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News Release 10-038

Dome Away From Home

Iconic dome at Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station successfully deconstructed; sections may be reassembled at new Navy museum

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Photo of dome being disassembled by crane and the words Photo Gallery.

See the story of the dome's beginning and end in this photo gallery.

Credit: Lisa Raffensperger, National Science Foundation


Photo of a crane removing a section of the geodesic dome at Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station.

The geodesic dome at Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station was deconstructed during the 2009-2010 austral summer. The materials were shipped to the U.S. Navy at Port Hueneme, Calif., as the dome was built by the U.S. Navy Seebees in the early 1970s.

Credit: Forest Banks, National Science Foundation

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