NSF/AGS Late August Update - EMBRACE Solicitation

August 25, 2023


We are excited to announce the new solicitation for the NSF Directorate for Geosciences (GEO) EMpowering BRoader Academic Capacity and Education (EMBRACE) program.  As you may have seen in this space, and has been described in the NSF Budget Requests and the NSF Strategic Plan, a goal of the agency is to “increase the involvement of communities underrepresented in STEM and enhance capacity throughout the nation.”  The EMBRACE solicitation targets non-R1 institutions and their faculty members by supporting their valuable research, teaching, and mentoring skills that meaningfully contribute to the S&E enterprise. 

EMBRACE supports two categories of proposals:  Seed and Growth.

  • Seed Proposals are up to $200,000 and 24 months and aim to offset the lack of resources (e.g., start-up, analytical equipment, laboratory space) and/or dedicated research time faced by faculty members at non-R1 institutions.  Project Descriptions for Seed Proposals are capped at 8 pages.
  • Growth Proposals are up to $400,000 and 48 months and are intended to enable faculty members at non-R1 institutions to establish independent GEO-related disciplinary research programs by engaging undergraduate and/or graduate students, or post-doctoral scholars.  Growth proposals allow faculty members to initiate or sustain disciplinary research and related educational activities at their institution.  Project Descriptions for Growth Proposals are limited to the traditional 15 pages.

The first round of EMBRACE proposals are due on November 20th, 2023.  There will be an upcoming Virtual Office Hour and we will provide information about that when it becomes available.

Other Announcements:

  • NSF’s Office of International Science and Education has released a Dear Colleague Letter, International Multilateral Partnerships for Resilient Education and Science System in Ukraine (IMPRESS-U), inviting supplements and EAGER proposals that (1) support excellence in science and engineering research, education, and innovation through international collaboration and (2) promote and catalyze integration of Ukrainian researchers in the global research community.
  • NSF has released a new DCL, Fostering Harassment-Free STEM Education, Research, and Workplace Environments.  This DCL encourages two types of proposals:
    • Research projects that a) advance fundamental knowledge about the nature and underlying dynamics of sexual and other forms of harassment in STEM environments, and b) inform anti-harassment efforts in STEM.
    • Implementation projects to facilitate culture change and organizational policy structures to ensure safe and harassment-free STEM environments.

 Thank you, and as always, please feel free to share this information widely.


Best regards,



Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS)

Directorate for Geosciences (GEO)

National Science Foundation (NSF)



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