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Search Results for REU Sites
Site Information Site Location Contact Information Additional Information
East Lansing, Michigan
Primary: Cornelius Barry
(517) 884-6959
Secondary: Daniel Chitwood
(517) 353-0462
Research Topics/Keywords: biosciences, plant biology, genomics, computational biology, biochemistry, biotechnology, synthetic biology
REU Site: Plant Genomics at Michigan State UniversityAbstract of Award
Michigan State University
REU Site: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Physics
Department of Physics and Astronomy
East Lansing, Michigan
Primary: Dr. Stuart Tessmer
(517) 884-5660
Research Topics/Keywords: Experimental and Theoretical Physics, Nuclear, Accelerator, Condensed Matter, Biophysics, Astrophysics, High Energy Physics and Physics Education
REU Site: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in PhysicsAbstract of Award
Michigan State University
REU Site: Sociomobility
Engineering and Social Science
East Lansing, Michigan
Primary: Peter T. Savolainen
(517) 432-1825
Secondary: Eva Kassens-Noor
(517) 432-8085
Research Topics/Keywords: mobility, engineering, urban planning, social science, autonomous vehicles, automated, politics, law, economics, equity, accessibility, public health, safety, workforce development, environment
REU Site: SociomobilityAbstract of Award
Michigan State University
REU Site: REU in Discrete and Applied Mathematics
East Lansing, Michigan
Primary: Robert Bell
(517) 353-4857
Secondary: Aklilu Zeleke
Research Topics/Keywords: Games on graphs, knot theory, optimal transport, random fractals, recursive polynomials, topological data analysis.
Comments: Renewal (previous awards #DMS-1559776, #DMS-1062817)
REU Site: REU in Discrete and Applied MathematicsAbstract of Award
Hickory Corners, Michigan
Primary: Sarah Evans
(256) 337-2482
Secondary: Fred Janzen
Research Topics/Keywords: biosciences, ecology, evolution, global change, biology, field, climate
REU Site: Understanding biological responses to global change in a field station communityAbstract of Award
Oxford, Ohio
Primary: David Berg
(513) 785-3246
Secondary: Michelle Boone
(513) 529-4901
Research Topics/Keywords: biosciences, landscapes, terrestrial ecology, aquatic ecology, conservation, biodiversity, urban ecology
Comments: For specific comments or questions, please email:
REU Site: Ecology in Human-Dominated LandscapesAbstract of Award
Miami University (Ohio)
Summer Undergraduate Research in Chemistry and Biochemistry at Miami University
Department of Chemistry and Biochemsitry
Oxford, Ohio
Primary: Carole Dabney-Smith
(513) 529-8091
Secondary: Dominik Konkolewicz
(513) 529-4395
Research Topics/Keywords: analytical chemistry, biochemistry, electrochemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic, polymers, physical chemistry, structural biology, chemistry education
Summer Undergraduate Research in Chemistry and Biochemistry at Miami UniversityAbstract of Award
Denver, Colorado
Primary: Megan Filbin
Research Topics/Keywords: RNA Biology, Genomics; Genetics; Molecular Biology, Biochemistry; Biosciences
REU Site: Summer Undergraduate Research Program in RNA and Genome BiologyAbstract of Award
Mathematical Staircase, Inc.
REU Site: MathILy Early Scholarly Training (MathILy-EST)
Workforce in the Mathematical Sciences
Holyoke, Massachusetts
Primary: Sarah-Marie Belcastro
(413) 345-6386
Research Topics/Keywords: Mathematics; subfields vary by year and include discrete geometry, combinatorial representation theory, knot theory, and folding combinatorics.
Comments: Renewal of DMS-1851842
REU Site: MathILy Early Scholarly Training (MathILy-EST)Abstract of Award
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute
REU Site: MSRI Undergraduate Program (MSRI-UP)
Berkeley, California
Primary: Helene Barcelo
(510) 643-6040
Research Topics/Keywords: Mathematical Sciences (The research mentor and topic rotates yearly)
Comments: Renewal of DMS-1659138 (17-21), DMS-1156499 (12-16), DMS-0754872 (07-11)
REU Site: MSRI Undergraduate Program (MSRI-UP)Abstract of Award
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Primary: Professor Geoffrey Beach
(617) 258-0804
Research Topics/Keywords: nanomaterials for elechtrochemical energy; polymeric materials; nanostructured fibers
Comments: The MRSEC conducts a summer REU program.
Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC)Abstract of Award
Massachusetts General Hospital
REU Site: Wellman-HST Summer Institute for Biomedical Optics
Wellman Center for Photomedicine
Boston, Massachusetts
Primary: Walfre Franco
(617) 724-6083
Research Topics/Keywords: Biophotonics, Biomedical Engineering, Implantable and Wearable Photonic Devices, Optical Imaging, Optical Biomechanics, Nanotechnologies for Light Therapy and Diagnostics
REU Site: Wellman-HST Summer Institute for Biomedical OpticsAbstract of Award
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Primary: Cristinel Ababei
(414) 288-5720
Secondary: Majeed Hayat
(414) 288-6820
Research Topics/Keywords: environment monitoring, water, air, drone design, wireless communications, machine learning based analytics
REU Site: Hardware, Embedded Software, and Analytics for Environment Quality MonitoringAbstract of Award
Marquette University
Data Science Across Disciplines
Math, Statistics, and Computer Science Department
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Primary: Praveen Madiraju
(414) 288-6340
Secondary: Dennis Brylow
(414) 288-6342
Research Topics/Keywords: Data Science, Machine Learning, Health Informatics, Exercise Analytics, Spatial Analytics, Data Science Ethics
Data Science Across DisciplinesAbstract of Award
Woods Hole, Massachusetts
Primary: Allen Mensinger
(218) 726-7259
Secondary: Veronica Acosta
(210) 829-3149
Research Topics/Keywords: biosciences, neurobiology, cell biology, physiology, animal behavior
Comments: Additional inquiries may be directed to Miss Jean Enright at
REU Site: Biological Discovery in Woods HoleAbstract of Award
Cofunded: Ocean Sciences
Nantucket, Massachusetts
Primary: Dr. Regina Jorgenson
(508) 228-9198
Research Topics/Keywords: Exoplanets, Stars & Star Formation, Galaxy Formation & Evolution, Black Holes & Quasars, Dark Matter, Astrophysical Masers, History and Culture of Astronomy
Saint Paul, Minnesota
Primary: Dr. Karl Wirth
Secondary: Dr. Cameron Davidson
Research Topics/Keywords: Earth and Environmental Sciences
Comments: This REU site offers a Gateway research program for rising sophomores and an Advanced research program for rising juniors and seniors.
REU Site: Undergraduate Research Pathways That Broaden and Strengthen the GeosciencesAbstract of Award
Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON)
REU Site: Interdisciplinary Research Experiences in Changing Coastal
Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON)
Cocodrie, Louisiana
Primary: Dr. Brian Roberts
(985) 851-2821
Secondary: Murt Conover
(985) 851-2860
Research Topics/Keywords: biogeochemistry, behavioral & microbial ecology, invertebrate diversity & ecology, aquaculture & fish physiology, ecosystem ecology, coastal geology & hydrology, wetland science, and oil spill impacts
Comments: The application website usually opens in January with due dates in mid-March
REU Site: Interdisciplinary Research Experiences in Changing CoastalAbstract of Award
Louisiana State University
France/Belgium iREU in Translational Chemistry
Baton Rouge, Leuven, Grenoble, and Toulouse, Louisiana
Primary: Randy Duran
(225) 578-2459
Secondary: David Spivak
(225) 578-2868
Research Topics/Keywords: LSAMP focus, all chemistry areas
Louisiana State University
Smart Polymer Composite Materials and Structures
Civil and Industrial Engineering, Chemistry
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Primary: Heather Lavender
(225) 578-4726
Secondary: Gloria Thomas
(225) 578-5228
Research Topics/Keywords: materials science, shape memory polymer, polymer characterization, polymer synthesis, polymer composites
Smart Polymer Composite Materials and StructuresAbstract of Award
Louisiana State University
REU Site: Interdisciplinary Research Experience in Computational Sciences
Center for Computation and Technology
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Primary: Juana Moreno
(225) 578-7586
Secondary: Jesse Allison
(225) 578-5572
Research Topics/Keywords: Cyberinfrastructure, High Performance Computing, Computational Sciences, Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Civil, Mechanical and Petroleum Engineering, Oceanography and Coastal Sciences
REU Site: Interdisciplinary Research Experience in Computational SciencesAbstract of Award
Louisiana State University
REU Site: Research in Physics and Astronomy at Louisiana State University
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Primary: Dr. Robert Hynes
(225) 578-7459
Research Topics/Keywords: Astronomy, Astrophysics, Physics (Condensed Matter, Quantum/AMO, Nuclear, High Energy Particle, LIGO, Cosmology, Computational and Medical)
REU Site: Research in Physics and Astronomy at Louisiana State UniversityAbstract of Award
Cofunded: Astronomical Sciences
New Orleans, Louisiana
Primary: Fern Tsien
(504) 568-2080
Secondary: Kelly Jean Sherman
(504) 568-6524
Research Topics/Keywords: Genomics, Neuroscience, Biosciences
Comments: Lusekero Mwangwewo
REU Site: Research Experience for Undergraduates in Genomics and NeuroscienceAbstract of Award
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Primary: Michael Benton
(225) 578-1426
Secondary: Adam Melvin
(225) 578-3062
Research Topics/Keywords: entrepreneurship,energy storage,catalysis,biofuels,biocatalysis,photocatalysis,biomaterials,soft matter,genetic engineering,protein eng.,bioengineering systems biology,polymers
REU Site: Developing entrepreneurs in energy storage, catalysis, and biofuelsAbstract of Award
Louisiana State University
Interdisciplinary Research Experience in Computational Sciences
Center for Computation and Technology
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Primary: Juana Moreno
(225) 578-7586
Research Topics/Keywords: Cyberinfrastructure, High Performance Computing, Computational Sciences, Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Civil, Mechanical and Petroleum Engineering, Oceanography and Coastal Sciences
Interdisciplinary Research Experience in Computational SciencesAbstract of Award
Cofunded: Computer and Information Science and Engineering
Primary: Paul McCudden
(323) 953-4000
Research Topics/Keywords: Astronomical observations, image processing, data analysis, scientific programming, instrumentation development, or space missions engineering
Comments: Consortium members in CURE: Los Angeles City College, East Los Angeles College, Los Angeles Valley College, Pasadena City College, Victor Valley College, Moorpark College
Consortium for Undergraduate Research Experiences (CURE)Abstract of Award
Cofunded: Astronomical Sciences
Lewis and Clark Community College
REU Site: Wetland science in the modern world
Alton, Illinois
Primary: Anthony Dell
(618) 468-2837
Secondary: Jason Knouft
(314) 977-7654
Research Topics/Keywords: Wetlands, freshwater, ecology, fish, invertebrates, plants
Comments: Sarah Fischer is NGRREC's Director of Environmental Education and will be helping coordinate the REU site program. Sarah can be contacted at or 618-468-2783
REU Site: Wetland science in the modern worldAbstract of Award
Southfield, Michigan
Primary: Chan-Jin “CJ” Chung
(248) 204-3504
Secondary: Joshua Siegel
(517) 353-6981
Research Topics/Keywords: Self-drive algorithm development, Control and decision making algorithms, Connected and autonomous vehicles, Computer vision, LIDAR, V2X, Software engineering, Simulation
Developing, Analyzing, and Evaluating Self-drive Algorithms Using Real Street Legal Electric Vehicles on CampusAbstract of Award
language science, linguistics, cognition, science museum, public outreach
The Language of Science and the Science of Language
Columbus, Ohio
Primary: Nikole Patson
(740) 725-6244
Secondary: Laura Wagner
Research Topics/Keywords: language science, linguistics, cognition, science museum, public outreach
The Language of Science and the Science of LanguageAbstract of Award
Easton, Pennsylvania
Primary: Jeffrey Liebner
(610) 330-5910
Research Topics/Keywords: Main fields and sub-fields: Mathematics, applied mathematics, and statistics; various sub-fields
REU Site: Undergraduate Research in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Statistics at Lafayette CollegeAbstract of Award
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