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News Release 10-011

New Earthquake Information Unearthed by San Andreas Fault Studies

Stream channel offsets features linked to large earthquakes

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Photo of the southeast channel of the Bidart Fan, Carrizo Plain, looking downstream.

View of the southeast channel of the Bidart Fan site, Carrizo Plain, looking downstream.

Credit: L. Grant Ludwig

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Photo of the northwest offset channel of the Bidart Fan, Carrizo Plain, looking downstream.

The northwest offset channel of the Bidart Fan, Carrizo Plain, looking downstream.

Credit: L. Grant Ludwig

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Photo of scientists Ramon Arrowsmith/ASU (left) and Sinan Akciz/UCI (right) in the Carrizo Plain.

Scientists Ramon Arrowsmith/ASU (back, left) and Sinan Akciz/UCI (back, right) in the Carrizo Plain.

Credit: L. Grant Ludwig

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Photo of Zielke and Arrowsmith, both of ASU, standing in the bottom of a San Andreas trench.

Zielke and Arrowsmith, both of ASU, stand in the bottom of a San Andreas trench.

Credit: L. Grant Ludwig

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Photo of an offset stream channel along the Carrizo Plain section of the San Andreas Fault.

View of an offset stream channel along the Carrizo Plain section of the San Andreas Fault.

Credit: O. Zielke

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Photo from balloon; mapping faulting; Zielke and Arrowsmith in San Andreas; Akciz with samples.

Shown clockwise from top: photo from balloon; Zielke and Arrowsmith in San Andreas; Akciz with samples; mapping faulting.

Credit: L. Grant Ludwig

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Photo of southeast channel of Bidart Fan/Carrizo Plain, which has been offset 16 meters by 5 quakes.

The southeast channel of the Bidart Fan/Carrizo Plain, has been offset 16 meters by 5 quakes.

Credit: L. Grant Ludwig

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