Assitance Facilities-1997-98 Mods

Section IX of the Modifications of Activities Planned for 1997-98 details changes in the facilities available for rendering assistance in Antarctica including medical, transport services and emergency shelters.

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McMurdo Station

Medical Facilities

Due to the transition from military to civilian medical personnel at McMurdo station, the following changes apply. During the winter-over period there is a six-bed medical and dental facility with 1 doctor and 2 medical assistants. These personnel are augmented with up to 12 emergency medical technicians assigned to the Fire Department. During the summer this facility is staffed with 2 physicians, 2 physicians’ assistants or nurse practitioners, 1 dentist and dental assistant, 1 radiographic technician, 1 laboratory technician, 1 physical therapist, and 4 emergency medical responders. These personnel are augmented with up to 40 emergency medical technicians assigned to the Fire Department.

No other significant changes are noted.
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