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 Section X presents planned itineraries for U.S. based non-governmental activities in the Treaty area. 


IIn addition, other international cruise companies plan to arrange/conduct or support tourism activities in the Antarctic during the 2001-2002 season. Although some American citizens are most likely involved in their planned activities, the reporting of their activities should be done by the companies’ own governments.


Adventure Network International (ANI), a Canadian company with an office in Boca Raton, Florida, plans several 11-17-day excursions to the interior of the Antarctic continent. Travel from Punta Arenas, Chile, to Adventure Network's Patriot Hills base camp (80°20'S, 81°20'W) is via a South African chartered C-130 cargo/passenger aircraft. These various inland excursions will occur during November 2001 - mid-January 2002 using two chartered Twin Otters and their own Cessna C-A185F aircraft.


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