstock (2); Nick Romanenko; Eddy Perez, LSU University Relations

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