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Search Results for REU Sites
Site Information Site Location Contact Information Additional Information
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Primary: Dr. Junjie Zhu
(734) 647-7201
Research Topics/Keywords: High Energy Physics
Comments: International travel to Switzerland
REU Site: University of Michigan - CERN Research Experience for Undergraduate and High School Teacher ProgramsAbstract of Award
Wayne State University
REU/RTG: Electronic Computational Homotopy Theory Research Community
Primary: Daniel Isaksen
Research Topics/Keywords: Theoretical mathematics: homotopy theory, combinatorics
REU/RTG: Electronic Computational Homotopy Theory Research CommunityAbstract of Award
University of Michigan
Semiconductor Hands-On Research Experience (SHORE)
Lurie Nanofabrication Facility (LNF)
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Primary: Prof. Becky Peterson
(734) 615-3105
Secondary: Dr. Sandrine Martin
(734) 277-2365
Research Topics/Keywords: Semiconductor technology, microelectronics, nanofabrication, electrical engineering, materials science, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, physics, devices, photonics, transistors, sensors
Comments: This REU focuses on hands-on experimental research in semiconductor technology in wide bandgap materials and devices, complex oxide materials and devices, and nanotechnology for devices. Projects will be led by U. Michigan faculty in collaboration with U. Texas at El Paso and Florida International Univ. We welcome applicants from home institutions with limited/no nanofabrication capabilities.
Semiconductor Hands-On Research Experience (SHORE)Abstract of Award
University of Michigan Ann Arbor
University of Michigan REU Site in the Chemical Sciences
Department of Chemistry
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Primary: Brian P. Coppola
Amherst, Massachusetts
Primary: Ruthanne Paradise
(413) 545-7202
Secondary: Kevin Kittilstved
(413) 545-6096
Research Topics/Keywords: Renewable Energy, Photovoltaics, Biofuels, Fuel Cells
Boston, Massachusetts
Primary: John K. Snyder
(617) 353-2621
Secondary: Linda Doerrer
(617) 358-4335
Research Topics/Keywords: chemistry, biochemistry, biomaterials, biophysics, bioinorganic chemistry, biological chemistry, computational biology
Boston University
Integrated Nanomanufacturing
Photonics Center
Boston, Massachusetts
Primary: Xin Zhang
(617) 358-2702
Secondary: Brenda Hugot
(617) 353-1910
Research Topics/Keywords: nanomaterials, nanotechnology, microelectronic, sensors, biomedical engineering, medical diagnostics, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, optics, photonics, materials science
Integrated NanomanufacturingAbstract of Award
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Primary: Professor David Weitz
(617) 495-2842
Research Topics/Keywords: micromechanics, soft materials, microfluidics
Comments: The MRSEC conducts a summer REU program. Includes participation of pre-college teachers.
Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC)Abstract of Award
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Primary: Professor Geoffrey Beach
(617) 258-0804
Research Topics/Keywords: nanomaterials for elechtrochemical energy; polymeric materials; nanostructured fibers
Comments: The MRSEC conducts a summer REU program.
Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC)Abstract of Award
Waltham, Massachusetts
Primary: Prof. Seth Fraden
(781) 736-2800
Research Topics/Keywords: biomaterials, nano-structured materials, complex fluids, chiral self-assembly, confined polymers
Comments: This REU Program is a part of the MRSEC at Brandeis University.
Materials Research Science and Engineering Center - BioInspired Soft MaterialsAbstract of Award
Amherst, Massachusetts
Primary: Shelly Peyton
(413) 545-1133
Research Topics/Keywords: Materials, Biomaterials, Nanomaterials, Life Sciences
Comments: 10-week summer program for students interested in research at the interface of materials and biology
MURALS (Materials-focused Undergraduate Research Applied to the Life Sciences) at UMass AmherstAbstract of Award
Nantucket, Massachusetts
Primary: Dr. Regina Jorgenson
(508) 228-9198
Research Topics/Keywords: Exoplanets, Stars & Star Formation, Galaxy Formation & Evolution, Black Holes & Quasars, Dark Matter, Astrophysical Masers, History and Culture of Astronomy
Northeastern University
Research Opportunities in Biological and Chemical Catalysis II
Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Boston, Massachusetts
Primary: George A. O’Doherty
(617) 373-4817
Secondary: Oyinda Oyelaran
(617) 373-4494
Research Topics/Keywords: Biochemistry, Organic, Physical, Computational, Materials, and Analytical, Medicinal Chemistry, and Med Chem.
Research Opportunities in Biological and Chemical Catalysis IIAbstract of Award
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
REU Program in Industrial Mathematics and Statistics
Mathematical Sciences
Worcester, Massachusetts
Primary: Buddika Peiris
(508) 831-5940
Secondary: Vadim Yakovlev
Research Topics/Keywords: Industrial Mathematics, Mathematical Finance, and Statistics
Comments: Renewal of previously funded REU site (DMS-1757685)
REU Program in Industrial Mathematics and StatisticsAbstract of Award
Simmons University
REU Site: A multisite REU in Synthetic Biology
Chemistry and Biology
Boston, Massachusetts
Primary: Jennifer Roecklein-Canfield
(617) 521-2731
Secondary: Mariam Ismail
(617) 521-2775
Research Topics/Keywords: Biosciences, Synthetic Biology, Biology, Molecular Biology, Computational Biology
REU Site: A multisite REU in Synthetic BiologyAbstract of Award
North Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Primary: Prof. Vijaya Chalivendra
(508) 910-6572
Research Topics/Keywords: Redox flow batteries, multi-functional composites, underwater super-hydrophobic surfaces, tactile sensors, bioinspired photonic materials, granular materials, nanostructured surfaces for antifouling
Comments: This REU site provides research experience for community college students.
REU Site: Advanced Interdisciplinary Materials Research for Maritime ApplicationsAbstract of Award
Cofunded: Ocean Sciences
Primary: Colin Lonsdale
(508) 517-9106
Secondary: Nancy Kotary
(508) 517-7557
Research Topics/Keywords: Radio science, radio astronomy, geodesy, geospace remote sensing
REU Site: Astronomy and Geoscience at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Haystack ObservatoryAbstract of Award
Cofunded: Astronomical Sciences
Woods Hole, Massachusetts
Primary: Allen Mensinger
(218) 726-7259
Secondary: Veronica Acosta
(210) 829-3149
Research Topics/Keywords: biosciences, neurobiology, cell biology, physiology, animal behavior
Comments: Additional inquiries may be directed to Miss Jean Enright at
REU Site: Biological Discovery in Woods HoleAbstract of Award
Cofunded: Ocean Sciences
Boston, Massachusetts
Primary: Margaret Barch
(617) 358-4853
Research Topics/Keywords: Physics
REU Site: Boston University Physics Research Opportunities (BU-PRO)Abstract of Award
Cofunded: Materials Research
Worcester, Massachusetts
Primary: Brajendra Mishra
(508) 831-5711
Secondary: R. Brodeur
(508) 831-5003
Research Topics/Keywords: materials engineering, recover, recycle and reuse of materials
University of Massachusettes Boston
REU Site: Coastal Research in Environmental Science and Technology
School for the Environment
Boston, Massachusetts
Primary: Dr. Helen Poynton
(617) 287-6639
Research Topics/Keywords: Biodiversity, Bioinformatics, Cell Signaling,Conservation Biology, Genetics, Ecology, Evolutionary Biology,Gene Regulation,Microbiology, Plant Growth Control, Microbial Ecology,Molecular Evolution,Pop
Comments: The application website will open in the December with due dates in late January.
REU Site: Coastal Research in Environmental Science and TechnologyAbstract of Award
Boston, Massachusetts
Primary: Thomas Gilmore
(617) 353-5444
Research Topics/Keywords: biology, biosciences, molecular biology, gene expression, transcriptional control
Comments: program email:
REU Site: Control of Gene Expression for Biological EffectAbstract of Award
Cofunded: Department of Defense (DoD)
Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc.
REU Site: Critical Zone Collaborative Network Research Experiences for Undergraduates (CZNet-REU)
Primary: Deanna H. McCay
Secondary: Alan R. Berkowitz
Research Topics/Keywords: Earth Sciences; Ecology; Hydrology; Critical Zone Science
Comments: This REU places students at one of five Critical Zone research sites distributed in varied geographic settings across the continental US. Students from community colleges or institutions with limited research opportunities are especially encouraged to apply.
REU Site: Critical Zone Collaborative Network Research Experiences for Undergraduates (CZNet-REU)Abstract of Award
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
REU Site: Developing a Clean Energy Future with Underserved Students
Energy Research Group
Worcester, Massachusetts
Primary: Lyubov Titova
Secondary: N. Aaron Deskins
Research Topics/Keywords: physics, chemistry, chemical engineering, materials science, photonics, renewable energy, photovoltaics, biofuels, solar cells, catalysis, hydrochar, nanotechnology, photonic integrated circuits
REU Site: Developing a Clean Energy Future with Underserved StudentsAbstract of Award
Harvard University
REU Site: Evolution, Ecology, Environment
Organismic and Evolutionary Biology
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Primary: Elena Kramer
(617) 496-3460
Secondary: Sheila Thomas
(617) 495-5315
Research Topics/Keywords: biosciences, evolution, ecology, genetics, physiology, genomics, botany, zoology
REU Site: Evolution, Ecology, EnvironmentAbstract of Award
Worcester, Massachusetts
Primary: Zoe Reidinger, PhD
(508) 831-6735
Secondary: Kris Billiar, PhD
(508) 831-5384
Research Topics/Keywords: biomedical engineering, regenerative medicine, biomechanics, anti-microbial, biomaterials
Comments: Old NSF Number: 1559819
REU Site: Integrated Bioengineering Research, Education, and Outreach Experiences for Females and Underrepresented Minorities at WPIAbstract of Award
Trustees of Boston University
REU Site: Integrated Nanomanufacturing
Photonics Center
Boston, Massachusetts
Primary: Helen Fawcett
(857) 753-1719
Research Topics/Keywords: Nanotechnology,neurophotonics,nanophotonics,materials,nanomanufacturing,nanosystems,engineering
REU Site: Integrated NanomanufacturingAbstract of Award
Mathematical Staircase, Inc.
REU Site: MathILy Early Scholarly Training (MathILy-EST)
Workforce in the Mathematical Sciences
Holyoke, Massachusetts
Primary: Sarah-Marie Belcastro
(413) 345-6386
Research Topics/Keywords: Mathematics; subfields vary by year and include discrete geometry, combinatorial representation theory, knot theory, and folding combinatorics.
Comments: Renewal of DMS-1851842
REU Site: MathILy Early Scholarly Training (MathILy-EST)Abstract of Award
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
REU Site: Membrane Biochemistry and Bioinspired Synthesis
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Worcester, Massachusetts
Primary: Arne Gericke
(508) 831-5263
Secondary: Shawn Burdette
(508) 831-5224
Research Topics/Keywords: Biochemistry, Synthesis, Bioinorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Biophysics
REU Site: Membrane Biochemistry and Bioinspired SynthesisAbstract of Award
University of Massachusetts-Boston
REU Site: Research Experiences in Integrative and Evolutionary Biology
Biology Department
Boston, Massachusetts
Primary: Rachel Skvirsky
(617) 287-6617
Research Topics/Keywords: Biosciences, genetics, molecular biology, cell biology, ecology, evolutionary biology, marine biology
Comments: Program Coordinator: Leslie McClain.
REU Site: Research Experiences in Integrative and Evolutionary BiologyAbstract of Award
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