X. TourismPreviousTourism T of CNext 2000-2001 MODS
2000-2001 PLANS
Quark Expeditions

Quark Expeditions of Darien, Connecticut, conducted a total of 21 cruises to the Antarctic during 2000-2001 season using three chartered vessels. The PROFESSOR 
MULTANOVSKIY and KAPITAN DRANITSYN conducted 9 cruises each, and the KAPITAN 
KHELBNIKOV conducted three. Given below for each cruise is the port of origin, sites 
visited (with dates) and the return port.


Cruise MLT 201100
November/ December 2000
45 PAX; 8 STAFF; 26 CREW
Ports # PAX 1
Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 20 NOV 2000
At sea 21 NOV 2000
Falkland Islands 22-24 NOV 2000
At sea 25-26 NOV 2000
South Georgia 28 NOV – 04 DEC 2000
At sea 05-07 DEC 2000
Brown Bluff, Tabarin Peninsula 54 08 DEC 2000
Baily Head, Deception Island 50 09 DEC 2000
Cuverville Island 67 10 DEC 2000
Port Lockroy, Wiencke Island 51 10 DEC 2000
Skontorp Cove, Paradise Bay 52 11 DEC 2000
At sea 12-13 DEC 2000
Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 14 DEC 2000
1 = Includes passengers, staff and crew landed
* = zodiac cruising only
Cruise MLT 141200

December 2000
27 PAX; 8 STAFF; 23 CREW
Ports # PAX 1
Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 14 DEC 2000
At sea 15-16 DEC 2000
Aitcho Islands 31 16 DEC 2000
Cecilia Island 2 16 DEC 2000
Hannah Point, Livingston Island 33 17 DEC 2000
Pendulum Cove, Deception Island 25 17 DEC 2000
Enterprise Island 30* 18 DEC 2000
Danco Island 39 18 DEC 2000
Neko Harbor 36 19 DEC 2000
Paradise Bay 28 19 DEC 2000
Petermann Island 27 20 DEC 2000
Vernadsky Station 43 20 DEC 2000
Winter Island 30 20 DEC 2000
Port Lockroy, Wiencke Island 35 21 DEC 2000
Jougla Point, Port Lockroy 24 21 DEC 2000
At sea 22-23 DEC 2000
Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 24 DEC 2000
= Includes passengers, staff and crew landed
* = zodiac cruising only

Cruise MLT 241200

December 1999
48 PAX; 8 STAFF; 23 CREW  
Ports # PAX 1
Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 24 DEC 2000
At sea 25-26 DEC 2000
Brown Bluff, Tabarin Peninsula 56 27 DEC 2000
Hannah Point, Livingston Island 54 28 DEC 2000
Whalers Bay, Deception Island 56 28 DEC 2000
Pendulum Cove, Deception Island 40 28 DEC 2000
Cuverville Island 55 29 DEC 2000
George's Point, Ronge' Island 55 29 DEC 2000
Orne Island 6 29 DEC 2000
Neko Harbor 57 29 DEC 2000
Dorian Bay, Wiencke Island 53 30 DEC 2000
Pleneau Island 57 30 DEC 2000
Petermann Island 38 30 DEC 2000
Cape Tuxen, Mt. Demaria 51 31 DEC 2000
Yalour Islands 51* 31 DEC 2000
Vernadsky Station 61 31 DEC 2000
Winter Island 37 31 DEC 2000
Port Lockroy, Wiencke Island 54 01 JAN 2001
Jougla Point, Port Lockroy 35 01 JAN 2001
At sea 02-03 JAN 2001
Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 04 JAN 2001
= Includes passengers, staff and crew landed
* = zodiac cruising only
Cruise MLT 040101

January 2001
48 PAX; 6 STAFF; 23 CREW
Ports # PAX 1
Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 04 JAN 2001
At sea 05-06 JAN 2001
Penguin Island 55 06 JAN 2001
Brown Bluff, Tabarin Peninsula 53 07 JAN 2001
Hannah Point, Livingston Island 53 08 JAN 2001
Whalers Bay, Deception Island 52 08 JAN 2001
Pendulum Cove, Deception Island 51 08 JAN 2001
Neko Harbor 51 09 JAN 2001
Skontorp Cove, Paradise Bay 55 09 JAN 2001
Suarez Glacier, Paradise Bay 51* 09 JAN 2001
Goudier Island, Port Lockroy 52 09 JAN 2001
Jougla Point, Port Lockroy 29 09 JAN 2001
Pleneau Bay 50* 10 JAN 2001
Pleneau Island 9 10 JAN 2001
Petermann Island 48 10 JAN 2001
Vernadsky Station 57 10 JAN 2001
At sea 11-12 JAN 2001
Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 13 JAN 2001
= Includes passengers, staff and crew landed
* = zodiac cruising only
Cruise MLT 130101

January 2001
50 PAX; 8 CREW; 22 STAFF
Ports # PAX 1
Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 13 JAN 2001
At sea 14 JAN 2001
Falkland Islands 15-16 JAN 2001
At sea 17-18 JAN 2001
South Georgia 19-22 JAN 2001
At sea 23-24 JAN 2001
Cape Lookout, Elephant Island 58 24 JAN 2001
Paulet Island 58 25 JAN 2001
Brown Bluff, Tabarin Peninsula 55 25 JAN 2001
Whalers Bay, Deception Island 56 26 JAN 2001
Telefon Bay, Deception Island 51 26 JAN 2001
Pendulum Cove, Deception Island 43 26 JAN 2001
Skontorp Cove, Paradise Bay 55* 27 JAN 2001
Almirante Brown Station 51 27 JAN 2001
Goudier Island, Port Lockroy 57 27 JAN 2001
Jougla Point, Port Lockroy 38 27 JAN 2001
Pleneau Bay 53* 28 JAN 2001
Petermann Island 52 28 JAN 2001
Vernadsky Station 57 28 JAN 2001
At sea 29-30 JAN 2001
Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 31 JAN 2001
= Includes passengers, staff and crew landed
* = zodiac cruising only
Cruise MLT 130101

January/February 2001
49 PAX; 8 STAFF; 23 CREW
Ports # PAX 1
Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 31 JAN 2001
At sea 01-02 FEB 2001
Half Moon Island 54 03 FEB 2001
Whalers Bay, Deception Island 54 03 FEB 2001
Pendulum Cove, Deception Island 36 03 FEB 2001
Skontorp Cove, Paradise Bay 50 04 FEB 2001
Suarez Glacier 53* 04 FEB 2001
Goudier Island, Port Lockroy 54 04 FEB 2001
Jougla Point, Port Lockroy 44 04 FEB 2001
Pleneau Bay 53* 05 FEB 2001
Pleneau Island 10 05 FEB 2001
Prospect Point, Graham Land 55 05 FEB 2001
Petermann Island 53 06 FEB 2001
Vernadsky Station 58 06 FEB 2001
Uruguay Island 53 06 FEB 2001
At sea 07-08 FEB 2001
Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 09 FEB 2001

= Includes passengers, staff and crew landed
* = zodiac cruising only

Cruise MLT 090201
February 2001
45 PAX; 8 STAFF; 23 CREW

Ports # PAX 1
Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 09 FEB 2001
At sea 10-11 FEB 2001
Hannah Point, Livingston Island 49 12 FEB 2001
Whalers Bay, Deception Island 47 12 FEB 2001
Pendulum Cove, Deception Island 39 12 FEB 2001
Cuverville Island 40 13 FEB 2001
Skontorp Cove, Paradise Bay 45 13 FEB 2001
Suarez Glacier 49* 13 FEB 2001
Goudier Island, Port Lockroy 48 13 FEB 2001
Jougla Point, Port Lockroy 37 13 FEB 2001
Pleneau Bay 49* 14 FEB 2001
Pleneau Island 27 14 FEB 2001
Prospect Point, Graham Land 49 14 FEB 2001
Petermann Island 48 15 FEB 2001
Vernadsky Station 49 15 FEB 2001
Drake Passage (at sea) 15-16 FEB 2001
Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 17 FEB 2001
= Includes passengers, staff and crew landed
* = zodiac cruising only
Cruise MLT 150200
February 2001
44 PAX; 6 STAFF; 29 CREW
Ports # PAX 1
Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 18 FEB 2001
At sea 19-21 FEB 2001
Cuverville Island 42 22 FEB 2001
Neko Harbor 37 22 FEB 2001
Waterboat Point, Deception Island 41 22 FEB 2001
Skontorp Cove, Paradise Bay 38 22 FEB 2001
Suarez Glacier 40* 22 FEB 2001
Goudier Island, Port Lockroy 43 23 FEB 2001
Jougla Point, Port Lockroy 22 23 FEB 2001
Pleneau Bay 41* 23 FEB 2001
Pleneau Island 25 23 FEB 2001
Petermann Island 38 24 FEB 2001
Vernadsky Station 42 24 FEB 2001
At sea 25-26 FEB 2001
Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 27 FEB 2001
= Includes passengers, staff and crew landed
* = zodiac cruising only 
Cruise MLT 270201
February/ March 2001
33 PAX; 7 STAFF; 24 CREW                        
 Ports # PAX 1
Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 27 FEB 2001
At sea 28 FEB – 01 MAR 2001
Vernadskiy Station, Argentine Island 41 02 MAR 2001
Petermann Island 36 02 MAR 2001
Pleneau Bay 37* 02 MAR 2001
Goudier Island, Port Lockroy 35 03 MAR 2001
Jougla Point, Port Lockroy 33 03 MAR 2001
Suarez Glacier 37* 03 MAR 2001
Skontorp Cove, Paradise Bay 33 03 MAR 2001
Cuverville Island 35* 03 MAR 2001
Hannah Point, Livingston Island 37 04 MAR 2001
Whalers Bay, Deception Island 35 04 MAR 2001
Pendulum Cove, Deception Island 14 04 MAR 2001
At sea 05 MAR 2001
South Orkney Islands 06-08 MAR 2001
South Georgia 09-11 MAR 2001
At sea 12-14 MAR 2001
Falkland Islands 15-16 MAR 2001
At sea 17 MAR 2001
Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 18 MAR 2001
= Includes passengers, staff and crew landed
* = zodiac cruising only 


Cruise KLB #041200
December 2000
104 PAX; 11 STAFF; 69 CREW

Ports # PAX 1
Hobart, Tasmania, AUSTRALIA 04 DEC 2000
At sea 05-06 DEC 2000
Macquarie Island 07-08 DEC 2000
At sea 09-11 DEC 2000
Coulman Island 109# 12 DEC 2000
At sea 13 DEC 2000
Cape Washington, Victoria Land 124 14 DEC 2000
Franklin Island 95 15 DEC 2000
At sea 16 DEC 2000
Cape Hallett 89# 17 DEC 2000
Cape Hallett 123 D 18 DEC 2000
At sea 19-22 DEC 2000
Campbell Island 107 23 DEC 2000
Enderby Island 103 24 DEC 2000
At sea 25-27 DEC 2000
Hobart, Tasmania, AUSTRALIA 28 DEC 2000
= Includes passengers, staff and crew landed
* = zodiac cruising only
= helo landing
D= helo flight-seeing
u= scuba diving
% = snorkeling
Cruise KLB 281200

December 2000/ January 2001
84 PAX; 11 STAFF; 69 CREW
Ports # PAX 1
Hobart, Tasmania, AUSTRALIA 28 DEC 2000
at sea 29-30 DEC 2000
Macquarie Island 31 DEC 2000
At sea 01-02 JAN 2001
Balleny Island 03 JAN 2001
At sea 04 JAN 2001
Cape Adare 104 05 JAN 2001
Cape Hallett 100 D 06 JAN 2001
Cape Washington 105# 07 JAN 2001
Cape Royds, Ross Island 104# 08 JAN 2001
Cape Evans, Ross Island 104# 08 JAN 2001
McMurdo Station, Ross Island 105# 09 JAN 2001
Taylor Dry Valley 104# 09 JAN 201
At sea 10 JAN 2001
Bay of Whales 98+ 11 JAN 2001
Ross Sea 12-13 JAN 2001
At sea 14-16 JAN 2001
Campbell Island 17 JAN 2001
Enderby Island 18 JAN 2001
Snares Island 19 JAN 2001
Bluff, NEW ZEALAND 20 JAN 2001
Cruise KLB 120101

January/ February 2001
96 PAX; 11 STAFF; 69 CREW
Ports # PAX 1
Bluff, NEW ZEALAND 21 JAN 2001
Port Ross/Carnley Harbour 22 JAN 2001
At sea 23-26 JAN 2001
Cape Adare 102 27 JAN 2001
Terra Nova Bay 104? 28 JAN 2001
Taylor Dry Valley 107# 29 JAN 2001
Cape Royds, Ross Island 106# 29 JAN 2001
Cape Evans, Ross Island 106# 29 JAN 2001
McMurdo Station, Ross Island 105# 30 JAN 2001
Scott Base, Ross Island 105# 30 JAN 2001
Franklin Island 92 31 JAN 2001
Cape Hallett 103 D 01 FEB 2001
At sea 02-03 FEB 2001
Mertz Glacier 83# 04 FEB 2001
Cape Denison, Commonwealth Bay 80 05 FEB 2001
Dumont D'Urville Station 104 06 FEB 2001
At sea 07-09 FEB 2001
Macquarie Island 10-11 FEB 2001
At sea 12-13 FEB 2001
Hobart, Tasmania, AUSTRALIA 14 FEB 2001

= Includes passengers, staff and crew landed
* = zodiac cruising only
# = helo landing
D = helo flight-seeing
u= scuba diving
% = snorkeling


Cruise DRA #112300
November/ December 2000
71 PAX; 13 STAFF; 75 CREW
Ports # PAX 1
Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 23 NOV 2000
At sea 24 NOV 2000
Falkland Islands 25-26 NOV 2000
At sea 27-28 NOV 2000
South Georgia 20 NOV – 02 DEC 2000
At sea 03 DEC 2000
Cape Lookout, Elephant Island 86 04 DEC 2000
Hannah Point, Livingston Island 89 05 DEC 2000
Whalers Bay, Deception Island 85 05 DEC 2000
Pendulum Cove, Deception Island 82 05 DEC 2000
Cuverville Island 76 05 DEC 2000
Neko Harbor 77 06 DEC 2000
Almirante Brown Station 70 07 DEC 2000
Suarez Glacier 72* 07 DEC 2000
Goudier Island, Port Lockroy 88 07 DEC 2000
Jougla Point 79 07 DEC 2000
Pleneau Bay 87 08 DEC 2000
Petermann Island 82 08 DEC 2000
At sea 09-10 DEC 2000
Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 11 DEC 2000
= Includes passengers, staff and crew landed
* = zodiac cruising only
Cruise DRA #121100

December 2000
60 PAX; 14 STAFF; 75 CREW
Ports # PAX 1
Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 11 DEC 2000
At sea 12-13 DEC 2000
Penguin Island 79 14 DEC 2000
Cuverville Island 76 15 DEC 2000
Neko Harbor 77 15 DEC 2000
Almirante Brown Station 70 16 DEC 2000
Suarez Glacier 71* 16 DEC 2000
At sea 17-19 DEC 2000
Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 20 DEC 2000
= Includes passengers, staff and crew landed
* = zodiac cruising only
Cruise DRA  #201200
December 2000
66 PAX; 13 STAFF; 76 CREW    
Ports # PAX 1
Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 20 DEC 2000
At sea 21-22 DEC 2000
Penguin Island 80 22 DEC 2000
Baily Head, Deception Island 78 23 DEC 2000
Pendulum Cove, Deception Island 57 23 DEC 2000
Hannah Point, Livingston Island 4 23 DEC 2000
Cuverville Island 78 24 DEC 2000
Andvord Bay 72* 24 DEC 2000
Goudier Island, Port Lockroy 75 25 DEC 2000
Jougla Point, Port Lockroy 74 25 DEC 2000
Almirante Brown Station 80 25 DEC 2000
Suarez Glacier 86* 25 DEC 2000
Pleneau Bay 80* 26 DEC 2000
Petermann Island 90 26 DEC 2000
At sea 27-28 DEC 2000
Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 29 DEC 2000
= Includes passengers, staff and crew landed
* = zodiac cruising only
Cruise DRA #291201

December 2000/ January 2001
89 PAX; 14 STAFF; 76 CREW                  
Ports # PAX 1
Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 29 DEC 2000
At sea 30-31 DEC 2000
Penguin Island 99 31 DEC 2000
Brown Bluff, Tabarin Peninsula 100 01 JAN 2001
Hannah Point, Livingston Island 101 02 JAN 2001
Whalers Bay, Deception Island 97 02 JAN 2001
Pendulum Cove, Deception Island 64 02 JAN 2001
Neko Harbor 103 03 JAN 2001
Almirante Brown Station 98 03 JAN 2001
Suarez Glacier 104* 03 JAN 2001
Goudier Island, Port Lockroy 103 04 JAN 2001
Jougla Point, Port Lockroy 94 04 JAN 2001
Pleneau Bay 104* 04 JAN 2001
Petermann Island 104 04 JAN 2001
Fish Islands 97* 05 JAN 2001
Prospect Point, Graham Land 11 05 JAN 2001
At sea 06-07 JAN 2001
Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 08 JAN 2001
= Includes passengers, staff and crew landed
* = zodiac cruising only

Cruise DRA #080101

January 200
96 PAX; 14 STAFF; 75 CREW       
Ports # PAX 1
Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 08 JAN 2001
At sea 09 JAN 2001
Falkland Islands 10-11 JAN 2001
At sea 12-13 JAN 2001
South Georgia 14-16 JAN 2001
At sea 17 JAN 2001
Shingle Cove, Coronation Island 112 18 JAN 2001
Cape Lookout, Elephant Island 116 19 JAN 2001
Paulet Island 119 20 JAN 2001
Brown Bluff, Tabarin Peninsula 102 20 JAN 2001
Pendulum Cove, Deception Island 72 21 JAN 2001
Whalers Bay, Deception Island 98 21 JAN 2001
Hannah Point, Livingston Island 120 21 JAN 2001
Almirante Brown Station 115 22 JAN 2001
Suarez Glacier 113 22 JAN 2001
Cuverville Island 102 22 JAN 2001
Neko Harbor 109 22 JAN 2001
Pleneau Bay 118* 23 JAN 2001
Petermann Island 116 23 JAN 2001
Goudier Island, Port Lockroy 95 23 JAN 2001
Jougla Point, Port Lockroy 85 23 JAN 2001
At sea 24-25 JAN 2001
Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 26 JAN 2001
1 = Includes passengers, staff and crew landed
* = zodiac cruising only
Cruise DRA #260101

February 2000
91 PAX; 13 STAFF; 75 CREW       
Ports # PAX 1
Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 26 JAN 2001
At sea 27-28 JAN 2001
Cape Lookout, Elephant Island 117 28 JAN 2001
Paulet Island 109 29 JAN 2001
Hannah Point, Livingston Island 87 30 JAN 2001
Almirante Brown Station 100 31 JAN 2001
Suarez Glacier 107* 31 JAN 2001
Neko Harbor 103 31 JAN 2001
Cuverville Island 93 31 JAN 2001
Pleneau Bay 112* 01 FEB 2001
Petermann Island 106 01 FEB 2001
Goudier Island, Port Lockroy 103 01 FEB 2001
Jougla Point, Port Lockroy 53 01 FEB 2001
At sea 02-03 FEB 2001
Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 04 FEB 2001
= Includes passengers, staff and crew landed
* = zodiac cruising only
Cruise DRA #040201

February 2001
86 PAX; 13 STAFF; 75 CREW
Ports # PAX 1
Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 04 FEB 2001
At sea 05-06 FEB 2001
Brown Bluff, Tabarin Peninsula 101 07 FEB 2001
Pendulum Cove, Deception Island 69 08 FEB 2001
Whalers Bay, Deception Island 88 08 FEB 2001
Cuverville Island 102 09 FEB 2001
Almirante Brown Station 101 09 FEB 2001
Suarez Glacier 103* 09 FEB 2001
Neko Harbor 100 09 FEB 2001
Petermann Island 101 10 FEB 2001
Pleneau Bay 108* 10 FEB 2001
Goudier Island, Port Lockroy 101 10 FEB 2001
Jougla Point, Port Lockroy 78 10 FEB 2001
At sea 11-12 FEB 2001
Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 13 FEB 2001
1 = Includes passengers, staff and crew landed
* = zodiac cruising only

Cruise DRA #130201

February/March 2000
79 PAX; 12 STAFF; 75 CREW         
Ports # PAX 1
Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 13 FEB 2001
At sea 14-15 FEB 2001
Cape Lookout, Elephant Island 93 15 FEB 2001
Brown Bluff, Tabarin Peninsula 88 16 FEB 2001
Hannah Point, Livingston Island 89 17 FEB 2001
Whalers Bay, Deception Island 75 17 FEB 2001
Pendulum Cove, Deception Island 63 17 FEB 2001
Cuverville Island 91 18 FEB 2001
Almirante Brown Station 96 18 FEB 2001
Suarez Glacier 95* 18 FEB 2001
Petermann Island 96 19 FEB 2001
Pleneau Bay 96* 19 FEB 2001
Goudier Island, Port Lockroy 87 19 FEB 2001
Jougla Point, Port Lockroy 58 19 FEB 2001
Sheltered off Livingston Is. due to high winds 20-22 FEB 2001
Miers Bluff, Livingston Island 75 22 FEB 2001
At sea 23 FEB 2001
Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 24 FEB 2001
= Includes passengers, staff and crew landed
* = zodiac cruising only
Cruise DRA #220201

February/March 2001
54 PAX; 12 STAFF; 75 CREW         
Ports # PAX 1
Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 24 FEB 2001
At sea 25-26 FEB 2001
Hannah Point, Livingston Island 60 26 FEB 2001
Whalers Bay, Deception Island 57 26 FEB 2001
Pendulum Cove, Deception Island 39 26 FEB 2001
Petermann Island 58 27 FEB 2001
Pleneau Bay 60* 27 FEB 2001
Port Lockroy, Wiencke Island 68 27 FEB 2001
Neko Harbor 59 28 FEB 2001
Suarez Glacier 74* 28 FEB 2001
Almirante Brown Station 70 28 FEB 2001
Cape Lookout, Elephant Island 66 01 MAR 2001
At sea 02-03 MAR 2001
South Georgia 04-06 MAR 2001
At sea 07-08 MAR 2001
Falkland Islands 09-10 MAR 2001
At sea 11 MAR 2001
Ushuaia, ARGENTINA 12 MAR 2001
= Includes passengers, staff and crew landed
* = zodiac cruising only

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