Antarctic Research Vessel- Modifications 2001-2002 Section 2, Expedition Dates

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Section II of the Modifications of Activities Planned for 2001-2002 lists the actual dates of significant events occurring during this time period.

  Significant Dates of Expeditions




01 Apr 01

NBP01-2 Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic reconstructions of the
  Southwest Pacific (Stock)

20 Apr 01

LMG01-4 Livingston Island Field Camp closing (Hall) and Southern
  Ocean Global Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics cruise (SO-GLOBEC)
  (Fraser, Hallam, Harvey, Torres, Vernet, Zhou,)

23 Apr 01

NBP01-3 SO-GLOBEC (Beardsley, Fanning, Hildebrand, Hofmann,
  Ribic, Vernet, Wiebe)

11 Jun 01

LMG01-5 Structure, Function and Expression of Tubulins, Globins,
  and Microtubule-Dependent Motors from Cold-Adapted Antarctic
  Fishes & Proteins of Oxygen-Binding & Energy Metabolism in
  Muscles of Antarctic Fishes (Detrich, Sidell)

21 Jul 01

NBP01-4 SO-GLOBEC (Beardsley, Fanning, Fritsen, Hallam,
  Hildebrand, Hofmann, Padman, Pwell, Ribic, Vernet, Wiebe, Zhou)

21 Jul 01

LMG01-6 SO-GLOBEC (Costa, Fraser, Fritsen, Harvey,
   Martinson, Ross)

20 Aug 01

First flight to McMurdo Station for Winfly operations (1 of 5)

1 Sep 01

LMG01-7 LMG Maintenance Period and Acoustic Doppler Current
  Profiler Sea Trials

7 Sep 01

NBP01-5 Long-Term Ecological Research Project (Winter Cruise)
  (Fraser, Karl, Martinson, Quetin/Ross, Ray Smith, Vernet)

20 Sep 01

LMG01-8 Palmer Station support cruise #1

02 Oct 01

First C-141 mission to McMurdo Station during Ice Runway period
   (1 of 18); McMurdo Station commenced summer operations

03 Oct 01

First C-17 mission to McMurdo Station of the season (1 of 5)

7 Oct 01

LMG01-8A Penguin-Krill-Ice Interactions: The Impact of
   Environmental Variability on Penguin Demography at Copacabana
   Field Camp (Trivelpiece)

8 Oct 01

Lake Bonney field camp opens

08 Oct 01

Marble Point opens

11 Oct 01

Pieter J. Lenie Field Station (Copacabana) opens

11 Oct 01

Lake Hoare field camp opens

11 Oct 01

F6 field camp opens

12 Oct 01

Lake Fryxell field camp opens

19 Oct 01

Four (4) 109th AW LC-130’s arrive McMurdo Station to start
   on-continent missions

24 Oct 01

South Pole Station begins summer operations

25 Oct 01

Siple Dome field camp opens

27 Oct 01

LMG01-8B Palmer Station support cruise #2

01 Nov 01

Byrd Surface Camp opens

03 Nov 01

Onset D field camp opens

05 Nov 01

109th AW brings a fifth LC-130 to McMurdo Station

05 Nov 01

Odell Glacier field camp opens

9 Nov 01

NBP01-6 Acquisition and Operation of Broadband Seismograph
  Equipment at Chilean Bases in the Antarctic Peninsula Region
   (Wiens); CORC-Arches (Visbeck); Open Cape Sherriff Field

12 Nov 01

C-130 flights to McMurdo Station operated by Royal New Zealand
   Air Force began (1 of 15).

13 Nov 01

LMG Maintenance Period at Punta Arenas, Chile

14 Nov 01

Tamseis field camp opens

15 Nov 01

Cape Sherriff field camp opens

16 Nov 01

Tamesis field camp opens

2 Dec 01

LMG01-9 Biogeography of the Antarctic Benthos (Scheltema) &
  Dynamics of Predator-Prey Behavior in the Antarctic Ocean &
  Dispersal of Planktonic Invertebrate Larvae (Veit)

5 Dec 01

NBP01-07 Global Climate Change and the Evolutionary Ecology of
  Antarctic Mollusks in the Late Eocene (Aronson) & Development of
  a Luminescence Dating Capability for Antarctic Glaciomarine
  Sediments: Tests of Signal Zeroing at the Antarctic Peninsula

08 Dec 01

Transfer flight operations from Sea Ice Runway to Williams Field
  Skiway and Pegasus Blue Ice Runway

10 Dec 01

The first of 11 C-130 missions to McMurdo Station operated by the
   50th EA Squadron, Little Rock, Arkansas began.

19 Dec 01

Tamseis field camp closes

24 Dec 01 Coast Guard Icebreaker Polar Star arrives at the ice edge

02 Jan 02

LMG02-1 Long-Term Study of the Antarctic Marine Ecosystem: An
  Ice-Dominated Environment (LTER)(Fraser, Vernet, Martinson
  Quetin, Smith, Karl)

05 Jan 02

Coast Guard Icebreaker Polar Sea arrives at the ice edge

10 Jan 02

Byrd Surface Camp closes

18 Jan 02

NBP02-1 Late Pleistocene to Holocene Glacial History of West

22 Jan 02

Onset D field camp closes

22 Jan 02

M/T Gus W. Darnell (tanker) moored at McMurdo Station ice
   pier and commenced station refueling operations

26 Jan 02

Refueling operations completed; MT Gus W. Darnell  departs
   McMurdo Station

28 Jan 02

Siple Dome field camp closes

29 Jan 02

First C-141 mission to McMurdo Station for redeployment (1 of 13)

29 Jan 02

Odell Glacer camp closes

04 Feb 02

Lake Fryxell camp closes

02 Feb 02

M/V Greenwave arrives McMurdo Station ice pier, cargo
   offload operations commence

5 Feb 02

Lake Hoare camp closes

06 Feb 02

LMG02-1A SO GLOBEC Mooring Cruise (PIs)

06 Feb 02

Marble Point closes

06 Feb 02

Lake Bonney field camp closes

10 Feb 02

M/V Greenwave departs McMurdo Station ice pier, cargo
  operations complete

10 Feb 02

US Coast Guard icebreaker Polar Star departs the McMurdo area

13 Feb 02 US Coast Guard icebreaker Polar Sea departs the McMurdo area

11 Feb 02

F6 camp closes

15 Feb 02

Winter Operation commence at South Pole Station

15 Feb 02

First C-17 mission to McMurdo Station for redeployment (1 of 2)

17 Feb 02

Final C-17 turnaround mission at McMurdo Station

19 Feb 02

Final C-141 turnaround mission at McMurdo Station

20 Feb 02

109th AW departs McMurdo Station

20 Feb 02

Cape Shirreff Field Camp closes

22 Feb 02

McMurdo Station commences winter-over operations

01 Mar 02

Pieter J. Lenie Field Station ("Copacabana") closes

05 Mar 02

NBP02-1A Open Period

07 Mar 02

LMG02-1B Palmer Station Shuttle & Mooring Recovery (Rob

10 Mar 02

NBP02-1B Seismic System Test Cruise

18 Mar 02

NBP02-1C Open Period Begins

22 Mar 02

LMG02-2 Palmer Station Shuttle

LMG = R/V Laurence M. Gould
NBP = R/V Nathaniel B. Palmer

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