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February 1, 2006

Two stars late in their mass-transfer evolution

Two stars having an initial mass ratio of q = 1.3 are shown late in their mass-transfer evolution. The more massive star (top) has transferred a significant fraction of its mass to its companion and the two stars are undergoing a catastrophic merger.

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A team lead by Joel Tohline, professor of astronomy at Louisiana State University (LSU), uses computational fluid dynamics techniques to analyze how the structure of stars is altered by strong tidal forces in close binary star systems. Of particular interest is the situation when gas is tidally stripped from the surface of one star (the "donor") and falls directly onto the surface of the other star (the "accretor"). The ultimate fate of such mass-transferring binary star systems appears to depend on the ratio of the masses of the two stars (q = Mdonor/Maccretor) at the instant a mass-transfer event begins. In this set of images (and accompanying movie), the time-evolving structure of both stars is illustrated by rendering four nested isodensity surfaces: green/yellow identifies regions of highest mass-density; blue identifies regions of lowest mass-density.

The collaborative team at LSU includes: Mario D'Souza, Juhan Frank, Luis Lehner, Patrick Motl, and Jorge Pullin. Technical details about these simulations can be found at

This research has been supported in part by grants AST-0407070 and PHY-0326311 from the National Science Foundation and grant NAG5-13430 from NASA, and in part by allocations of supercomputing time at the National Center for Supercomputer Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois and at the Center for Computation and Technology (CCT) at LSU. (Date of Image: November 2003)A team lead by Joel Tohline, professor of astronomy at Louisiana State University, used computational fluid dynamics techniques to analyze how the structure of stars are altered by strong tidal forces in close binary star systems.

This research was supported by U.S. National Science Foundation grants AST 0407070 and PHY 0326311. Technical details about these simulations can be found at (Date of Image: July 2005)

Credit: Patrick Motl, Mario D'Souza, Joel E. Tohline, and Juhan Frank, LSU

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