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News Release 07-128

NSF Announces $26 Million Solicitation for Projects That Advance Innovative Computational Thinking

Total cyber-enabled discovery and innovation spending to reach $52 million this year

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A protein-binding model of cytochrome P450, a heme enzyme responsible for drug metabolism.

Protein-binding cytochrome P450 is a heme enzyme responsible for drug metabolism in the body.

Credit: M. Freindorf and T. Furlani, Center for Computational Research, University at Buffalo; J. Kong, Q-Chem Inc.; visualization by Adam Koniak, Center for Computational Research, University at Buffalo


An astronomical catalog sample object distribution, accessible via the National Virtual Observatory.

The National Virtual Observatory's Sky Statistics Service allows astronomers to get a fast inventory of astronomical objects from various catalogs. These catalogs can be wavelength-based (x-ray sources, radio sources, etc.), phenomena-based (supernova remnants, planetary nebulae, variable stars, quasars, etc.), or may simply show where a telescope has been pointed. The Sky Statistics Service also allows astronomers to easily determine regions of overlap between catalogs. These images show the distribution of objects in a sample of the many astronomical catalogs that are accessible through the National Virtual Observatory.

Credit: National Virtual Observatory and California Institute of Technology (