XV. Oceanography - Government 2000-2001 MODS
2000-2001 PLANS

Section XV of the Modifications of Activities Planned for 2000-2001 presents final information regarding United States Antarctic Program sponsored oceanographic expeditions during the 2000-2001 season.

Note: For actual tracks of the Research Vessels NATHANIEL B. PALMER and  LAURENCE M. GOULD please see Attachment C, Cruise Tracks.


The R/V NATHANIEL B. PALMER made eight science cruises during the period of 
30 March 2000 through 31 March 2001. Cruises are:

Cruise NBP00-2
7 April – 6 May 2000: Ocean Bottom Seismometer Refraction Profiling for Crustal Structure in the Bransfield Strait.

GO-306-O (Austin)

Cruise NBP00-3
10 May – 1 June 2000: Study of sediment dispersal patterns across the Palmer Deep region of Antarctica.

GO-096-O (Domack)

Cruise NBP00-4
5 June – 24 June 2000: Study of the impact and fate of bloom material on the
West Antarctic Shelf seafloor.

BO-303-O (Smith) BO-313-O (DeMaster)

Cruise NBP00-5 
1 July – 11 July 2000: Palmer Station hazardous waste pickup for transport to and disposal in United States.

Cruise NBP00-6A
19 July – 12 August 2000: Hazardous waste transport and support of "science of 
opportunity" Biology & Medicine project.

BO-200-O (Jeffrey)

Vessel Maintenance Period
13 August – 2 September 2000: Edison Chouest Offshore and North American 
Shipbuilding begin vessel modifications required for new charter. Seismic System and SeaBeam Sea Trials Preparation get underway.

Cruise NBP00-6B
3 September – 10 September 2000: Charter re-compete Acoustic and SeaBeam trials. Antarctic Research Vessel Oversight Committee meeting held onboard. 

Vessel Maintenance Period
11 September – 24 September 2000: Vessel modifications, seismic systems and SeaBeam sea trials' preparation continue.

Cruise NBP00-6C
25 September – 4 October 2000: Seismic System and SeaBeam 2112 Sea Trials.

Cruise NBP00-6D
5 October – 22 October 2000: Transit to Punta Arenas, Chile.

Cruise NBP00-7A 
27 October – 15 November 2000: Ocean Bottom Seismometer Refraction Profiling for Crustal Structure in the Bransfield Strait.

GO-306-O (Austin)

Cruise NBP00-7B 
19 November – 17 December 2000: Reconstructions of the late Cretaceous and Cenozoic periods in the southwest Pacific Ocean.

GO-071-O (Cande)

Cruise NBP00-8 
20 December 2000 – 25 January 2001: Study of shelf and bottom water formation near East Antarctic polynyas and glaciers. 

OO-225-O (Jacobs, Fairbanks) BO-177-O (Sambrotto) 
BO-073-A (Arrigo)

Cruise NBP01-01 
30 January – 29 March 2001: Study of Quaternary glacial history and paleoenvironments of the East Antarctic Margin by GO-074-O. OO-278-O studied particulate organic carbon production and export in the Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean.

GO-073-O (Leventer) OO-278-O (Pilskaln)

Biology & Medicine
Principal Investigator I.D. No. Institution
Arrigo, Kevin (+1) BO-073-A Stanford University
Sambrotto, Ray (+3) BO-177-O Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Jeffrey, Wade (+6) BO-200-O University of West Florida
Smith, Craig (+7) BO-303-O University of Hawaii
DeMaster, Dave (+5) BO-313-O North Carolina State University
Geology & Geophysics
Principal Investigator I.D. No. Institution
Cande, Steve (+2) GO-071-O Scripps Institute of Oceanography
Leventer, Amy (+23) GO-073-O Colgate University
Arrigo, Kevin (+1) GO-073-A Stanford University
Austin, Jamie (+9) GO-306-O University of Texas Institute for Geophysics
Domack, Gene (+19) GO-096-O Hamilton College
Ocean & Climate Systems
Principal Investigator I.D. No. Institution
Jacobs, Stan & Fairbanks, 
   Richard (+10)


Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Pilskaln, Cynthia (+2) OO-278-O University of Maine
Chereskin, Teri (+0) OO-315-O University of Hawaii


The R/V LAURENCE M. GOULD made 13 science cruises and passenger transports 
to the Antarctic Peninsula during the period of 31 March 2000 through 1 April 2001.

Cruise LMG00-3A
28 March – 21 April 2000: Acquisition and operation of broadband seismograph equipment at Chilean bases in the Antarctic Peninsula Region..

GO-097-O (Wiens) OO-124-O (Visbeck)

Cruise LMG00-4
25 April 2000 – 12 May 2000: GO-072-O Mooring Retrieval. Palmer Station Logistics port call..

GO-072-O (Dunbar)

Cruise LMG00-5
6 May 2000 – 15 June 2000: Multidisciplinary study in the Deception Island caldera

BO-050-O (Smith) GO-281-O (Scheltema) OO-315-O (Chereskin) OO-319-O (Sturz)

Cruise LMG00-6A through LMG00-6D
19 June – 12 August 2000: Palmer Station Logistics Support.

Cruise LMG00-7
15 August – 10 September 2000: Maintenance Period and dry dock in Talcahuano, Chile.

Cruise LMG00-8 and 8A
15 September – 13 October 2000: Palmer Station Opening/Turnover and a study of natural product drugs from a cold-water organisms (on LMG00-8A only).

BO-282-O (Dietzman)

Cruise LMG00-9
17 October – 8 November 2000: Study of the impact and fate of bloom material on the West Antarctic Shelf seafloor. Copacabana Field Camp Put-in.

BO-303-O (Smith) BO-313-O (DeMaster) BO-040-O (Trivelpiece)

Cruise LMG00-10
12 November – 4 December 2000: Ongoing time-series study of the water column and benthic community in and around the Deception Island caldera region of Antarctica. Open Cape Shirreff Field Camp.

BO-050-O (K. Smith)

Cruise LMG00-11
8 December – 24 December 2000: Study of global climate change and the evolutionary ecology of Antarctic Mollusks in the late Holocene.

GO-065-O (Aronson)

Cruise LMG01-1 
4 January – 30 January 2001: Long-Term Study of the Antarctic Marine Ecosystem: An Ice-Dominated Environment (LTER).

BP-013-O (Fraser) BP-016-O (Vernet) BP-021-O (Martinson) BP-028-O (Quetin) BP-032-O (Smith) BP-046-O (Karl)

Cruise LMG01-1A 
2 February – 16 February 2001: United States State Department Antarctic Treaty 
Inspection. Palmer Station Logistics port call.

Cruise LMG01-2
20 February – 14 March 2001: Study of the impact and fate of bloom material on the West Antarctic Shelf seafloor.

BO-303-O (Smith) BO-313-O (DeMaster)

Note: See Appendix III for complete list of scientific personnel for each I.D. No.

Biology & Medical Research
Trivelpiece, Wayne (+5) BO-040-O Montana State University
Smith, Ken (+17) BO-050-O Scripps Institute of Oceanography
Karl, David (+6) BP-046-O University of Hawaii
Dietzman, Greg (+2) BO-282-O White Point Systems, Inc.
Smith, Craig (+13)  BO-303-O University of Hawaii
DeMaster, Dave (+9) BO-313-O North Carolina State University
Fraser, Bill (+2) BP-013-O Montana State University
Vernet, Maria (+5) BP-016-O Scripps Institute of Oceanography
Martinson, Doug (+0) BP-021-O Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Quetin, Langdon & 
   Ross, Robin (+6)


University of California, Santa Barbara
Smith, Ray (+3) BP-032-O University of California, Santa Barbara
Geology & Geophysics
Aronson, Richard (+4) GO-065-O  Dauphin Island Sea Lab
Dunbar, Rob (+3) GO-072-O Stanford University
Wiens, Doug (+3) GO-097-O Washington University
Scheltema, Rudy (+4) GO-281-O Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
Ocean and Climate
Visbeck, Martin (+8) OO-124-O  Scripps Institute of Oceanography
Peterson, Ray & Sprintall, 
   Janet (+1)


Scripps Institute of Oceanography
Chereskin, Teri (+1) OO-315-O University of Hawaii
Sturz, Ann (+3) OO-319-O University of San Diego


Information on cruises conducted by the R/V YUZHMORGEOLOGIYA on behalf of NOAA’s Antarctic Marine Living Resources field program is not available at this time. The “AMLR 2001/2002 Field Season Report” will be available later in the fall.  Contact the following address for a copy of the printed report:

Southwest Fisheries Service Center
National Marine Fisheries Service
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
P.O. Box 271
La Jolla, CA  92038

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