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 Section X presents planned itineraries for U.S. based non-governmental activities in the Treaty area.

Clipper Cruise Lines

Clipper Cruise Lines/New World Ship Management Company LLC, of St. Louis, Missouri, plans to conduct nine cruises to the Antarctic during the 2001-2002 season using the CLIPPER ADVENTURER.

Clipper Adventurer

The vessel was built in 1975 and rebuilt in 2001. The call letters are C6PG6 and INMARSAT numbers are 330999710/711/712/713/714. The CLIPPER ADVENTURER is 100 meters in length, 16.24 meters in breadth, has a 4.65 meter draft and displacement of 4,364 tons. The vessel has an average cruising speed of 14.5 knots. The vessel is classified by the Lloyd’s Register as a 100 A1 Ice Class 1A Passenger Ship LMC. The CLIPPER ADVENTURER carries four 50-person lifeboats and three 25-person life rafts, in addition to ten 15-person Mark V heavy-duty zodiacs. Approximately 122 passengers and 79 crewmembers will be onboard for each cruise.

Schedules for each of the cruises follows:

Cruise CA #1
November 2001




Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 08 NOV 2001
At sea 09-10 NOV 2001
Antarctic Peninsula 11-16 NOV 2001
At sea 17 NOV 2001
West Point/Carcass Island, Falklands 18 NOV 2001
Port Stanley, FALKLAND ISLANDS 19 NOV 2001
Cruise CA #2

November 2001




Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 19 NOV 2001
Carcass Island/West Point, Falkland Islands 20 NOV 2001
At sea 21-22 NOV 2001
Antarctic Peninsula 23-27 NOV 2001
At sea 28-29 NOV 2001
Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 30 NOV 2001

Cruise CA #3
November/December 2001




Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 30 NOV 2001
At sea 01-02 DEC 2001
Antarctic Peninsula 03-06 DEC 2001
At sea 07 DEC 2001
South Orkneys 08 DEC 2001
At sea 09 DEC 2001
South Georgia 10-13 DEC 2001
At sea 14 DEC 2001
Sea Lion Island, Falklands 15 DEC 2001
New Island, Falklands 16 DEC 2001
Port Stanley, FALKLAND ISLANDS 17 DEC 2001
Cruise CA #4

December 2001




Port Stanley, FALKLAND ISLANDS 17 DEC 2001
Carcass Island, Falklands 18 DEC 2001
At sea 19-20 DEC 2001
Elephant Island 21 DEC 2001
Antarctic Peninsula 22-25 DEC 2001
At sea 26-27 DEC 2001
Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 28 DEC 2001
Cruise CA #5
December 2001/January 2002




Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 28 DEC 2001
At sea 29-30 DEC 2001
Antarctic Peninsula 31 DEC 2001–04 JAN 2002
At sea 05-06 JAN 2002
Falklands 07 JAN 2002
Port Stanley, FALKLAND ISLANDS 08 JAN 2002

Cruise CA #6
January 2002




Port Stanley, FALKLAND ISLANDS 08 JAN 2002
Bleaker Island/Sea Lion Island, Falklands 09 JAN 2002
At sea 10-11 JAN 2002
South Georgia 12-14 JAN 2002
At sea 15 JAN 2002
South Orkneys 16 JAN 2002
Antarctic Peninsula 17-22 JAN 2002
At sea 23-24 JAN 2002
Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 25 JAN 2002
Cruise CA #7
February 2002




Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 25 JAN 2002
At sea 26-27 JAN 2002
Antarctic Peninsula 28 JAN – 01 FEB 2002
At sea 02-03 FEB 2002
Falklands 04 FEB 2002
Port Stanley, FALKLAND ISLANDS 05 FEB 2002

Cruise CA #8
February 2002




Port Stanley, FALKLAND ISLANDS 05 FEB 2002
Falklands 06 FEB 2002
At sea 07-08 FEB 2002
Antarctic Peninsula 09-13 FEB 2002
At sea 14-15 FEB 2002
Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 16 FEB 2002

Cruise CA #9
February 2002




Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 16 FEB 2002
At sea 17-18 FEB 2002
Antarctic Peninsula 19-23 FEB 2002
At sea 24-25 FEB 2002
Falklands 26 FEB 2002
Port Stanley, FALKLAND ISLANDS 27 FEB 2002


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