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Solicitations that Limit the Number of Proposals an Organization Can Submit

These solicitations have limits on the number of proposals that may be submitted by one organization. To see the full solicitation, please click on the appropriate solicitation number below.

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Limit Summary
Safety, Security, and Privacy of Open-Source Ecosystems 24-608 01/14/2025 2

Up to two (2) preliminary proposals per lead organization are allowed. NSF will review the preliminary proposals and provide a binding “Invite" or “Do Not Invite" response for each preliminary proposal. Invited organizations will be allowed to submit a full proposal on the project described in the preliminary proposal by the full proposal submission deadline.

Quantum Leap Challenge Institutes 24-599 02/07/2025 2

Limitations on the number of proposals per organization do not apply to the Letters of Intent.

Lead organizations are limited to submit no more than two (2) Challenge Institute Preliminary Proposals. Lead organizations are limited to submit no more than two (2) invited Challenge Institute Full Proposals. Multi-institutional Challenge Institute proposals must be submitted as a single proposal by a single lead organization; separately submitted collaborative proposals are not permitted.

Mid-scale Research Infrastructure-1 24-598 11/18/2024 See next

There are no limits to the number of preliminary proposals submitted as the lead organization. Full proposals are to be submitted only if/when invited by NSF. There is no limit to participation as a partner organization or subawardee.

Although more than one organization may participate in a proposal, a single organization must accept overall management responsibility for the project. The proposal must be submitted by one organization, with funding provided to any other organization(s) through subawards. The use of the separately submitted collaborative proposal method is not permitted.

The Mid-scale RI-1 Program seeks to broaden the representation of institutions in its award portfolio, including a geographically diverse set of institutions (especially those in EPSCoR jurisdictions), emerging research institutions, and minority-serving institutions.

U.S. National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) Program 24-597 11/14/2024 2


An eligible IHE may participate in only two (2) proposals per NRT competition as lead or collaborative non-lead. All Track 1 and/or Track 2 NRT proposals will be counted toward this total limit of two proposals per institution.


Participation includes serving as a lead institution or a non-lead institution (i.e., as part of a separately submitted collaborative proposal or as a subrecipient) on any proposal. Organizations participating only as evaluators on projects are excluded from this limitation. Planning proposals, described in Section II, Program Description, are also excluded from this limitation. Proposals that exceed the organizational eligibility limit will be returned without review regardless of whether the institution on such a proposal serves as lead or non-lead collaborative institution. Potential PIs are advised to contact their institutional office of research regarding processes used to select proposals for submission.

NSF National Resource Coordination Center on Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE) 24-596 11/14/2024 1

An organization may submit only one IUSE Center proposal as a single organization, a subrecipient, or a member of a collaborative research project.

Science and Technology Centers: Integrative Partnerships 24-594 11/20/2024 3

A single organization may submit a maximum of three preliminary proposals as the lead institution.  Full proposals are to be submitted only when invited by NSF.  There is no limit on the number of proposals in which an organization participates as a partner institution.  The STC program will not support more than one Center from any one lead institution in this competition.

Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Biology 24-593 11/07/2024 See next

Only individuals may submit proposals. There is no limit on the number of fellows that an institution may host.

EPSCoR Graduate Fellowship Program 24-588 06/02/2025 1

Each submitting organization is limited to one proposal per annual competition. Potential PIs are advised to contact their institutional office of research (or equivalent) regarding processes used to select proposals for submission.

Institutions interested in supporting Fellows in multiple topical focus areas must submit a single proposal that addresses all topical areas of interest.

NSF National Quantum Virtual Laboratory 24-586 04/01/2025 1

Up to one (1) QSTD Design or Implementation proposal may be submitted per Lead Organization.

Advanced Computing Systems & Services: Adapting to the Rapid Evolution of Science and Engineering Research 2.0 24-583 10/29/2024 1

An organization may submit only one proposal per each competition specified in this solicitation but may be a subawardee on other proposals responding to this solicitation. The restriction to no more than one submitted proposal as lead institution is to help ensure that there is appropriate institutional commitment necessary for responsible oversight, by the potential recipient institution, of a national resource.

Collaborative projects may only be submitted as a single proposal in which a single award is being requested (PAPPG Chapter II.E.3.a). The involvement of partner organizations should be supported through subawards administered by the submitting organization.

These eligibility constraints will be strictly enforced in order to treat everyone fairly and consistently. In the event that an organization exceeds this limit, the proposal received within the limit will be accepted based on the earliest date and time of proposal submission (i.e., the first proposal received will be accepted and the remainder will be returned without review). No exceptions will be made.

NSF Small Business Innovation Research / Small Business Technology Transfer Fast-Track Pilot Programs 24-582 11/06/2024 1

An organization must wait for a determination from NSF (e.g., award, decline, or returned without review) regarding a pending NSF SBIR/STTR Fast-Track pilot proposal before submitting a new Project Pitch in the next window.

An organization that has submitted a traditional SBIR/STTR Project Pitch, received an invitation to submit a traditional SBIR/STTR Phase I proposal, or has a traditional SBIR/STTR Phase I proposal under review may not submit a Fast-Track Project Pitch until either the traditional SBIR/STTR Project Pitch has been declined (i.e., not invited) or the outcome of the invited traditional SBIR/STTR proposal submission has been made available to the organization.

Proposals that have been Returned Without Review may be submitted using the same Project Pitch invitation (assuming that the proposal is received within 4 months of the original invitation).

NSF Small Business Innovation Research / Small Business Technology Transfer Phase II Programs 24-580 11/06/2024 1

1 Phase II submission per Phase I award

NSF Small Business Innovation Research / Small Business Technology Transfer Phase I Programs 24-579 11/06/2024 1

An organization may submit only one NSF SBIR/STTR Phase I Project Pitch and/or proposal per submission deadline. 

The organization must wait for a determination from NSF (e.g., invite/not invite for a Project Pitch or award, decline, or return without review for a proposal) before submitting a new Project Pitch or proposal. This eligibility constraint is strictly enforced. If an organization exceeds this limit, the first Project Pitch/proposal that is received will be reviewed and any additional Project Pitches/proposals will be Returned Without Review.

Previously declined proposals require a new Project Pitch be submitted and invited. If invited, these proposals must represent a significant revision to the previously submitted SBIR/STTR Phase I proposal and must include a Resubmission Change Description describing these revisions, in the Other Supplementary Documents section.  

Proposals that have been Returned Without Review may be submitted using the same Project Pitch invitation (assuming that the proposal is received within two (2) deadlines of the initial Project Pitch invitation from NSF).

Hispanic-Serving Institutions: Equitable Transformation in STEM Education (ETSE) 24-578 08/27/2025 See next

DDTT proposals:  Eligible institutions with an active Track 3: Institutional Transformation project (ITP) award from NSF 22-611, NSF 22-545, or NSF 20-599 or an active ITT award from this solicitation must describe how the proposed DDTT project is compatible with the efforts being undertaken by the active award.

ITT proposals:  Eligible institutions may submit one proposal and may not have an active Track 3 Institutional Transformation Project (ITP) award from, NSF 22-611, NSF 22-545, or NSF 20-599.   Institutions with an active DDTT award from this solicitation must describe how the proposed ITT project is compatible with the departmental/divisional transformation effort being undertaken by the active award.

EFRT and Hub proposals: No Restrictions

Gen-4 Engineering Research Centers 24-576 05/09/2025 See next

If an institution has two active ERC awards, it does not qualify to submit an ERC preliminary proposal as a lead institution. There are no other restrictions or limits on the number of preliminary proposals submitted by a Lead institution.

Full Proposals may be submitted only by invitation and only by the lead institution designated in the preliminary proposal.

EPSCoR Centers of Research Excellence in Science and Technology 24-575 12/06/2024 1

Only one proposal may be submitted per eligible institution and due date.

An institution may have only one active CREST Center award at one time, irrespective of focus area or CREST Center funding solicitation number.

Institutions that have completed a Phase I or Phase II award in a disciplinary area may re-compete in other disciplinary areas that are significantly different from those of the previous award(s). To be significantly different, all personnel for the new project must not have been part of the previous award(s) and the new project must be associated with a different 6-digit Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code (

Institutions with active Phase I funding should submit the Phase II proposal by the due date one year prior to the expiration of their Phase I award. 

After 10 years of CREST Centers support, including a combination of EPSCoR CREST Centers or CREST Centers, an institution must wait five years before submitting another proposal for CREST Centers support.

EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement-Focused EPSCoR Collaborations Program (RII-FEC) 24-573 12/17/2024 1

An organization may only submit one proposal to the RII-FEC competition as lead. However, an organization may serve as a non-lead in a collaborative submission or as subawardee on any number of additional proposals.

Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE): Core Programs, Large Projects 24-572 09/15/2025 See next

There are no restrictions or limits.

Molecular Foundations for Sustainability: Sustainable Polymers Enabled by Emerging Data Analytics 24-567 12/05/2024 See next

There are no restrictions or limits.

NSF Regional Innovation Engines 24-565 02/11/2025 1

An organization may submit no more than one Letter of Intent (LOI), one preliminary proposal, and one full proposal in response to this solicitation as the lead organization. If an organization exceeds this limitation, LOIs, preliminary proposals, and full proposals will be accepted based on earliest date and time of submission (i.e., the first proposal will be accepted, and the remainder will be returned without review). A lead organization on a proposal may be a subrecipient on a different proposal. There is no limit on the number of proposals for which an organization can serve as a subrecipient.

Additional Guidance for proposers new to NSF: Any proposer who has not submitted a proposal to NSF within the previous five years, must review the guidance for new and returning proposers in the NSF New Proposer Submission – Supplementary Guidance document, which provides a timeline and walkthrough of the key milestones that must be completed in order to submit proposals to NSF. 

The lead organization must have a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) and be fully registered at at the time of LOI submission. Personnel designated as a PI or co-PI must have an NSF ID at the time of LOI submission. The Lead organization and all subrecipients must have an active UEI number and must be registered with NSF to submit a Full NSF Engines Proposal. To register your organization with NSF, visit To find or request a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI), please visit www.SAM.govAny individual designated as Senior/Key Personnel is required to have an NSF ID.


Alliance Development Grant (ADG) and Alliance Proposals (Bridge to the Baccalaureate (B2B, STEM Pathways Implementation-Only (SPIO) and STEM Pathways Research Alliance (SPRA)

Only one ADG, B2B, SPIO, or SPRA proposal may be submitted by an eligible (lead) institution (IHE).  Alliances (B2B, SPIO, SPRA) may hold only one active alliance award at a time.  Institutions partnering in an alliance may not be a formal partner in more than one alliance at the same time.  Formal partners are IHEs participating in an alliance that report enrollment and degree data to NSF.  See Section VII on grantee reporting requirements.

Bridges to STEM Graduate Degrees in National Priorities (BD-Master's) Proposals

Up to two BD-Master's proposals may be submitted from an alliance.  New proposals for additional cohorts from existing awardees may be submitted only after the current awards have expired.  The final annual report must be submitted prior to the submission of a new proposal.

Bridges to STEM Graduate Degrees in National Priorities (BD-Doctoral) Proposals

Up to two BD-Doctoral proposals may be submitted from an alliance.  New proposals for additional cohorts from existing awardees may be submitted once the current awards have expired.  The final annual report must be submitted prior to the submission of a new proposal.

An "alliance" may submit proposals to Bridges to STEM Graduate Degrees in National Priorities annual competitions.  The following conditions apply:
--one proposal from each category (one BD-Master's and one BD-Doctoral)
--two BD-Master's or two BD-Doctoral proposals in a competition. 

Only one proposal from an "alliance institution" is eligible for consideration per competition within stipulations provided for BD-Master's and BD-Doctoral above.


No limit.  





Centers of Research Excellence in Science and Technology - Research Infrastructure for Science and Engineering 24-562 08/01/2025 See next





Institutions can propose to create a research doctoral program or strengthen an existing research doctoral program. Proposals to create a research doctoral program will be funded only once per institution per disciplinary area.

An institution may have only one active DPSI/HBCU-RISE award, irrespective of focus area. Therefore, institutions with an active DPSI/HBCU-RISE award are not eligible to submit a proposal in response to this solicitation unless the active award ends prior to the proposed start date specified in the proposal. The institution is responsible for verifying whether they hold a current active DPSI/HBCU-RISE award.

Institutions that have completed a CREST-RISE or HBCU-RISE award in a disciplinary area may re-compete in other STEM disciplinary areas supported by NSF that are significantly different from those of the previous research doctoral program award(s) held in the last five years. To be significantly different, the new project must be associated with a different four-digit Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code, and name new PIs, new co-PIs, and new faculty investigators who have not received a CREST-RISE or HBCU-RISE award in the last five years.

Only one DPSI proposal may be submitted per eligible institution.

After 10 years of CREST-RISE or HBCU-RISE support, an institution must wait five years before submitting another proposal to the DPSI program.


An institution must have an active DPSI award to be eligible for RAD. An institution may receive a maximum of four RAD awards and one active RAD award per individual PI during the five-year DPSI project.

RAD proposals must be submitted after the first year and before the end of the third year from the DPSI award start date.

Up to two RAD proposals may be submitted per eligible institution per deadline date.


An institution must have an active DPSI award to be eligible for E&I. An institution may receive a maximum of two E&I awards during the five-year DPSI project.

E&I proposals must be submitted after the first year and before the end of the third year from the DPSI award start date.

Only one E&I proposal may be submitted per eligible institution per deadline date.

Focus on Recruiting Emerging Climate and Adaptation Scientists and Transformers 24-558 01/29/2025 See next

FORECAST does not accept separately submitted collaborative proposals. Any collaboration among organizations should be through a subaward.

An eligible organization may submit only two (2) proposals. Proposals that exceed the organizational eligibility limit will be returned without review. Potential PIs are advised to contact their institutional office of research regarding processes used to select proposals for submission.

Organizations participating only as evaluators or subawardees on projects are excluded from this limitation.

Hispanic-Serving Institutions: Enriching Learning, Programs, and Student Experiences 24-551 02/12/2025 See next

Educational Instrumentation Proposals:  Eligible institutions may submit up to two proposals per year.   

Implementation and Evaluation Proposals: Eligible institutions may submit up to a total of three IEP proposals per solicitation deadline, regardless of level.  An institution may, for example, submit three Level 1 IEP proposals, or one Level 1 IEP proposal and two Level 2 IEP proposals in the same deadline. 

Computer and Information Science and Engineering Research Expansion Program 24-536 02/07/2025 See next

There are institutional limits based on how many awards an institution has from the CISE MSI program that are active at the time of the proposal submission, as noted below:

Research Capacity Building Projects (RCBP): Institutions with two or more active RCBP awards are ineligible to be lead institutions for new RCBP proposals.

Research Demonstration Projects (RDP): Institutions with two or more active RDP awards are ineligible to be lead institutions in new RDP proposals.

Research Partnerships Enhancement Projects (RPEP): Institutions with one or more active RPEP awards are ineligible to be lead institutions for new RPEP proposals.

Ineligible institutions are encouraged to submit to the RPP thread  as well as to the CISE programs noted in Section II of this solicitation.

Innovations in Graduate Education (IGE) 24-529 03/25/2025 2

An eligible organization may participate in two Innovations in Graduate Education proposals per annual competition. Participation includes serving as a lead organization on a non-collaborative proposal or as a lead organization, non-lead organization, or subawardee on a collaborative proposal. Organizations participating solely as evaluators on projects are excluded from this limitation. Proposals that exceed the organizational eligibility limit (beyond the first two submissions based on timestamp) will be returned without review regardless of the organization's role (lead, non-lead, subawardee) in the returned proposal.

EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement (RII): EPSCoR Research Fellows 24-528 04/08/2025 See next

For EPSCoR Research Fellows: NSF: 4

A maximum of four proposals may be submitted in response to this solicitation by any single organization in an RII-eligible jurisdiction. 

For EPSCoR Research Fellows: @NASA: 4

A maximum of four proposals may be submitted in response to this solicitation by any single organization in an RII-eligible jurisdiction. 

In the case that the institution is eligible to submit both EPSCoR Research Fellows: NSF and EPSCoR Research Fellows: @NASA proposals, a maximum total of eight proposals, including a maximum of four EPSCoR Research Fellows: NSF proposals and four EPSCoR Research Fellows: @NASA proposals, may be submitted in response to this solicitation by any single organization in a RII-eligible jurisdiction.  

If more than the maximum allowable proposals are submitted from any single institution, any proposals received after the first four are subject to return without review.

The organization’s Sponsored Projects Office is required to ensure that the above requirements are met.

NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics 24-511 03/04/2025 2

An institution may submit up to two proposals (either as a single institution or as a subawardee or a member of an inter-institutional consortia project (lead or co-lead) for a given S-STEM deadline. Multiple proposals from an institution must not overlap with regard to S-STEM eligible disciplines. See Additional Eligibility Information below for more details (see IV. Eligibility Information).

Institutions with a current S-STEM award should wait at least until the end of the third year of execution of their current award before submitting a new S-STEM proposal focused on students pursuing degrees in the same discipline(s).

The above restrictions do not apply to collaborative planning grant proposals.

Incorporating Human Behavior in Epidemiological Models 24-507 02/01/2025 See next

There are no restrictions or limits.

Enabling Partnerships to Increase Innovation Capacity 23-625 01/21/2025 1
Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships 23-603 10/15/2025 See next

Only individuals may submit proposals. There is no limit on the number of fellows that an institution may host.

Centers of Research Excellence in Science and Technology 23-595 12/06/2024 1

Only one preliminary proposal may be submitted per eligible institution and due date. 

Full CREST Center proposals are to be submitted only when invited by NSF in response to a successful preliminary proposal.

An institution may have only one active CREST Center award at one time, irrespective of focus area.

Institutions that have completed a Phase I or Phase II award in a disciplinary area may re-compete in other disciplinary areas that are significantly different from those of the previous award(s). To be significantly different, the new project must also have new PIs, co-PIs, and faculty investigators. The research to be supported cannot be derived from the previous award.

Institutions with active Phase I funding should submit the Phase II preliminary proposal by the due date before the full proposal is due and prior to the expiration of their Phase I award. For example, Phase I CREST Centers ending in 2025 should submit their preliminary proposals in 2023 to avoid disruptions in funding.

EPSCoR Research Incubators for STEM Excellence Research Infrastructure Improvement Program 23-588 08/12/2025 1

Only one submission per institution or organization is allowed where the institution or organization serves as the lead either on a single proposal with subawards or as the lead on a set of separately submitted collaborative proposals. There is no limit on the number of submissions per jurisdiction.


EPSCoR Collaborations for Optimizing Research Ecosystems Research Infrastructure Improvement Program 23-587 07/08/2025 1

Only one submission or active award per institution or organization is allowed where the institution or organization serves as the lead either on a single proposal with subawards, or as the lead on a set of separately submitted collaborative proposals.

There is no limit on the number of submissions per jurisdiction.


Faculty Development in geoSpace Science 23-577 03/03/2025 1

An institution may submit only one proposal in response to this solicitation per target date.

Collaborative proposals are not allowed.

CyberCorps(R) Scholarship for Service 23-574 07/15/2025 1

Each performing organization is limited to one (1) proposal per annual SFS competition. Institutions with an active SFS scholarship project must wait at least (a) until they are within 24 months from the current SFS award’s end date, and (b) until they have used at least 70 percent of their budget, before submitting another SFS proposal.

Potential PIs are advised to contact their institutional office of research regarding processes used to select proposals for submission.

Historically Black Colleges and Universities Undergraduate Program 23-563 11/14/2024 See next
  • An eligible institution can submit no more than two Targeted Infusion Project proposals per year and can only have one active Targeted Infusion Project for any given department or unit.
  • An eligible institution can submit no more than two Research on Broadening Participation in STEM Project proposals per year.
  • An eligible institution can submit no more than two Research Initiation Award proposals per year.
  • An eligible institution can submit only one Implementation Project proposal per year. An institution may have only one active Implementation Project award. However, a new proposal can be submitted by an institution with an active project if that project is due to expire before a new award would start.
  • The lead institution of a proposal for a Broadening Participation Research Center should have been awarded three rounds of an Implementation or ACE Implementation Project. Institutions that do not meet this criterion but have received funding for broadening participation research projects, must consult with a Program Director to determine the eligibility of the institution to serve as lead institution in a BPRC project.  An eligible lead institution can submit only one Broadening Participation Research Center proposal per funding cycle and can have only one active center. However, a renewal proposal can be submitted by the lead institution with an active project if that project is due to expire before new awards are made. 
Centers of Research Excellence in Science and Technology (CREST) Postdoctoral Research Program (PRP) 23-555 02/28/2025 See next

Only individuals may submit proposals. There is no limit on the number of individual postdoctoral fellowship proposers per institution.

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education Individual Postdoctoral Research Fellowships 23-544 12/03/2024 See next

Only individuals may submit proposals. There is no limit on the number of Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship proposers that an organization may host.

Scholarships in STEM Network 23-536 03/26/2025 See next

An organization may submit at most one S-STEM-Hub proposal (as a single institution, a subawardee, or a member of a collaborative research project).

Major Research Instrumentation Program: 23-519 10/15/2025 See next

Two (2) in Track 1, one (1) in Track 2 and one (1) in Track 3 as described below. Potential PIs are advised to contact their sponsored projects office well in advance of the MRI submission window regarding processes used to select proposals for submission.

The MRI program requires that an MRI-eligible organization may, as a performing organization, submit or be included as a significantly funded[2] subawardee in no more than three MRI proposals in Tracks 1 and 2 as defined below, with no more than two (2) submissions in Track 1 and no more than one (1) submission in Track 2. One (1) additional submission is permitted in the newly defined Track 3. As a result, it is now possible for an institution to submit up to four MRI proposals within the Track limits described above.

Any MRI proposal may request support for either the acquisition or development of a research instrument or an upgrade of an existing research instrument. Within their submission limit, NSF strongly encourages an organization to submit proposals for innovative development projects.

  • Track 1: Track 1 MRI proposals are those that request funds from NSF greater than or equal to $100,000[1] and less than $1,400,000.
  • Track 2: Track 2 MRI proposals are those that request funds from NSF greater than or equal to $1,400,000 up to and including $4,000,000.
  • Track 3 MRI proposals are those that request funds from NSF greater than or equal to $100,000[1] and less than or equal to $4,000,000 for the purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance of equipment and instrumentation to reduce consumption of helium.

[2]An unfunded collaboration does not count against the submission limit. Inclusion as a funded subawardee on a development proposal at a level in excess of 20% of the total budget requested from NSF, or as a funded subawardee, when allowed, on any acquisition proposal, will be counted against an organization's proposal submission limit. Separately submitted linked collaborative proposals count against the submission limit of each of the submitting organizations. However, if a subaward to an organization in a development proposal is 20% or less of the proposal's total budget request from NSF, the subawardee's submission limit will not be affected. For subawards within a linked collaborative proposal, the 20% threshold applies to the budget request from NSF in the proposal containing the subaward(s), not to the combined budget request from NSF for the collaborative project.


Expanding AI Innovation through Capacity Building and Partnerships 23-506 01/06/2025 See next

An organization may submit one proposal per submission window. An organization must wait for a determination from NSF (e.g., Award, Decline, or Returned Without Review) on the pending proposal before submitting a new proposal in the next window. Declined proposals require a new invitation to submit (via the Concept Outline process) and significant revision, while proposals Returned Without Review may be submitted using the same invited Concept Outline (assuming that the proposal is received within one year of the original Concept Outline invitation).

Mathematical and Physical Sciences Ascending Postdoctoral Research Fellowships 23-501 10/15/2025 See next

Only individuals may submit proposals. There is no limit on the number of candidates or Fellows that an organization may host. Scientific mentors are strongly discouraged from serving as the primary scientific mentor of more than one Ascend Fellow at a time. 

SBE Postdoctoral Research Fellowships 23-500 11/06/2024 See next

Only individuals may submit proposals. There is no limit on the number of Fellows that an institution may host.

NSF's Eddie Bernice Johnson Inclusion across the Nation of Communities of Learners of Underrepresented Discoverers in Engineering and Science (INCLUDES) Initiative 22-622 10/22/2024 See next

An organization may serve as a lead organization on only one proposal per project type, not including conferences. Proposals that exceed the organizational limit will be returned without review. No exceptions will be made. 

For Network Connectors, Design and Development Launch Pilots, and Conferences, full proposals must be submitted as a single submission from a lead organization, with other collaborating organizations included as subawardees 

Collaborative Change Consortia and Alliances may submit proposals in one of two ways: 

  • a single submission from a lead organization, with other collaborating organizations included as subawardees, OR 

  • separate submissions from a lead organization and two collaborating organizations, with any additional collaborating organizations included as subawardees. 

See PAPPG Chapter II.D.3 for additional information on collaborative proposals. 

NSF Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowships 22-621 08/15/2025 See next
There is no limit on the number of candidates or fellows that an organization may host.
Broadening Participation in Engineering 22-514 11/20/2024 See next

There are no restrictions or limits.

Tribal Colleges and Universities Program 21-595 01/13/2025 See next

Eligible institutions may submit only one TEA Center proposal per year but may receive and administer concurrent awards. Preparing for TCUP Implementation (Pre-TI) awards are designed to support TCUP development activities for TCUP-eligible institutions that have received no prior TCUP support, no TCUP support within the previous five years, or are embarking on a significantly novel STEM strategic plan. No other restrictions apply.

Industry-University Cooperative Research Centers Program 20-570 12/11/2024 See next

There is no limit to the number of proposals an eligible organization may submit to this program as long as each proposal pertains to a different IUCRC.

ADVANCE: Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM Academic Professions 20-554 11/06/2024 See next
  • Eligible IHEs can submit one proposal to IT-Preliminary, Adaptation, OR Catalyst. IHEs can also be a partner on one or more Partnership proposals.
  • Eligible Non-profit, non-academic organizations can submit one proposal to the Adaptation competition and be a partner on one or more Partnership proposals.
  • IHEs and non-profit, non-academic organizations may be partners on multiple ADVANCE Partnership proposals in the same competition but can be the lead organization only on one Partnership proposal in the same competition.