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News Release 15-032

NSF announces first NSF Research Traineeship awards

Each project addresses an interdisciplinary topic of national importance

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Researcher with computerized conversation assistant

Using his expertise in computer science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, Ehsan Hoque has created an automated conversation assistant that senses body language and emotion. The assistant can be used to enhance communication skills or improve those of persons with developmental disorders with impaired communication skills, such as autism. It can coach job candidates as they prepare for interviews, help someone get ready for a date, assist business professionals with their negotiation strategies, and more. The assistant provides private, real-time, objective feedback that encourages people to practice and improve the quality of their interactions.

Credit: Henry Kautz, University of Rochester

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graduate student doing experiment

Emily Hoff, a graduate student in the Patton Research Group, exposes a superhydrophobic surface to complete submersion in water.

Credit: Tara Burcham, CoST, Univeristy of Southern Mississippi

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researcher with data visualization in the background

The University of California, Berkeley's NRT award prepares master's and doctoral students with tools to advance frontiers at the intersection of social, natural, and data science. Shown here is Solomon Hsiang, assistant professor of public policy at Berkeley.

Credit: Risk Management Solutions

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graduate student at a poster session

Graduate student Julie Gerard discussing her research on child language learning at the University of Maryland's fall 2014 Language Science Day, a student-led event showcasing collaborative research across 17 departments.

Credit: John Consoli, University of Maryland

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researchers on a ship doing sediment coring

Sediment coring on Lake Kivu, Rwanda, using Syracuse University research vessel.

Credit: Christopher Scholz

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collage of images with different logos

Northwestern's NRT project prepares master's and doctoral students at Northwestern University with the data-analysis skills to advance the research frontiers in astronomy, physics, and Earth science.

Credit: Northwestern University

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