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Search Results for REU Sites
Site Information Site Location Contact Information Additional Information
Boston, Massachusetts
Primary: Claire Duggan
(617) 373-2036
Secondary: Brad Lehman
(617) 373-3052
Research Topics/Keywords: Research, undergraduate, energy, renewable energy, power solar, wind, storage, smart grid
REU Site: REU-POWER-"Pathways Opening World Energy Resources"Abstract of Award
Northern Arizona University
NSF Research Experience For Undergraduates at Northern Arizona University
Department of Physics & Astronomy
Flagstaff, Arizona
Primary: Dr. David Trilling
(928) 523-5505
Secondary: Ms. Kathleen Stigmon
(928) 523-8067
Research Topics/Keywords: Extragalactic, Stellar, and Planetary Astrophysics, Astrogeology, and Scientific Instrumentation
Comments: Collaborating institutions: Northern Arizona University, the Lowell Observatory, the U.S. Naval Observatory Flagstaff Station, and the U.S.G.S. astrogeology branch in Flagstaff.
NSF Research Experience For Undergraduates at Northern Arizona UniversityAbstract of Award
Flagstaff, Arizona
Primary: Liza Holeski
(928) 523-0701
Research Topics/Keywords: Biosciences, Environmental science, ecology, evolution, genetics
REU Site: Environmental Science and Ecology on the Colorado PlateauAbstract of Award
Northern Illinois University
REU Site: Integrated Experimental and Computational REU Site at Northern Illinois University
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
DeKalb, Illinois
Primary: James R. Horn
(815) 753-8654
Secondary: Ralph A. Wheeler
Research Topics/Keywords: Combined computational and experimental research; Training on advanced instrumentation; Enriched writing and speaking skills, Career development; Ethical behavior and safety training
Northern Illinois University
REU Site: Water resources and quality in the Riviera Maya, Mexico
Dept. of Geology & Environ. Geosciences
DeKalb, Illinois
Primary: Dr. Melissa Lenczewski
(815) 753-7937
Research Topics/Keywords: Geosciences, Environmental Sciences
Comments: This REU site is in collaboration with Northeastern Illinois University (NEIU) and Centro de Investigación Científica de Yucatán (CICY).
REU Site: Water resources and quality in the Riviera Maya, MexicoAbstract of Award
Evanston, Illinois
Primary: Professor Monica Olvera de la Cruz
(847) 491-3606
Research Topics/Keywords: oxide ceramics;polymers; plasmonics and molecular electronics
Comments: The MRSEC conducts a summer REU program.
Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC)Abstract of Award
Evanston, Illinois
Primary: Chad Goeser
(847) 467-2318
Research Topics/Keywords: Materials science, biomedical engineering, nanotechnology, soft hybrid materials, renewable energy materials, imaging, materials characterization, materials applications, microelectronics, sensors,
Comments: SHyNE research projects provide significant hands-on experience with state-of-the-art nanoscale fabrication tools and characterization instruments.
SHyNE Resource: Research for Undergraduates Program (REU)Abstract of Award
Northwestern University
Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics (CIERA) REU: Astrophysics in its Modern Interdisciplinary Context
Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics (CIERA), Physics & Astronomy
Evanston, Illinois
Primary: Dr. Aaron Geller, Program Director
(847) 467-6233
Research Topics/Keywords: Galaxy Formation & Evolution, Black Holes, Gravitational Waves, Exoplanets, Dark Matter and Dark Energy, Exoplanets, High-Energy Astrophysics, High-Performance Computing.
Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics (CIERA) REU: Astrophysics in its Modern Interdisciplinary ContextAbstract of Award
Cofunded: Astronomical Sciences, Physics
Evanston, Illinois
Primary: Danielle Tullman-Ercek
(847) 491-7043
Secondary: Gabriel Rocklin
(312) 503-4226
Research Topics/Keywords: biosciences, synthetic biology, bioengineering, microbiology, biochemistry, metabolic engineering, applied mathematics
Comments: Contact for information
REU Site: Synthetic Biology at Northwestern: From Molecules to Society (SynBREU2.0)Abstract of Award
Cofunded: Engineering
Evanston, Illinois
Primary: Tiffany Leighton Ozmina
(847) 491-5571
Research Topics/Keywords: Mathematics, biology, mathematical biology
Comments: - Principal Investigator: Rosemary Braun
REU Site: Quantitative Biology REU (QBREU) at Northwestern UniversityAbstract of Award
Primary: Dr. Miriam Krause
(612) 625-1036
Research Topics/Keywords: Nanoparticle synthesis; Nano-bio interactions; Nano-enabled agriculture; Analytical tools; Computational chemistry; Sustainability
Menlo Park, California
Primary: Dr. Gregory Faris
(650) 387-0807
Research Topics/Keywords: Atomic, Molecualar Physics and Biological Physics
REU Site: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Atomic, Molecular and Biological PhysicsAbstract of Award
Rochester, Michigan
Primary: Laila Guessous
(248) 370-2183
Secondary: Dan DelVescovo
(248) 370-4590
Research Topics/Keywords: Automotive engineering, energy, renewable energy, propulsion, combustion, electric vehicles, fuels, materials, manufacturing, experiments, simulations, mechanical engineering
Comments: Open to engineering and non-engineering majors. No prior automotive or research experience required.
Automotive and Energy Research and Industrial Mentorship (AERIM) REUAbstract of Award
Oakland University
REU Site: Applied Research Experience in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ApREECE)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Rochester, Michigan
Primary: Brian Dean
(248) 370-2822
Secondary: Osamah Rawashdeh
(248) 370-2866
Research Topics/Keywords: Unmanned Vehicles, Robotics, Signal Processing, Biomedical Instrumentation, Image Processing, Power Systems, Computer Architecture, GPU Computing, Systems and Controls
REU Site: Applied Research Experience in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ApREECE)Abstract of Award
Ohio State University
Center for Emergent Materials
Matreials Research Science and Engineering Center
Columbus, Ohio
Primary: Michelle McCombs
(614) 247-8084
Research Topics/Keywords: electron spin in nanostructures, oxide films and multilayer devices
Center for Emergent MaterialsAbstract of Award
Ohio State University
Biomedical Engineering
Columbus, Ohio
Primary: Gunjan Agarwal
(614) 292-4213
Secondary: Keith Gooch
(614) 292-2665
Research Topics/Keywords: Biomechanics, Mechanobiology, Bioengineering, Molecules, Cells, Tissues, Experimental, Computational
Comments: Contact information will be updated in 2024
BUCKEYE REUAbstract of Award
Columbus, Ohio
Primary: Jane Jackman
(614) 247-8097
Secondary: Susan Cole
(614) 292-3276
Research Topics/Keywords: biosciences, Molecular Biology, Molecular Genetics, Biochemistry, Microbiology
Comments: For program information, please email
REU Site: Undergraduate Research in Molecular Biology at The Ohio State UniversityAbstract of Award
Athens, Ohio
Primary: Frances A. Wymbs, PhD
Secondary: Brian T. Wymbs
(740) 593-1064
Research Topics/Keywords: treatment-related research; social, emotional, and behavior problems; children
NSF REU Site: Treatment-Related Research for youth with Social, Emotional, and Behavioral ProblemsAbstract of Award
Ohio Wesleyan University
REU Site: Interdisciplinary Scientific Computation at Ohio Wesleyan University
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Delaware, Ohio
Primary: Dr. Robert Haring-Kaye
(740) 368-3774
Research Topics/Keywords: Astronomy, Computer Science, Mathematics/Statistics, Neuroscience and Physics
REU Site: Interdisciplinary Scientific Computation at Ohio Wesleyan UniversityAbstract of Award
Stillwater, Oklahoma
Primary: Dr. Joe Cecil
(405) 744-5682
Research Topics/Keywords: Information Centric Engineering, 3D Digital Twins, Extended (Virtual/Mixed) modeling, Human-Computer Interaction,, Cyber-Physical Systems/IoT in Smart Health, Cyber Manufacturing and Space Systems
Comments: This is a multidisciplinary REU Site award spanning computer science, mechanical/electrical/industrial engineering with an emphasis on Information Centric Engineering (including 3D Digital Twin design, Virtual/Mixed Reality modeling in smart health, space systems and advanced manufacturing)
Research Experiences in Information Centric Engineering for Emerging Process DomainsAbstract of Award
Oklahoma State University
REU Site: Research Experiences in information Centric Engineering (ICE)
Industrials Engineering
Stillwater, Oklahoma
Primary: J. Cecil
(405) 744-9131
Research Topics/Keywords: Industrial/Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
REU Site: Research Experiences in information Centric Engineering (ICE)Abstract of Award
Norfolk, Virginia
Primary: Sampath Jayarathna
(757) 683-7787
Secondary: Jian Wu(
(757) 683-7753
Research Topics/Keywords: Disinformation detection, data science and analytics, information retrieval, applied machine learning, eye tracking, web archiving, social media
REU Site: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Disinformation Detection and AnalyticsAbstract of Award
Primary: Yusuke Yamani
(757) 683-4293
Oregon State University
REU Site: Engineering for Bouncing Back
College of Engineering
Corvallis, Oregon
Primary: Dr. Meghna Babbar-Sebens
(541) 737-8536
Research Topics/Keywords: Resilience, Adaptation, Natural and Anthropogenic Hazards, Climate Change, Infrastructure, Natural Resources, Community Systems Thinking
REU Site: Engineering for Bouncing BackAbstract of Award
Corvalis, Oregon
Primary: Kaplan Yalcin
(541) 737-1230
Research Topics/Keywords: ocean ecology, biogeochemistry,fisheries,physical oceanography,ocean observing, ocean-atmosphere interactions, climate modeling, marine geology, marine sedimentology, paleoclimatology, geophysics
Comments: The application website opens in January and applications are due in mid-February. Program runs during the summer.
Summer Research Internships for Undergraduates, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, ORAbstract of Award
Primary: Itchung Cheung
Research Topics/Keywords: marine and estuarine science, ocean ecology and biogeochemistry, marine geology, physical oceanography and geophysics, atmospheric science, paleoclimatology, environmental geochemistry
Comments: This site is located at Hattfield Marine Science Center in Newport, OR. The application website opens in January, and applications are due in mid-February. The program runs during the summer.
REU Site for Oregon Marine Science: From Upper Estuaries to the Deep Sea Hatfield Marine Science Center, Newport, OregonAbstract of Award
Oregon State University
Undergraduate Research Experience in Statistics
Corvallis, Oregon
Primary: Javier Rojo
(541) 737-3366
Research Topics/Keywords: Main fields: Probability and Statistics. Subfields: Dimension reduction (big data), Random matrices, Survival analysis with high dimensional data, extreme value theory.
Comments: NSF Renewal of 2244093, and 1731082. Original Award Number 1560460
Undergraduate Research Experience in StatisticsAbstract of Award
Champaign, Illinois
Primary: Chelsea Lloyd
(217) 351-2469
Research Topics/Keywords: Microbiology; Food Sciences; Agricultural Sciences; Environmental Sciences; Animal Sciences; Molecular Biology; Cellular Biology
Comments: The primary institution of this project is University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
REU Site: Collaborative Research: MICRO-CCS: Microbial Interactions Create Research Opportunities for Community College StudentsAbstract of Award
Primary: Kirstin Purdy Drew
(814) 863-6778
Research Topics/Keywords: Astroparticle Physics, Cosmology, Gravitational Wave, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Condensed Matter Physics
REU Site: Sustainable Physics at Penn State: From the Subatomic to the CosmosAbstract of Award
Pennsylvania State University
REU Site: Scalable Nanomanufacturing of Complex Materials REU Program
Materials Research Institute/Nanofabrication Facility and 2D Crystal Consortium
University Park, Pennsylvania
Primary: Kathleen Gehoski
(814) 865-7443
Secondary: Ronald Redwing
Research Topics/Keywords: 2D materials, nanofabrication, complex materials, next generation electronics, piezoelectrics, wearable devices, internet of things, adjustable optics
REU Site: Scalable Nanomanufacturing of Complex Materials REU ProgramAbstract of Award
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