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News Release 05-150

A New Technique for High-Precision Nanomanufacturing

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Microdisplacement printing

In this microdisplacement printing process, a surface is coated with a single layer of loosely bonding molecules. Then a rubber-like stamp places stronger-bonding "ink" molecules where it touches the surface. The ink displaces the weaker molecules, which detach and float away. But the weaker molecules remain in areas touched by recessed parts of the stamp and form dams that keep the ink molecules from spreading.

(Right) In this sample of microdisplacement printing, ink forms the light-colored stripes. The dark regions are covered by the loosely bonding molecules.

Credit: A. A. Dameron, J. R. Hampton, R. K. Smith, T. J. Mullen, S. D. Gillmor, and P. S. Weiss, The Pennsylvania State University

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