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REU Sites

REU Sites: Mathematical Sciences

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REU Sites
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Indianapolis, Indiana
Primary: Julia Arciero
(317) 274-6998
Research Topics/Keywords: Main field: Applied Mathematics; Subfields of research: Immunology, Fluid/Solid Mechanics, Neuroscience
Comments: Renewal 1852146
REU Site: IUPUI REU Program in Mathematics with Applications to Medicine, Neuroscience, and Fluid DynamicsAbstract of Award
Bloomington, Indiana
Primary: Mandie McCarty
(812) 855-1407
Research Topics/Keywords: geometry (differential, coarse, Euclidean), dynamical systems (ODE, complex analytic, billiards), topology (surfaces, moduli spaces, algebraic aspects), logic (coalgebra), analysis
REU Site: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Mathematics at Indiana UniversityAbstract of Award
Evanston, Illinois
Primary: Tiffany Leighton Ozmina
(847) 491-5571
Research Topics/Keywords: Mathematics, biology, mathematical biology
Comments: - Principal Investigator: Rosemary Braun
REU Site: Quantitative Biology REU (QBREU) at Northwestern UniversityAbstract of Award
Primary: Yuhan Ding
(312) 567-8986
Research Topics/Keywords: Main field of the research: data science, computational math, and machine learning
REU Site: Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) at Illinois TechAbstract of Award
Primary: Rachel Kuske
Secondary: Igor Belegradek
Research Topics/Keywords: Various Mathematics and Statistics sub-fields, varying year to year. In 2023: Topology, combinatorics, applied dynamical systems, graph theory, mathematical biology
REU Site: Georgia Institute of Technology Mathematics REU ProgramAbstract of Award
Primary: Jean-Francois Biasse
Secondary: Dmytro Savchuk
Research Topics/Keywords: Cryptography, coding theory, cybersecurity, error correcting codes, post quantum cryptography, quantum computing, computational algebra
REU Site: Cryptography and Coding Theory at the University of South FloridaAbstract of Award
Cofunded: Department of Defense (DoD), Mathematical Sciences
Orlando, Florida
Primary: Katiuscia Teixeira
(407) 823-6284
Research Topics/Keywords: Main field and sub-field: Applied and Computational Mathematics involving PDEs, Financial Math, and Math Biology.
REU Site: Research Experience for Undergraduates in Applied and Computational MathematicsAbstract of Award
District Of Columbia
Primary: Kimberly Sellers
(202) 687-8829
Research Topics/Keywords: Main field(s) and sub-field(s) of the research: (Pure and Applied) Mathematics, and Statistics
REU Site: Summer Program Advancing Techniques in the Applied Learning of Statistics (SPATIAL-Stats) at Georgetown UniversityAbstract of Award
University of California Los Angeles
Research in Industrial Projects for Students (RIPS)
Los Angeles, California
Primary: Aida Velasco
(310) 825-4755
Research Topics/Keywords: Applied Mathematics, Data Analysis, Coding, Machine Learning, etc.
Research in Industrial Projects for Students (RIPS)Abstract of Award
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute
REU Site: MSRI Undergraduate Program (MSRI-UP)
Berkeley, California
Primary: Helene Barcelo
(510) 643-6040
Research Topics/Keywords: Mathematical Sciences (The research mentor and topic rotates yearly)
Comments: Renewal of DMS-1659138 (17-21), DMS-1156499 (12-16), DMS-0754872 (07-11)
REU Site: MSRI Undergraduate Program (MSRI-UP)Abstract of Award
Chico, California
Primary: Kevin McGown
(530) 898-4083
Research Topics/Keywords: Main field and sub-fields of the research: Mathematics: Statistics, Number Theory, Aperiodic order, Topology, Commutative algebra, Graph theory
Comments: Renewal of previously funded REU Site (NSF award number 1559788)
REU Site: Research Experience in Mathematics for Undergraduates and TeachersAbstract of Award
Tempe, Arizona
Primary: Sherry Woodley
Research Topics/Keywords: Main Field: Mathematical Sciences Sub-Fields: Biological and Social Sciences
REU Site: Quantitative Research for the Life and Social Sciences (QRLSS)Abstract of Award
Auburn University, Alabama
Primary: Peter Johnson
(334) 844-3745
Secondary: Overtoun Jenda
Research Topics/Keywords: Algebra and Discrete Mathematics (graphs and hypergraphs, number theory, information and coding theory)
Comments: Previous Award 1560257 and 1950563
REU Site: Research Experience for Undergraduates in Algebra and Discrete Mathematics at Auburn UniversityAbstract of Award
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