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News Release 15-019

No limit to life in deep sediment of ocean's "deadest" region

Marine scientists find microbes from seafloor to igneous basement below

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Scientists have found that rocks beneath the seafloor are teeming with microbial life.

Scientists have found that rocks beneath the seafloor are teeming with microbial life.

Credit: Nicolle Rager-Fuller/NSF

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The drillship JOIDES Resolution docked in a port

The drillship JOIDES Resolution, used to take samples of life far beneath the seafloor.

Credit: IODP/USIO Jennifer Magnusson

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A recovery tool for seafloor equipment rises through the ship's moonpool.

A recovery tool for seafloor equipment rises through the ship's moonpool.


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A sediment core with sterile syringes inserted to take microbiology and chemistry samples.

A sediment core with sterile syringes inserted to take microbiology and chemistry samples.

Credit: Fumio Inagaki, JAMSTEC

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instruments to measure oxygen inserted into the core to measure dissolved oxygen

A core analyzed for its dissolved oxygen; instruments to measure oxygen are inserted into the core.

Credit: Fumio Inagaki, JAMSTEC

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Photomicrograph of a microbe separated out from deep subseafloor sediment.

Photomicrograph of a microbe separated out from deep subseafloor sediment.

Credit: Fumio Inagaki, JAMSTEC

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