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News Release 17-034

U.S. companies performed 18% of R&D outside the United States in 2013

4 industries accounted for 52% of foreign R&D performance by U.S. companies

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Scientists gather around a set of beakers. Based on per-employee cost, U.S. companies spent 77 percent more on R&D in the U.S. than outside the U.S.

On the basis of cost per R&D employee, U.S. companies spent 77 percent more on R&D performed domestically than on R&D performed outside the United States.

Credit: Pressmaster/


Infographic of the four largest fields for U.S. companies performing R&D in foreign countries: pharmaceuticals and medicine, software publishing, semiconductors and other electronic components, and automobiles and automobile bodies, trailers and parts.

The four largest fields for R&D performance by U.S. companies in foreign countries.

Credit: NSF

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