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Search Results for REU Sites
Site Information Site Location Contact Information Additional Information
Rochester Institute of Technology
REU Site: Multimessenger Astrophysics
Rochester, New York
Primary: Joshua Faber
Research Topics/Keywords: Gravitational Wave Astrophysics, Electromagnetic Astrophysics, Scientific Computing.
Houston, Texas
Primary: Natasha Kirienko
(713) 348-2581
Secondary: Joff Silberg
(713) 348-3849
Research Topics/Keywords: Biosiences, genetics, structural biology, cellular biology, synthetic biology
Comments: Administrative coordinator: Pedro Muniz (
REU Site: Multi-Scale Biomolecular Networks (BioNetworks)Abstract of Award
Renssaeler Polytechnic Institute
REU Site: Summer Research Experience for Undergraduate in Physics
Department of Physics
Troy, New York
Primary: Peter D. Persons
(518) 276-2934
Research Topics/Keywords: Physics, Applied Physics and Astronomy
Comments: This project was co-funded the first year with DMR.
REU Site: Summer Research Experience for Undergraduate in PhysicsAbstract of Award
Cofunded: Materials Research
West Lafayette, Illinois
Primary: Nicholas Noinaj
(765) 496-0061
Research Topics/Keywords: biosciences; structural biology; X-ray crystallography; cryo-EM; biophysics; membrane proteins; viruses; drug discovery; infectious diseases
Comments: Becky Harding,, 765-494-4493; Nicholas Noinaj,, 765-496-006
REU Site: A Summer Research Experience in Structural and Computational Biology and BiophysicsAbstract of Award
West Lafayette, Indiana
Primary: Chao Cai
(765) 494-8684
Secondary: Natalia Dudareva
(765) 494-1325
Research Topics/Keywords: biosciences, plant biology, biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, cell biology, plant physiology, bioinformatics, plant metabolism, chemical ecology, evolution, developmental biology
REU Site: Purdue Undergraduate Research Experiences for Plant Biology and Data Science (PURE-PD)Abstract of Award
West Lafayette, Indiana
Primary: James Forney
(765) 494-1632
Research Topics/Keywords: biosciences, biochemistry, biotechnology, protein function, molecular biology, genetics, epigenetics, plant science
Comments: coordinator: Jennifer Wilson (
REU Site: Genetic and Biochemical Analysis of ProteinsAbstract of Award
Purdue University
REU Site: Multidisciplinary Physics at Purdue University
Department of Physics
West Lafayette, Indiana
Primary: Professor Sergei Savikhin
(765) 494-3017
Research Topics/Keywords: Nanoscience, Astrophysics, Condensed Matter, Biophysics, Medical Physics, Geophysics, Particle Physics, Atomic Physics, Applied Physics, Theoretical Physics, and others.
Comments: Funds RET component.
REU Site: Multidisciplinary Physics at Purdue UniversityAbstract of Award
West Lafayette, Indiana
Primary: Greg Michalski
(765) 494-3704
Secondary: Guarav Chopra
Research Topics/Keywords: Analytical chemistry, drug discovery, mass spectrometry, environmental science
Princeton University, New Jersey
Primary: Bridgett vonHoldt
(609) 258-7021
Secondary: Jannette Carey
(609) 258-1631
Research Topics/Keywords: biosciences, mathematics, incarceration
REU Site: Computational Biology Research, Gateway to STEMAbstract of Award
Princeton University
REU Site: Molecular Biophysics
Molecular Biology
Princeton, New Jersey
Primary: Jannette Carey
(609) 258-1631
Research Topics/Keywords: Molecular Biology, international, Czech Republic, biophysics
Comments: Contact: Derrick Rose,
REU Site: Molecular BiophysicsAbstract of Award
Cofunded: Chemistry, International Science and Engineering
Princeton, New Jersey
Primary: Professor Phuan Ong
(609) 258-4347
Research Topics/Keywords: electronic materials, molecular interfaces, self-assembly, nanostructures
Comments: The MRSEC conducts a summer REU program.
Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC)Abstract of Award
Princeton University
REU Site: Princeton Neuroscience Institute Summer Internship Program
Princeton Neuroscience Institute
Princeton, New Jersey
Primary: Jonathan Cohen
(609) 258-2696
Research Topics/Keywords: biosciences, neuroscience, psychology, molecular biology, cognitive science
Comments: Program Director: Ed Clayton (
REU Site: Princeton Neuroscience Institute Summer Internship ProgramAbstract of Award
Portland, Oregon
Primary: Jun Jiao
(503) 725-4228
Secondary: Prof. Erik Sanchez
(503) 725-3423
Research Topics/Keywords: Microscopy and Microanalysis of Materials
REU Site: Application of Microscopy and Microanalysis in Multidisciplinary ResearchAbstract of Award
Portland, Oregon
Primary: Andrew Rice
(503) 725-3095
Secondary: Paul Loikith
(503) 725-3078
Research Topics/Keywords: climate change,climate extremes,atmospheric science,greenhouse gas measurement, biogenic emissions ,atmospheric modeling, atmospheric aerosols, hydrometeorology
REU Site: Climate and Atmospheric Science Research Experience in the Center for Climate and Aerosol ResearchAbstract of Award
Portland, Oregon
Primary: Christof Teuscher
(503) 725-2817
Research Topics/Keywords: computational modeling, modeling, simulation, Portland, community partner, real-world problems
Computational Modeling Serving PortlandAbstract of Award
Primary: Asher Rosinger
(814) 865-5220
Pennsylvania State University
Penn State Low-Carbon Power and Propulsion REU
College of Engineering
University Park, Pennsylvania
Primary: Peter Miraldi
Secondary: Jacqueline O’Connor
Research Topics/Keywords: energy, power generation, propulsion, aviation, gas turbine, low-carbon, mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering
Penn State Low-Carbon Power and Propulsion REUAbstract of Award
Pennsylvania State University
REU Site: Scalable Nanomanufacturing of Complex Materials REU Program
Materials Research Institute/Nanofabrication Facility and 2D Crystal Consortium
University Park, Pennsylvania
Primary: Kathleen Gehoski
(814) 865-7443
Secondary: Ronald Redwing
Research Topics/Keywords: 2D materials, nanofabrication, complex materials, next generation electronics, piezoelectrics, wearable devices, internet of things, adjustable optics
REU Site: Scalable Nanomanufacturing of Complex Materials REU ProgramAbstract of Award
Primary: Kirstin Purdy Drew
(814) 863-6778
Research Topics/Keywords: Astroparticle Physics, Cosmology, Gravitational Wave, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Condensed Matter Physics
REU Site: Sustainable Physics at Penn State: From the Subatomic to the CosmosAbstract of Award
Champaign, Illinois
Primary: Chelsea Lloyd
(217) 351-2469
Research Topics/Keywords: Microbiology; Food Sciences; Agricultural Sciences; Environmental Sciences; Animal Sciences; Molecular Biology; Cellular Biology
Comments: The primary institution of this project is University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
REU Site: Collaborative Research: MICRO-CCS: Microbial Interactions Create Research Opportunities for Community College StudentsAbstract of Award
Oregon State University
Undergraduate Research Experience in Statistics
Corvallis, Oregon
Primary: Javier Rojo
(541) 737-3366
Research Topics/Keywords: Main fields: Probability and Statistics. Subfields: Dimension reduction (big data), Random matrices, Survival analysis with high dimensional data, extreme value theory.
Comments: NSF Renewal of 2244093, and 1731082. Original Award Number 1560460
Undergraduate Research Experience in StatisticsAbstract of Award
Primary: Itchung Cheung
Research Topics/Keywords: marine and estuarine science, ocean ecology and biogeochemistry, marine geology, physical oceanography and geophysics, atmospheric science, paleoclimatology, environmental geochemistry
Comments: This site is located at Hattfield Marine Science Center in Newport, OR. The application website opens in January, and applications are due in mid-February. The program runs during the summer.
REU Site for Oregon Marine Science: From Upper Estuaries to the Deep Sea Hatfield Marine Science Center, Newport, OregonAbstract of Award
Corvalis, Oregon
Primary: Kaplan Yalcin
(541) 737-1230
Research Topics/Keywords: ocean ecology, biogeochemistry,fisheries,physical oceanography,ocean observing, ocean-atmosphere interactions, climate modeling, marine geology, marine sedimentology, paleoclimatology, geophysics
Comments: The application website opens in January and applications are due in mid-February. Program runs during the summer.
Summer Research Internships for Undergraduates, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, ORAbstract of Award
Oregon State University
REU Site: Engineering for Bouncing Back
College of Engineering
Corvallis, Oregon
Primary: Dr. Meghna Babbar-Sebens
(541) 737-8536
Research Topics/Keywords: Resilience, Adaptation, Natural and Anthropogenic Hazards, Climate Change, Infrastructure, Natural Resources, Community Systems Thinking
REU Site: Engineering for Bouncing BackAbstract of Award
Primary: Yusuke Yamani
(757) 683-4293
Norfolk, Virginia
Primary: Sampath Jayarathna
(757) 683-7787
Secondary: Jian Wu(
(757) 683-7753
Research Topics/Keywords: Disinformation detection, data science and analytics, information retrieval, applied machine learning, eye tracking, web archiving, social media
REU Site: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Disinformation Detection and AnalyticsAbstract of Award
Oklahoma State University
REU Site: Research Experiences in information Centric Engineering (ICE)
Industrials Engineering
Stillwater, Oklahoma
Primary: J. Cecil
(405) 744-9131
Research Topics/Keywords: Industrial/Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
REU Site: Research Experiences in information Centric Engineering (ICE)Abstract of Award
Stillwater, Oklahoma
Primary: Dr. Joe Cecil
(405) 744-5682
Research Topics/Keywords: Information Centric Engineering, 3D Digital Twins, Extended (Virtual/Mixed) modeling, Human-Computer Interaction,, Cyber-Physical Systems/IoT in Smart Health, Cyber Manufacturing and Space Systems
Comments: This is a multidisciplinary REU Site award spanning computer science, mechanical/electrical/industrial engineering with an emphasis on Information Centric Engineering (including 3D Digital Twin design, Virtual/Mixed Reality modeling in smart health, space systems and advanced manufacturing)
Research Experiences in Information Centric Engineering for Emerging Process DomainsAbstract of Award
Ohio Wesleyan University
REU Site: Interdisciplinary Scientific Computation at Ohio Wesleyan University
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Delaware, Ohio
Primary: Dr. Robert Haring-Kaye
(740) 368-3774
Research Topics/Keywords: Astronomy, Computer Science, Mathematics/Statistics, Neuroscience and Physics
REU Site: Interdisciplinary Scientific Computation at Ohio Wesleyan UniversityAbstract of Award
Athens, Ohio
Primary: Frances A. Wymbs, PhD
Secondary: Brian T. Wymbs
(740) 593-1064
Research Topics/Keywords: treatment-related research; social, emotional, and behavior problems; children
NSF REU Site: Treatment-Related Research for youth with Social, Emotional, and Behavioral ProblemsAbstract of Award
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