WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:18.389 Kari Segraves: Right. Well, it looks like it is three o'clock, so it's time to get started. I wanted to welcome everyone to our Webinar on the partnership to advance conservation, science and practice program. Thank you. Everyone for joining us to learn more about this exciting funding opportunity at Nsf: 2 00:00:18.660 --> 00:00:36.870 Kari Segraves: Um. Just to introduce myself. I'm keri se graves. I'm a program director in the division of environmental biology I serve in the population and community ecology, cluster and i'm co-leading the partnership to advance conservation, science and practice program with Colette. What you want to introduce yourself. 3 00:00:36.880 --> 00:00:40.610 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): Yes, i'm Colette, St. Mary I'm. Uh: 4 00:00:40.920 --> 00:00:50.870 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): primarily a program director in the behavioral systems cluster in Ios, the division of integrative and organismal systems. 5 00:00:51.080 --> 00:00:59.280 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): We are joined in the management of this program. Uh, by two additional program directors. Carolyn, 6 00:01:00.820 --> 00:01:09.880 Carolyn Ferguson: Hi, I'm, Carolyn Ferguson. I am in a division of Environmental biology, and i'm a program director in the systematics and biodiversity. Cluster 7 00:01:09.940 --> 00:01:11.770 Carolyn Ferguson: and Next is mal 8 00:01:12.120 --> 00:01:19.899 Melissa Coleman: hi i'm Mel Coleman. I'm a program director in Ios i'm in the neural systems cluster 9 00:01:21.220 --> 00:01:35.109 Kari Segraves: awesome. So we're super excited to have a new solicitation release for the Pax program. This is a program managed in partnership with the Apology Allen family foundation, 10 00:01:35.120 --> 00:02:03.410 Kari Segraves: and it offers an opportunity to put together interdisciplinary teams from academic and conservation organizations. The goal here is to support basic conservation research that investigates organismal biology, ecology, and or evolution, and is designed to contribute to the development and implementation of evidence-based activities and or technology solutions that will advance conservation of biodiversity 11 00:02:03.420 --> 00:02:16.509 Kari Segraves: so We are seeking proposals that involve the implementation of conservation activities based on conservation science principles. Through these academic conservation organization, partnerships. 12 00:02:16.550 --> 00:02:30.249 Kari Segraves: Um. The strongest projects are going to involve ongoing assessment of biodiversity outcomes for example, using an adaptive management framework that informs both scientific understanding and conservation actions. 13 00:02:30.540 --> 00:02:48.470 Kari Segraves: So an important distinction between this program and other and Nsf. Programs is that proposals to this program must make clear and well-defined connections between basic research questions and the implementation of conservation-focused actions next slide. 14 00:02:51.730 --> 00:03:03.910 Kari Segraves: So you might be asking yourself what's new from the last solicitation. And so first we're excited to announce that there's now an explicit tools track 15 00:03:04.280 --> 00:03:11.320 Kari Segraves: for projects that focus on leveraging, developing new technologies for use in the conservation sphere 16 00:03:11.330 --> 00:03:15.850 Kari Segraves: that wish to submit a tools track proposal should use the prefix 17 00:03:15.950 --> 00:03:19.189 Kari Segraves: Paxpa tools in the project title 18 00:03:19.440 --> 00:03:36.059 Kari Segraves: Um. The second thing is that the Pax Foot program has also decided to join the safe and inclusive field work pilot program. And so now proposals submitted to this solicitation should include a safe plan when the research involves off-campus or off-site research. 19 00:03:36.660 --> 00:03:47.110 Kari Segraves: Um, the final chain is change. Is that we now ask pis to submit a senior personnel um list spreadsheet that details all senior personnel involved in the project. 20 00:03:47.120 --> 00:03:51.999 Kari Segraves: We're going to talk some more about those details and changes in a few minutes. 21 00:03:52.240 --> 00:03:57.890 Kari Segraves: Um, But First, let's talk about eligibility, and that would be the next slide. 22 00:03:59.860 --> 00:04:00.890 Kari Segraves: Thank you. 23 00:04:00.900 --> 00:04:23.469 Kari Segraves: The research partner submits to the National Science Foundation. The eligible research partners are institutions of higher education, including two and four-year institutions of higher education and community colleges that are accredited in and having a campus located in the Us. Acting on behalf of their faculty. Members. 24 00:04:23.840 --> 00:04:41.029 Kari Segraves: Research partners may also include non-profit non-academic organizations, like independent museums, observatories, research labs, professional societies and similar organizations located in the us that are directly associated with either educational or research activities. 25 00:04:41.140 --> 00:04:42.830 Kari Segraves: Next slide, please. 26 00:04:44.230 --> 00:04:59.159 Kari Segraves: The conservation partners are supported by the Paul G. Allen family foundation and include nonprofit tax exempt five hundred and one, c. Three or Us. Organizations, units of federal, State, or local government, 27 00:04:59.170 --> 00:05:16.370 Kari Segraves: state colleges or universities, and federally recognize tribal communities or tribes. Additionally, all supported organizations must review and agree to the apology. Allen Family Foundation Grantee code of conduct which focuses on open and ethical operations. 28 00:05:16.380 --> 00:05:22.450 Kari Segraves: There's a link to the code of conduct in the packs, the solicitation itself. So that's where you would find them 29 00:05:22.460 --> 00:05:25.389 Kari Segraves: Now, I think i'm going to turn things over to Carolyn. 30 00:05:25.810 --> 00:05:27.130 Carolyn Ferguson: Okay, 31 00:05:27.160 --> 00:05:46.179 Carolyn Ferguson: So i'm going to go over some proposal submission details. Um. So projects must be us based projects in the Us. And Associated Territories. The proposal. Deadline is April twenty, fourth, twenty, April, twenty, fourth, two thousand and twenty four, and so coming up here soon, 32 00:05:46.190 --> 00:05:51.180 Carolyn Ferguson: and proposals must be submitted through research. Gov: Next slide 33 00:05:52.510 --> 00:06:04.540 Carolyn Ferguson: in terms of program aims. The strongest proposal should integrate three components. First, is basic research questions motivated by urgent biodiversity. Conservation need. 34 00:06:04.570 --> 00:06:15.400 Carolyn Ferguson: The second is development and development and implementation of science-informed conservation actions or new technology, the latter being that tools track that carrie just mentioned. 35 00:06:15.920 --> 00:06:27.969 Carolyn Ferguson: And then third, a plan for ongoing evaluation or assessment of success of the conservation action or the technology to inform both the science and the efficacy of the conservation action. 36 00:06:28.130 --> 00:06:29.560 Carolyn Ferguson: Next slide. 37 00:06:30.600 --> 00:07:00.399 Carolyn Ferguson: We have two slides on project description, so the first one is intellectual merit, and i'll point out that the bold headers here should be should be in the project description, either as headers or sub headers so explicitly in the in the project. Description so intellectual merit the intellectual contributions of the post-search elements This must include a section with the subheading evidence-based conservation planning. 38 00:07:00.410 --> 00:07:23.229 Carolyn Ferguson: So describing how the research components of the projects inform the conservation action plan and set objectives that can be evaluated to inform the the biodiversity, conservation, efficacy, and the underlying science, and for tools. This should include the rationale for the proposed tool application and the potential to improve on the existing technology 39 00:07:23.560 --> 00:07:40.930 Carolyn Ferguson: next slide. So that was intellectual merit, and then broader impacts. Um, The proposal must specifically include sections with the the following subheadings for broader impacts, a conservation action plan. So this should articulate the planned conservation intervention 40 00:07:40.940 --> 00:07:55.170 Carolyn Ferguson: and then a planned assessment detailing the plan to assess in an ongoing or periodic manner the degree to which the Conservation Action Plan is meeting its goals and informing the fundamental science on which it is based, 41 00:07:55.360 --> 00:08:07.310 Carolyn Ferguson: and for the tools track. This should detail the plan to evaluate the efficacy of the tool, to meet the conservation goals and include comparison to existing technologies, 42 00:08:07.520 --> 00:08:23.100 Carolyn Ferguson: and then finally project management. This should detail how the personnel and the partnering organizations are going to work together as a partnership to achieve the goals of the project, and this part also must include a project timeline. 43 00:08:23.880 --> 00:08:30.589 Carolyn Ferguson: So again, to emphasize all of those bold headers and subheaders should appear in the project description, 44 00:08:31.340 --> 00:08:33.699 Carolyn Ferguson: and I think here I turn it over to Mel. 45 00:08:33.780 --> 00:08:48.730 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): No, to collect. No, it's me. Um! There are several required documents for these proposals, including standard required documents for all Nsf. Proposals, for instance, the data management and sharing plan 46 00:08:48.740 --> 00:08:55.470 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): and a post-doctoral mentoring mentorship plan. If a postdoc is budgeted 47 00:08:55.750 --> 00:09:05.230 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): the proposal But We're also asking for the conservation partner, budget and budget justification 48 00:09:05.720 --> 00:09:12.850 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): evidence that the conservation partner is eligible according to those criteria that we've already shared, 49 00:09:13.560 --> 00:09:17.309 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): and the safe and inclusive field plan. 50 00:09:22.660 --> 00:09:26.629 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): There we go. These are budgets 51 00:09:27.120 --> 00:09:38.729 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): should basically have the same format. So the lead institution budget. This is the one that's being uploaded with the and Nsf. Proposal in the budget section. Um. 52 00:09:38.930 --> 00:09:55.799 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): This must obviously conform to our path. G. Guidance about the budget structure and justification. Um, and this should only be for the research portion of the proposed project, which will be funded by the Andsf. 53 00:09:55.820 --> 00:10:00.350 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): It will include the ordinary 54 00:10:00.860 --> 00:10:05.740 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): indirect costs that are agreed by that institution. 55 00:10:06.440 --> 00:10:20.219 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): The conservation partner, budget and budget justification must also conform to this patchy guidance. And we we're asking that it be included on 56 00:10:20.580 --> 00:10:25.540 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): a form that matches the Nsf. Budget format 57 00:10:25.830 --> 00:10:35.960 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): um. But this document and its justification should be submitted as a supplementary document. 58 00:10:36.090 --> 00:10:44.010 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): These budgets should include no indirect costs, as those are not allowed 59 00:10:44.210 --> 00:10:48.889 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): on the conservation partner Budget. All the project costs, 60 00:10:48.900 --> 00:11:00.649 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): including those for the project. Infrastructure, must be specifically spelled out as direct costs in the conservation Partner Budget. 61 00:11:03.930 --> 00:11:18.470 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): The proof of eligibility of documentation. Um should include evidence of this five hundred and one C three tax status by providing the tax, Id number and tax classification. 62 00:11:18.530 --> 00:11:25.650 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): If the proposer is a unit of government, then a letter should be included confirming this this fact, 63 00:11:26.220 --> 00:11:40.110 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): the proposer should also include a statement that they explicitly have reviewed the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation Grantee code of conduct that verifies and verifies their compliance with that code. 64 00:11:40.120 --> 00:11:46.780 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): Again, this code of conduct is linked from the solicitation. 65 00:11:51.930 --> 00:12:08.959 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): The safe plans are those that you probably have already encountered in attempts to submit to our regular core programs. The bio and geo-directorates are participating in this safe plan. Pilot. 66 00:12:09.120 --> 00:12:17.140 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): Fundamentally, this plan, which is a two-play page supplemental document should include four sections: 67 00:12:17.340 --> 00:12:26.009 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): the first section is a brief description of the field setting and the unique challenges for the team imposed by that context. 68 00:12:26.280 --> 00:12:38.009 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): The second should detail the steps that the proposing organization organization will take to nurture an inclusive off-campus or off-site working environment 69 00:12:38.020 --> 00:12:57.259 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): including processes to establish shared team definitions of roles responsibility and culture that might include codes of conduct trainings, mentor mentee mechanisms, and field support that might include regular check ins or other developmental events. 70 00:12:57.710 --> 00:13:12.409 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): The third portion of this document must detail the communication processes within the off-site team, and to the organization that minimize singular points within the communication pathway 71 00:13:12.670 --> 00:13:25.520 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): For example, there should not be a single person overseeing access to a a single satellite phone. Um! Everyone should have free access to communications should they need them. 72 00:13:26.320 --> 00:13:28.110 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): And finally, 73 00:13:28.120 --> 00:13:44.260 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): a section detailing the organizational mechanisms that will be used for reporting and responding to and resolving ultimately any issues of harassment that arise. And note this document is for the entire project team 74 00:13:44.400 --> 00:14:01.229 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): where multiple organizations are involved. These sections, especially that last section should detail how members affiliated with different organizations within the team will communicate in the case. 75 00:14:01.240 --> 00:14:04.400 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): Um that harassment has occurred, 76 00:14:09.880 --> 00:14:19.749 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): because the whole intent of these safe plans is to assure that the field environment is 77 00:14:20.170 --> 00:14:24.510 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): nurturing, welcoming, and harassment free to 78 00:14:24.800 --> 00:14:30.109 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): all members of the research team, and ultimately 79 00:14:31.600 --> 00:14:39.789 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): broadens participation in this kind of research. It is being reviewed under the broader impacts 80 00:14:39.800 --> 00:14:42.099 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): uh review criteria. 81 00:14:42.470 --> 00:14:51.389 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): There are three solicitation, specific questions that reviewers will be asked to evaluate for each of the plans. 82 00:14:51.400 --> 00:14:52.610 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): First off 83 00:14:52.680 --> 00:15:07.730 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): is there a compelling plan, including the procedures, training trainings, and communication processes to establish nurture and maintain inclusive off-campus offsite working environments. 84 00:15:08.520 --> 00:15:23.889 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): Does the proposed plan, identify and adequately address the unique challenges for the team given the specific off-campus off-site settings um, and the complexity of the team membership. I will, 85 00:15:24.120 --> 00:15:36.869 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): and then finally are the organizational mechanisms to be used for reporting responding to and resolving issues of harassment should they occur? Are they clearly outlined for everybody participating in the project? 86 00:15:37.610 --> 00:15:41.150 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): And I'll turn it next to Mel, 87 00:15:49.800 --> 00:15:51.320 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): who is here at it. 88 00:15:54.500 --> 00:15:55.290 Melissa Coleman: I'm sick. 89 00:15:55.300 --> 00:15:56.270 Melissa Coleman: It's it. 90 00:15:56.440 --> 00:16:05.049 Melissa Coleman: I like to do that. Just so. People feel good. Um: Okay. And the final thing that you need is you need to fill out 91 00:16:05.210 --> 00:16:17.660 Melissa Coleman: the senior personnel spreadsheet, and that has to be submitted by an email to this email. That's here A ded template at Nsf. Gov: 92 00:16:18.000 --> 00:16:30.619 Melissa Coleman: and I can drop these into the chat in just a minute. Um! And this is this spreadsheet separate than the one that you do for your collaborators and other affiliations there, your conflict of interest 93 00:16:30.630 --> 00:16:38.879 Melissa Coleman: and um. And then there's a template for that that's been that you need to follow. Ah! And there's a link to that that i'll also put in the in the chat when we're done. 94 00:16:39.250 --> 00:16:40.810 Melissa Coleman: Okay next week. 95 00:16:45.100 --> 00:17:03.769 Melissa Coleman: Uh we have a list of just a quick forms of common questions that you might have uh, before we go into the Q. And A. Um. The first is, can I have more than one conservation partner? And the the answer is, Yes, but you do have to submit a separate budget for each of those conservation partners. 96 00:17:04.200 --> 00:17:07.319 Melissa Coleman: Secondly, what is the expected division of 97 00:17:07.329 --> 00:17:21.929 Melissa Coleman: funding between research and conservation action partners, and that's going to be unique to your particular project. But you know this is a equal partnership between science and 98 00:17:22.060 --> 00:17:25.980 Melissa Coleman: uh conservation. And so your budget should uh reflect that, 99 00:17:26.859 --> 00:17:35.350 Melissa Coleman: uh, can't. My Thirdly, can my my organization serve as both the academic and conservation partner? 100 00:17:35.360 --> 00:17:48.279 Melissa Coleman: Um, Possibly please reach out with specific questions to an email address that we will give you in the next slide. Um. And so, if you have very specific questions, please reach out to this email. 101 00:17:48.290 --> 00:17:52.950 Melissa Coleman: Finally, how will money be awarded for the research and conservation partners, The 102 00:17:52.960 --> 00:18:05.460 Melissa Coleman: And so the Nsf. Will support the research budget um that submitted to the Budget section of the proposal, and then the Allen Foundation will ah support the Conservation Partner Budget. 103 00:18:06.040 --> 00:18:07.380 Melissa Coleman: Next, slide 104 00:18:08.520 --> 00:18:19.109 Melissa Coleman: any questions any further questions you have, please, uh email this this email that will come to all of us. So we can answer those questions. 105 00:18:20.520 --> 00:18:22.650 Melissa Coleman: And next slide. 106 00:18:23.390 --> 00:18:51.170 Carolyn Ferguson: And I have this slide. So we want to emphasize that in terms of areas of science Ah! Paxba spans the breadth of research areas in both ios and deed. So this is the deed structure in terms of programs, and you'll see Paxbun noted down there on the bottom right, which is a special program. The core de B structure includes ecology and evolution programs. There are four clusters within deed, 107 00:18:51.180 --> 00:19:15.630 Carolyn Ferguson: ecosystem sciences, population and community ecology, evolutionary processes and systematics and biodiversity, science and that last one has a couple of special categories. So then, just to emphasize that paxba is part. Ah! It expands the the kinds of research questions in the eb, and then next Mao will net the structure for Ios. 108 00:19:16.300 --> 00:19:35.289 Melissa Coleman: Yep. So similarly, here is the structure for Ios our core programs. Um, We have five core programs from Ah Gabriel systems, neural systems, physiology and development developmental systems, and then plant genome projects. Sorry. Five projects, and then the 109 00:19:35.810 --> 00:19:47.749 Melissa Coleman: it's it's it's It's across those So any science within those structures are appropriate for this this call, 110 00:19:49.330 --> 00:19:52.640 Melissa Coleman: and I think that's it for me. 111 00:19:56.170 --> 00:20:01.870 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): So I think we are ready to turn to your questions. 112 00:20:02.470 --> 00:20:04.179 Colette St. Mary NSF IOS (she): I'm gonna. I have stopped sharing.