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Engineering Classroom Resources

This collection of lessons and web resources is aimed at classroom teachers, their students, and students' families.

Cleaner water, cleaner future: Engineering new water tech (Special Report)

Foundation for Robotics: Designing cooperative, intelligent systems of the future (Special Report)

eGFI - Engineering Go For It
Resource: Educators, Parents, Students (grades K-12)
The eGFI website offers information about engineering careers and how to pursue them, including profiles of engineering students and professionals. Teachers also can find lesson plans, hands-on activities, and professional development opportunities.

Engineering is Elementary
Resource: Educators (grades K-5)
A research-based, standards-driven, and classroom-tested curriculum that integrates engineering and technology concepts and skills with elementary science topics.

National Center for Technological Literacy
Resource: Educators (grades K-12)
The National Center for Technological Literacy (NCTL) is led by the Museum of Science, Boston. The site provides a vast amount of information for educators on workshops, professional development, curricula for grades K-12, and access to the Museum's Lyman Library.

Resource: Educators (grades K-12)
Engineers have a hand in designing, creating or modifying nearly everything around us. Find out more in this growing collection of 1900+ free, teacher-tested, standards-based K-12 lessons and activities that engage students and enhance science and math learning through the use of hands-on engineering.

Resource: Educators, Students (grades 4-12)
The website TryEngineering informs students, teachers, school counselors and parents about what engineering is and what engineers do. The site contains information and games about the field, provides listings of student programs and opportunities, contains a university finder, and has lesson plans aligned to standards.


What is engineering?

Using viruses to make batteries -- Science of Innovation

Engineering a spinal cord repair kit (Science Nation)

The Flint, Michigan, water crisis: Engineering researchers find answers for alarmed residents

Engineering for Mobility -- Science of the Summer Olympics: Engineering in Sports

Origami structures -- Sciece of Innovation

Additive manufacturing: 3-D printing beyond plastic (Science Nation)

See more videos related to Engineering in the NSF Multimedia Gallery