VIII. Transportation and Communications 2000-2001 MODS
2000-2001 PLANS

Section VIII of Modifications of Activities Planned for 2000-2001 details additions and deletions to the number and type transportation facilities, and changes to proposed projects that affect communications equipment used within the Antarctic Treaty area.

Surface, Marine, and Air Transportation Vehicles

McMurdo Station


Vans 19
Truck, Pick Up 48


Vans 10
Crane 1
Tractor Crawler 3

Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station


Van  1
 Truck, Pick Up 1

Palmer Station


Fork lift 1


Description of Communications Facilities

McMurdo Station

Installed a dedicated HF link with South Pole to meet operational requirements.

South Pole Station

Installed a satellite earth station operating in the L&S band for fixed satellite service.

Palmer Station

No significant changes are noted.

Description of Airfields

Please see the print version of this document for a listing of airfield firefighting equipment.

McMurdo Station

No significant changes are noted.

Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station

No significant changes are noted.

Palmer Station

No significant changes are noted.

Marble Point Camp

No significant changes are noted.


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