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News Release 10-019

Evolution Impacts Environment, Study Finds

Results change scientists' thinking about relationship between evolution and ecology

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Photo of a male and female guppy in a stream in Trinidad.

A male and female guppy in a natural stream in Trinidad, site of the recent study.

Credit: Paul Bentzen

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Photo of an artificial stream which the relationship between ecology and evolution was studied.

An artificial stream in which biologists studied the relationship between ecology and evolution.

Credit: Ron Bassar

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Photos of guppies from two artificial streams in Trinidad that affected the ecosystem differently.

Guppies in two artificial streams in Trinidad affected the ecosystem differently.

Credit: David Reznick

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Photos showing the differences in the impact of high- vs. low-predation guppies.

Study results show differences in the impact of high- vs. low-predation guppies.

Credit: Ron Bassar

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Photo of two copper quadrats in an artificial stream that measure the impact of guppies.

Two copper "quadrats" in the artificial stream measure the impact of the guppies.

Credit: Mike Marshall

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