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biological tissue


Imagine having the ability to manipulate light waves to see through a skull right into the brain, or being able to use lasers to diagnose a bacterial infection in a matter of minutes. At the Center for Biophotonic Sensors and Systems (CBSS) at Boston University, technologies enabling these abilities and many others are coming to light. With support from NSF, mechanical engineer Thomas Bifano and his colleagues are developing optical microscopes that can image deep into biological tissue, helping scientists observe molecular-scale activity.

Credit: NSF



NSF-funded researchers from the University at Buffalo have discovered a way to slow down or trap light within a microchip to process more data. They alternate layers of ultra-thin metal, semiconductors and insulators to make special columns called waveguides, which trap different wavelengths of visible light as they move through the chip, creating a rainbow of colors from the energetic violets to the longer wavelengths of red.

Credit: Qiaoqiang Gan, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York



Lasers are quickly changing the state of bioimaging. This image of cells inside a mouse kidney was obtained using a laser and 15 femtosecond laser pulses. It represents some of the research NSF funds that aims to make this technology more targeted and efficient, possibly improving diagnosis and reducing health care costs down the road, and even capturing pictures of some hard-to-spot cancers.

Credit: Scot Landolt, NCAR



Qiaoqiang Gan, assistant professor of electrical engineering at the University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, creates biosensors, devices that use biological or chemical receptors to detect molecules in a sample. Gan's biosensors operate at the nanoscale, at the size of individual molecules.

Credit: Qiaoqiang Gan, Electrical Engineering, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York



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