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Remarks by Dr. France A. Córdova, Director, National Science Foundation, at the NVIDIA GPU Conference, Washington, DC, October 26, 2016, Text Slide 11 of 17

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Slide title: Looking ahead: Ten big ideas

Slide words: (top clockwise from left) Research Ideas
-Harnessing Data for 21st Century Science and Engineering
-Work at the Human-Technology Frontier: Shaping the Future
-Windows on the Universe: The Era of Multi-messenger Astrophysics
-The Quantum Leap: Leading the Next Quantum Revolution
-Understanding the Rules of Life: Predicting Phenotype
-Navigating the New Arctic

(bottom clockwise from left ) Process Ideas
-Mid-scale Research Infrastructure
-NSF 2050: Seeding Innovation
-NSF-INCLUDES: Enhancing Science and Engineering through Diversity
-Growing Convergent Research at NSF

Slide images: (top clockwise from left) word graphic about data science; illustration of creative teams working on giant digital tablets and communicating digitally; aerial photo of LIGO in Livingston, LA; illustration of quantum computation with trapped ions; photo of different colored cauliflowers; photo radio telescopes at ALMA in Chile; photo of IceCube Neutrino Observatory in Antarctica; aerial photo of melting ice in the Arctic
(bottom clockwise from left) photo of a broken bridge; futuristic NSF 2050 Integrative Foundational Fund graphic; U.S. map with photo montage of diverse people; illustration suggesting convergence

Image credits: (top clockwise from left) James Kurose, NSF; Sanz; LIGO Scientific Collaboration; Joint Quantum Institute, University of Maryland; © PaoloMottadelli; F. Fleming Crim, NSF (2); NASA/Kathryn Hansen
(bottom clockwise from left) ©; © and design by Adrian Apodaca, NSF; design by Trinka Kensill, NSF; National Research Council of the National Academies Press

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