Personnel-1997-98 Mods

Section IV of the Modifications of Activities Planned for 1997-98 lists actual dates that senior management personnel were on-station in Antarctica during this time period. Appendix III of this document provides a comprehensive listing of all persons transiting the 60th parallel South, the date of transit, their professional affiliation, and visitor category.

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Senior United States Representatives

01 Oct 97 - 05 Oct 97 Erick Chiang
06 Oct 97 - 15 Dec 97 Dwight D. Fisher
11 Jan 98 - 02 Feb 98 Erick Chiang

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NSF Representatives in Antarctica
* Denotes Science Representative

01 Oct 97 - 16 Dec 97 David M. Bresnahan McMurdo
17 Dec 97 - 19 Feb 98 Alexander L. Sutherland McMurdo
01 Oct 97 - 15 Nov 97 Scott G. Borg * McMurdo
16 Nov 97 - 10 Dec 97 Julie M. Palais * McMurdo
07 Jan 98 - 23 Jan 98 Roberta Marinelli * McMurdo
24 Jan 98 - 10 Feb 98 Margaret J. Dionne * McMurdo
08 Nov 97 - 13 Dec 97 Jerry W. Marty South Pole
11 Jan 98 - 17 Feb 98 Jerry W. Marty South Pole
08 Nov 97 - 01 Dec 97 Leonard E. Johnson* South Pole
02 Dec 97 - 06 Jan 98 Hilleary D. Everist * South Pole
07 Jan 97 - 28 Jan 98 Linda E. Duguay * South Pole
16 Sep 97 - 03 Oct 97 Harry Mahar Palmer
29 Nov 97 - 30 Dec 97 Sonja Ortega* Palmer
25 Jan 98 - 17 Feb 98 David M. Bresnahan Palmer

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Offices in Charge of Bases

Each U.S. station has a station manager for operations/logistics support and a station science leader. Station managers for the 1997-98 season were:

McMurdo Station
CAPT Hugh Smith, USN 03 Oct 97 - 22 Feb 98
Albert G. Martin (winter over) 18 Oct 96 - 12 Dec 97
John S. Sherve (winter-over) 13 Dec 97 -
Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station
David Fischer, Station Manager 26 Oct 97- 18 Feb 98
Katherine M. Jensen (winter-over) 19 Feb 98 -
Palmer Station
Ronald Nugent, Station Manager 16 Sep 97- 05 Apr 98
Ronnie P. Baltz, Station Manager (winter over) 06 Apr 98-

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Numbers, Occupations and Specializations of Personnel

No Significant Changes

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Numbers of Personnel Who Are Members of The Military Service

No significant Changes

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Personnel Engaged in Scientific Activities
(with professional affiliation)

Please see Appendix III
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