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Orangutans in the Mist

Photo of a mother-son orangutan pair housed at Zoo Atlanta.

Satu and Miri are a mother-son orangutan pair housed at Zoo Atlanta. Both participated in a recent study by George Washington University researcher Marietta Dindo and her colleagues.

Credit: Adam K Thompson, Zoo Atlanta

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Many primatologists have combined their primate research with conservation efforts. One of those researchers is Cheryl Knott. Here, Knott discusses her research of endangered orangutans on the island of Borneo, and why it's crucial to translate this research into communication with local residents.

Credit: Lisa Raffensperger and John Wassel, National Science Foundation


Photo of an adult male orangutan and an infant organgutan at Zoo Atlanta.

Chantek is an adult male orangutan who served as one of the models in a recent study by George Washington University researcher Marietta Dindo and her colleagues. Dumadi is the infant orangutan in Chantek's group at Zoo Atlanta.

Credit: Adam K Thompson, Zoo Atlanta

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