NSF/AGS Mid-August Update - GRFP Outreach and more

August 16, 2023


The Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) is a fantastic opportunity for students to pursue advanced degrees with three years of full funding support.  If you have a student who is eligible and is considering the GRFP, please refer them to the upcoming GRFP Virtual Office Hour for Geosciences which will be held on Monday, August 14th at 2pm eastern.  Participants may register ahead of time at this link:  Webinar Registration - Zoom (zoomgov.com).


The monthly GEO EMBRACE Virtual Office Hour will be on Thursday, August 17th at 4pm eastern.  Meeting registration is at this link:  https://nsf.zoomgov.com/meeting/register/vJItd-iorzMpHoPt-itCmzEgI3gSyX0Mkng.

Funding Opportunities

A reminder that the Major Research Instrumentation proposal deadlines have now permanently moved to the Fall.  The submission window for the FY24 competition is October 16th to November 15th, 2023.  

We would also like to remind the community of a couple of the standing Dear Colleague Letters (DCLs) that GEO or AGS released over the summer:




AGS would like to welcome Dr. Mea S. Cook who will join AGS as an IPA (rotator) Program Director in the Paleoclimate Program.  Dr. Cook is a professor of Geosciences at Williams College, where she studies ocean circulation and climate variability of the late Pleistocene.  Dr. Cook will join AGS on Monday, August 14th and her email will be mcook@nsf.gov.

AGS is still receiving proposals for the joint CLD/PDM rotator position described in the prior outreach email.  The official position posting is here and any inquiries can be sent to Dr. Yu Gu (ygu@nsf.gov).


Thank you, and as always, please feel free to disseminate widely.


Best regards,

Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS)
Directorate for Geosciences (GEO)
National Science Foundation (NSF)



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