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News Release 15-100

Archaeologists piece together how crew survived 1813 shipwreck in Alaska

Camp site provides NSF-funded team 'unique snapshot-in-time'

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Dave McMahan at archeological site taking notes

Dave McMahan, Neva Project principal investigator, takes notes in a completed excavation block.

Credit: Gleb Mikhalev

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hand holding a brass buckle

Researchers discovered a brass strap buckle during the excavation.

Credit: Dave McMahan, Sitka Historical Society

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Archaeologists discover artifacts from ancient shipwreck.

Credit: NSF/Dave McMahan


Antique print showing boats

This 1814 print includes an image of the Neva.

Credit: Dave McMahan, Sitka Historical Society

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Collection of artifacts

A representative collection of artifacts discovered in July 2015 includes (from left) part of a set of dividers, a nail, a fishhook, a buckle, sheet copper, gun flints and a musket ball.

Credit: Dave McMahan, Sitka Historical Society

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Russian ax heads

A test excavation in 2012 found two caches of Russian axes, including this one.

Credit: Dave McMahan, Sitka Historical Society

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