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Search Results for REU Sites
Site Information Site Location Contact Information Additional Information
Ithaca, New York
Primary: Alex Vladimirsky
(607) 255-9871
Research Topics/Keywords: Optimality & uncertainty in control problems and games; periodic non-intersecting random walks and random matrices; nonintegrable constraints in mechanics
RTG: Dynamics, Probability, and Partial Differential Equations in Pure and Applied MathematicsAbstract of Award
Cornell University
REU Site: Molecular Biology and Genetics of Cell Signaling
Molecular Biology and Genetics
Ithaca, New York
Primary: Kelly (Jun) Liu
(607) 255-8942
Secondary: Chris Fromme
(607) 255-1016
Research Topics/Keywords: Biosciences, molecular, biology, genetics, cell biology, cell signaling, genomics, developmental biology, biochemistry
Comments: Please contact if you have any questions
REU Site: Molecular Biology and Genetics of Cell SignalingAbstract of Award
Ithaca, New York
Primary: Melanie - Claire Mallison
(607) 254-4858
Research Topics/Keywords: National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure (NNCI)
REU Site: Cornell NanoScale Science & Technology Facility (CNF)Abstract of Award
Ithaca, New York
Primary: Monica Wesley
(607) 255-4952
Research Topics/Keywords: Accelerator Physics and Synchrotron Radiation research, Microwave Superconductivity, Beam Physics and Photoemission.
REU Site: Accelerator Physics and Synchrotron Radiation ScienceAbstract of Award
Ithaca, New York
Primary: Patricia Fernandez de Castro
Secondary: Alexander Hayes
Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc.
REU Site: Critical Zone Collaborative Network Research Experiences for Undergraduates (CZNet-REU)
Primary: Deanna H. McCay
Secondary: Alan R. Berkowitz
Research Topics/Keywords: Earth Sciences; Ecology; Hydrology; Critical Zone Science
Comments: This REU places students at one of five Critical Zone research sites distributed in varied geographic settings across the continental US. Students from community colleges or institutions with limited research opportunities are especially encouraged to apply.
REU Site: Critical Zone Collaborative Network Research Experiences for Undergraduates (CZNet-REU)Abstract of Award
Athens, West Virginia
Primary: Dr. Joseph L. Allen
(304) 384-5238
Secondary: Dr. Colin A. Shaw
(406) 994-6760
Research Topics/Keywords: Structural geology, earthquake geology, tectonics, arctic geology, geologic mapping, metamorphic geology, fault rocks, Earth sciences, international.
Comments: Includes 5 weeks of summer field research in Sisimiut, Greenland. REU includes a 6-week pre-field online course and 6-week, post-field online course. Both online components will meet virtually once per week.
REU Site: Architecture of Earthquakes in the Deep Crust: Arctic Expedition Science for StudentsAbstract of Award
Cofunded: Earth Sciences
Columbia University Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Research Experience for Undergradutes: Analyzing Global Databases
Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Palisades, New York
Primary: Dr. Mike Kaplan
(845) 365-8646
Secondary: Dallas Abbott
(845) 365-8664
Research Topics/Keywords: marine biology, chemistry, marine geophysics, geochemistry, microbiology, seismology, pollution, paleoclimate, atmospheric science
Comments: The application website will open in January with applications due at the end of February.
Research Experience for Undergradutes: Analyzing Global DatabasesAbstract of Award
Cofunded: Ocean Sciences, Earth Sciences
New York, New York
Primary: Jeff DeMars
(212) 854-1890
Secondary: Vanessa Giardino
(212) 854-1890
Research Topics/Keywords: materials science and engineering, interdisciplinary research in physics, chemistry, applied physics, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, materials engineering and electrical engineering
MRSEC: Columbia Center for Precision Assembly of Superstratic and Superatomic SolidsAbstract of Award
Columbia University, Nevis Labs
REU Site: Nevis Labs, Columbia University for Summers 2020-2022
Department of Physics
New York, New York
Primary: John Parsons
(914) 591-2820
Research Topics/Keywords: Physics with subareas Experimental High Energy and Experimental Astroparticle Physics
REU Site: Nevis Labs, Columbia University for Summers 2020-2022Abstract of Award
Colorado State University
REU Site: Program in Molecular Biosciences
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Fort Collins, Colorado
Primary: Aaron Sholders
(970) 491-7916
Secondary: Paul J Laybourn
(970) 491-5100
Research Topics/Keywords: biosciences, cell biology, molecular biology, microbiology, biophysics, structural biology, neurobiology, nutrition, physiology, developmental biology, genetics, marine biology, bioinformatics
Comments: Program Coordinator: Christine Kirk, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Email:
REU Site: Program in Molecular BiosciencesAbstract of Award
Colorado State University
Airborne Connections: From Emission Source to Impact to Solution
Mechanical Engineering +
Fort Collins, Colorado
Primary: Amanda Lager-Gleason
(970) 491-0924
Secondary: Tami Bond
(970) 491-4105
Research Topics/Keywords: Emissions, Air Quality, Sensors, Robotics, Health Impacts, Climate Impacts, Indoor Environment
Comments: This multidisciplinary site is open to both engineering and non-engineering majors, and emphasizes connections among projects and societal relevance.
Airborne Connections: From Emission Source to Impact to SolutionAbstract of Award
Fort Collins, Colorado
Primary: Matt Shores
(970) 491-7235
Secondary: James Neilson
(970) 491-2958
Research Topics/Keywords: Materials chemistry, atmospheric and environmental chemistry, polymer chemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, chemical biology
Colorado State University
REU Site: Extreme Ultraviolet Laser Science and Technology
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Fort Collins, Colorado
Primary: Jorge Rocca
(970) 491-8371
Secondary: Steve Leone
(510) 643-5467
Research Topics/Keywords: Extreme UV soft x-rays,x-ray sources,ultrafast and high power lasers,nanoscale imaging,chemical and solid state carrier dynamics,four wave mixing,laser created plasmas,intense laser matter interaction
Comments: Internships available at both Colorado State University in Fort Collins, CO and at the University of California at Berkeley in Berkeley, CA. Applications for Summer 2020 internships will be accepted beginning 15 December 2019.
REU Site: Extreme Ultraviolet Laser Science and TechnologyAbstract of Award
Fort Collins, Colorado
Primary: Dr. Melissa Burt
(970) 491-8706
Secondary: Dr. Charlotte DeMott
(970) 492-4201
Research Topics/Keywords: : atmospheric science, atmospheric chemistry, climate science, earth system science, climate modeling, climate change, machine learning
Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Earth System Science at Colorado State UniversityAbstract of Award
Golden, Colorado
Primary: Dr. Reza Hedayat
(303) 273-3401
Secondary: Dr. Gabriel Walton
(303) 384-2235
Research Topics/Keywords: Civil Engineering, Geological Engineering, Mining Engineering, Infrastructure Materials, Resilience and Sustainability, Data Analytics, Remote Sensing, Underground Infrastructure, Transportation
Comments: This collaborative REU site award to Colorado School of Mines, located in Golden, CO, Lehigh University, located in Bethlehem, PA, and California State University, Los Angeles, located in Los Angeles, CA focuses on Underground Infrastructure and hosts four students in each university per year.
REU site: Collaborative Research: Research Experience for Undergraduates in Underground InfrastructureAbstract of Award
Golden, Colorado
Primary: Eric Toberer
(303) 384-2516
Secondary: Emily Freed
Research Topics/Keywords: Materials Modeling and simulations, Machine learning, Artificial intelligence, Renewable energy materials, Semiconductors, Materials dynamics, Ion transport, Magnetism, Optoelectronics
REU Site: ICECRM: Integrating Computation and Experiment to Create Revolutionary MaterialsAbstract of Award
New York, NY, New York
Primary: Louis Petingi
(718) 982-2844
Research Topics/Keywords: Computational Vision, Computational Biology and Chemistry, Network Security, Deep and Machine Learning, Sensor Networks, and Complex System Modeling and Simulation.
REU Site: Research on Computational Methods in High Performance Computing and Their Applications to Computational SciencesAbstract of Award
Cofunded: Computer and Information Science and Engineering
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
REU Site: CSHL NSF-REU Bioinformatics and Computational Neuroscience Summer Undergraduate Program
Watson School of Biological Sciences
Cold Spring Harbor, New York
Primary: Christopher Hammell
(516) 367-5207
Secondary: Monn Monn Myat
(516) 367-6890
Research Topics/Keywords: biosciences: computational biology, bioinformatics, genomics, neuroscience
Comments: Program coordinater: Kimberly Creteur,,
REU Site: CSHL NSF-REU Bioinformatics and Computational Neuroscience Summer Undergraduate ProgramAbstract of Award
Coe College
REU Site: Spectroscopy at Coe College
Departments of Physics
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Primary: Mrs. Susan Noreuil
(319) 399-8524
Research Topics/Keywords: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Optics, Glass Physics and Chemistry, Acoustics, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry and Space Optics
Comments: RET Component
REU Site: Spectroscopy at Coe CollegeAbstract of Award
Cofunded: Department of Defense (DoD)
Cleveland, Ohio
Primary: Eric Schearer
(216) 687-6901
Research Topics/Keywords: wearable robotics, assistive technology, disability, neuroprostheses, prosthetics, gait studies, physiology, biomechanics
Comments: We welcome all applicants but especially encourage students with physical disabilities to apply.
RE@CSU – Rehabilitation Engineering at Cleveland State UniversityAbstract of Award
Cleveland, Ohio
Primary: Dr. Jessica Bickel
(216) 523-7549
Secondary: Dr. Kiril Streletzky
(216) 687-2433
Research Topics/Keywords: Soft Matter, Physics, Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Material Science, experimental, computational, nanoscience
Comments: Department of Physics and Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering
Cleveland State University Soft Matter REUAbstract of Award
Clemson, South Carolina
Primary: Hugo Sanabria
(864) 656-1749
Secondary: Delphine Dean
(864) 656-2611
Research Topics/Keywords: biosciences, biophysics, bioengineering, physics, chemistry, biology, materials science, mathematical biology
Comments: For additional information, please reach out to the program administrator, Celesté Hackett at or 864-656-3418
REU Site: Nature's machinery through the prism of physics, biology, chemistry and engineeringAbstract of Award
Clemson University
REU Site: Solid-State Devices for Electronics, Photonics, and Magnetics Technology
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Clemson, South Carolina
Primary: William R. Harrell
(864) 656-5918
Secondary: Chad E. Sosolik
(864) 656-0310
Research Topics/Keywords: Electrical & Computer , and Bio-Engineering; Materials Science; Physics
REU Site: Solid-State Devices for Electronics, Photonics, and Magnetics TechnologyAbstract of Award
Clemson, South Carolina
Primary: Dr. Tania I Houjeiry
(864) 650-1566
Secondary: Dr. William Pennington
(864) 656-4200
Research Topics/Keywords: Materials, Biology, Chemistry
Advanced Materials for Chemistry and BiologyAbstract of Award
South Carolina
Primary: Stephen Foulger
(864) 656-1045
Clarkson University
The ASET-REU program at Clarckson University
Department of Biology, Department of Engineering
Potsdam, New York
Primary: Dr. Alan D. Christian
Research Topics/Keywords: Aquatic Science, Aquatic resource engineering, Watershed ecology, Nitrate Reduction in Wastewater,Great Lake water quality, St. Lawrence River
The ASET-REU program at Clarckson UniversityAbstract of Award
Cofunded: Biological Sciences
Potsdam, New York
Primary: James Greene
(315) 268-4074
Secondary: Susan Bailey
Research Topics/Keywords: Mathematical Biology, Dynamical Systems, Applied Topology, Control Theory, Uncertainty Quantification, Machine Learning, Cell Biology, Evolution, Toxicology
REU Site: Mathematical Biology Team Science (MBioTS) Research for Undergraduates (REU) Program at Clarkson UniversityAbstract of Award
Potsdam, New York, New York
Primary: Yu Liu
(315) 268-6510
Secondary: Daqing Hou
(315) 268-7675
Research Topics/Keywords: Computer Science, Engineering (High Performance Computing)
High Performance Computing with Engineering ApplicationsAbstract of Award
Clarkson University
REU Site: High Performance Computing with Engineering Applications
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Potsdam, New York
Primary: Yu Liu
(315) 268-6510
Secondary: Daqing Hou
(315) 268-7675
Research Topics/Keywords: High Performance Computing, Engineering Applications, Parallel and Distributed Programming, Numerical Simulations
REU Site: High Performance Computing with Engineering ApplicationsAbstract of Award
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