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News Release 11-150
Engineering Innovation Center Brings Together Tools to Launch Future Entrepreneurs
Undergraduate engineering students and faculty will benefit from resources to spark innovation and entrepreneurship
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DayOne Response, a student team funded by the National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Allianc NCIIA in 2009, has developed a water storage/purifcation system for use in disaster relief. Here, DayOne founder and waterbag inventor Tricia Compas demonstrates the waterbag to members of the Thai military. The waterbag was tested in a joint exercize between U.S. and Thai military forces in 2010.
Credit: "DayOne Response"
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Students from Arizona State University demonstrated two innovative energy products intended for use in developing countries at the Open Minds 2011 conference: a clean burning Gel-Fuel stove that uses an ASU-developed ethanol as its fuel source--being tested in Ghana; and the Twig Light, a light that makes use of exisiting waste energy--such as twigs--to produce clean electric light inside homes.
Credit: Brendan Hoffman and NCIIA
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The Art Center College of Design created a portable shower for use in slum communities, to help improve health and hygiene outcomes. The Ducha Halo shower was demonstarted at NCIIA's Open Minds showcase of student innovation in Washington, D.C., in March 2011.
Credit: Brendan Hoffman and NCIIA
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