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News Release 11-154

Study Reveals How Bats Stay on Target Even in Dark, Cluttered Environment

Insights could lead to the development of more precise sonar-led vehicles

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A bat emitting sounds.

The bat shown here is emitting sounds. It will use echoes created by these sounds to stay on target even in cluttered environments.

Credit: James Simmons, Brown University

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Mastery of Sonar by Bats Enables Them to Navigate and Hone In On Targets Even if Dark, Cluttered Environments

Credit: Gwen Morgan, National Science Foundation. Video, images, and music credited at video's end.


Cover of the July 29, 2011 issue of the journal Science.

The researchers' work is described in the July 29, 2011 issue of the journal Science.

Credit: Copyright AAAS 2011

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