Cloud Computing and High-Throughput Computing Resources for CRCNS Grantees

January 13, 2022

Many projects funded by the CRCNS program face data- and computationally-intensive challenges that may benefit from accessing cloud computing or high-throughput computing resources, which provide robust, agile, reliable, and scalable infrastructure.

Post-award support is available to CRCNS grantees for the use of such resources. The Cloud Access Program (NSF) and the STRIDES Initiative (NIH) have established partnerships with commercial cloud service providers to provide awardees with cost-effective, flexible access to cloud-based resources. The Partnership to Advance Throughput Computing (PATh) facilitates access to distributed high throughput computing technologies and services. These opportunities are now available to active CRCNS grantees.

Please see Dear Colleague Letter: Cloud Computing and High-Throughput Computing Resources for Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience (CRCNS) Grantees for details.

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