WEBVTT 1 00:00:08.820 --> 00:00:11.190 Nadia El-Masry: Okay, Hello, everyone. 2 00:00:11.200 --> 00:00:18.159 Nadia El-Masry: Thank you for your interest in the fuse to Source station and for joining the Webinar this afternoon. 3 00:00:18.170 --> 00:00:31.950 Nadia El-Masry: My name is Nadia Elmastri, and I am a member of the semiconductor working group at Nsf. I work as a program director in the Erc. Program and the Eec diversion. 4 00:00:31.970 --> 00:00:48.919 Nadia El-Masry: Now I would like to introduce Dr. Anthony Majesky, the division director of Eccs, the electrical communication and cyber System division in the engineering director to give Nsf opening remarks, Tony. 5 00:00:49.920 --> 00:01:08.460 Tony Maciejewski: Thank you, Nadia. Welcome to everyone. Good afternoon or good morning, depending on where you're at. As Nadia said, My name is Tony Macheevsky and I'm. The division director for electrical communications and cyber systems here within the engineering directorate of Andsf, 6 00:01:08.470 --> 00:01:16.950 Tony Maciejewski: and on on behalf of all of the five directorates that are involved in the fuse program. I sort of want to welcome all of you 7 00:01:16.960 --> 00:01:31.190 Tony Maciejewski: um to tell you a little bit about myself. I I am an Ipa, a rotator here at Nsf. And I'm. Just celebrating my first year anniversary, and if any of you out there thinking of rotator positions, I highly recommend it. 8 00:01:31.200 --> 00:01:38.560 Tony Maciejewski: My home institution is Colorado State University, where I'm. A faculty member of electrical and computer brain community. 9 00:01:38.570 --> 00:01:52.730 Tony Maciejewski: And prior to coming to. And so I spent nineteen years as a department of electrical and computer engineering. And so, unfortunately, I sort of had a first 10 00:01:52.740 --> 00:02:11.589 Tony Maciejewski: Ah, but row seat in in in seeing the decrease in interest, in in semiconductor education amongst our students and and Ece Ah departments, and that was kind of disheartening, especially to see many of my colleagues have to shudder their ah clean rooms. 11 00:02:11.600 --> 00:02:24.970 Tony Maciejewski: So i'm. I'm. Very excited to see this this renaissance of interest in in semiconductor research and education and workforce development and and thrill to be a part of it, and thank you all for being here. 12 00:02:24.980 --> 00:02:45.800 Tony Maciejewski: Um! The key solicitation is very interesting from another number of points of view. I think one is the fact that it is so multidisciplinary. You know we do have five different directorates working on it, and of course all of our directorates have been supporting research, and in semiconductor field for quite a while our colleagues in 13 00:02:45.810 --> 00:03:05.389 Tony Maciejewski: in the materials research television, you know, Look at new materials that also when engineering can make into devices, and then our our colleagues and seismic systems out of those devices. And so we have supported research across the technology stack. But what's unique here infuse is that we actually want to 14 00:03:05.400 --> 00:03:13.029 Tony Maciejewski: fumes all of that together. And and look at co-design across the technology stack. So that's an important part of the 15 00:03:13.040 --> 00:03:30.700 Tony Maciejewski: the fuse solicitation, as well as the fact that they have the three different topic areas so looking at domain-specific computing looking at heterogeneous integration which is going to be critical to sort of go get more than more scaling, 16 00:03:30.710 --> 00:03:34.170 and also the focus on materials. Research. 17 00:03:34.180 --> 00:03:53.359 Tony Maciejewski: Um, Another aspect of fuse. I think that's very important is the focus on workforce development, right? The fact that there has to be a plan for education and workforce development, because, as I mentioned, we do need to show our future students the excitement of working within the semiconductor industry. 18 00:03:53.370 --> 00:04:14.609 Tony Maciejewski: And finally, um! I think I want to touch on the the importance of the industry participation. You know I am so thankful for our foreign industry partners. We can't do any of this without you with your guidance in terms of what's important, both in terms of research, directions and your workforce development needs. 19 00:04:14.620 --> 00:04:26.109 Tony Maciejewski: So thank you very much for being part of it, and I guess, thanks to all of you for for being a private sector like I said, i'm loving to see this renaissance and interest in the semiconductor industry. So thank you all. 20 00:04:27.580 --> 00:04:46.449 Nadia El-Masry: Thank you, Tony. Now, I would like to introduce my colleague, Jason Halstone. Jason is a program director in the computer and Network Systems division within the Size directorate and one of the team members in the semiconductor working here at Nsf: 21 00:04:46.460 --> 00:04:47.620 Nadia El-Masry: Ah, Giza, 22 00:04:47.860 --> 00:05:14.930 Jason Hallstrom: thank you, Nadia. Today we're going to provide an overview of the fuse to solicitation. This is nsf twenty, four, five to one, and we're going to give you a chance. Towards the end of the Webinar today to ask any questions you might have. It's important throughout the Webinar today to keep in mind that the Webinar is not a substitute for the solicitation. The solicitation, of course, remains the definitive standard for any information related to C two, and of course we encourage all of our attendees to to read the solicitation 23 00:05:14.940 --> 00:05:15.940 carefully. 24 00:05:19.140 --> 00:05:38.320 Jason Hallstrom: As Tony mentioned. Fuse two is a multi-division multi-directed program, and we're pleased today to be joined by colleagues from E and G. Mps Guys meeting you and Tip, you should feel free to reach out to any of the participating program directors that you see on the slide here that are listed within the solicitation. But we ask you to please use the email address, 25 00:05:38.330 --> 00:05:50.310 Jason Hallstrom: fuse one at Nsf. Gov. And of course we encourage you to review the funding portfolios across the participating divisions and directorates to help. Better contextualize your proposed work, 26 00:05:50.320 --> 00:05:59.399 Jason Hallstrom: and I just do want to point out one more time, and i'll point it out again toward the end of the Webinar that it is not a typo to reach us. It is fuse one at N, 27 00:06:04.260 --> 00:06:14.740 Jason Hallstrom: as You all know, semiconductor technologies already play central roles in our daily lives from computing and telecommunications to health care, and that set of application areas continues to grow. 28 00:06:14.750 --> 00:06:27.849 Jason Hallstrom: The Us. Has long been a leader in the area of semiconductor, particularly on the R. And D. Side, and there are many new opportunities to expand this leadership position and to address key semiconductor challenges both nationally and globally. 29 00:06:27.980 --> 00:06:37.039 Jason Hallstrom: The main driver behind the Chips and Science Act is the observation that semiconductor technology and innovation are critical to the economic growth and national security of the Us. 30 00:06:37.130 --> 00:06:43.210 Jason Hallstrom: We need significant help from our research community, both academia and industry to tackle these challenges 31 00:06:46.180 --> 00:07:02.539 Jason Hallstrom: in response to the Chips and Science Act, Nfs put out two solicitations, both under the name of future of semiconductors. We're going to refer to those excuse one and choose two for short, the former with a collaboration between the Nsf. And four industry partner, Erickson, Ibm. Intel, and Samsung. 32 00:07:02.550 --> 00:07:13.949 Jason Hallstrom: The current solicitation is a modification of the former. This is twenty, four, five, two, one. It is again a collaboration between and Nsf. And industry, namely, Erickson, Intel, Micron, and Samsung 33 00:07:14.030 --> 00:07:33.479 Jason Hallstrom: at the highest level of abstraction. The goal of the fuse program is to cultivate a broad coalition of researchers from across science and engineering communities to utilize a holistic co-design approach to fundamental research, education and training challenges and to ultimately enable rapid progress in new semiconductor technology, 34 00:07:33.490 --> 00:07:43.389 Jason Hallstrom: we expect that this collaboration between the and and our industry partners will help to accelerate the translation into practice of technological innovations that are developed under this program 35 00:07:46.370 --> 00:08:02.589 Jason Hallstrom: for clarity. This is actually the the third two solicitation. The first was launched in twenty two, and that was focused on teaming specifically the development of new fuse teams. The second was launched in two thousand and twenty three, as I just mentioned, with a focus on holistic Co-design, 36 00:08:02.600 --> 00:08:14.220 Jason Hallstrom: importantly fuse two the current solicitation is wholly independent of the former solicitation. So applicants are not required to have participated in either of the preceding rounds of fuse 37 00:08:17.340 --> 00:08:25.079 Jason Hallstrom: with the chips and science, to act as motivating context. The key goals of the fuse. Two solicitation are threefold in their complementary. 38 00:08:25.090 --> 00:08:39.580 Jason Hallstrom: First, the solicitation seeks to advance research and development in semiconductor technology, exploring new materials processes and designs for future devices and systems. And as we're going to reiterate throughout the Webinar today, co-design is a central theme of this solicitation. 39 00:08:40.289 --> 00:08:48.420 Jason Hallstrom: Second, the solicitation seeks to advance interdisciplinary education and workforce development, to prepare the next-generation semiconductor workforce. 40 00:08:48.500 --> 00:09:05.259 Jason Hallstrom: And finally, the solicitation seeks to enable the translation of fundamental research advancements into applications into societal impact. Our industry partners, of course, play a central role here, helping us to better understand the semiconductor ecosystem and the specific challenges that are based by industry. 41 00:09:05.270 --> 00:09:08.960 Jason Hallstrom: So please do keep these goals in mind while developing your proposals. 42 00:09:11.930 --> 00:09:28.199 Jason Hallstrom: To put a finer point on this, the division's, directorates, and the industry partners refuse to were collected with some intention. The vision of the program is to translate foundational research into products and solutions that benefit society and drive economic growth consistent with the chips and scientists, 43 00:09:28.210 --> 00:09:45.379 Jason Hallstrom: P and G size, Mps and me. You, on the left-hand side are responsible for supporting fundamental research and education activities conducted by Rpi and our colleagues in tip are responsible for facilitating a handshake. The coordination with our industry. Partners on the right hand side, 44 00:09:45.390 --> 00:09:48.459 Jason Hallstrom: who have a better understanding of market needs and challenges. 45 00:09:48.640 --> 00:09:58.290 Jason Hallstrom: The goal is refused to form a ramp of opportunity from fundamental research to societal impact and commercialization overcoming the infamous value of death 46 00:09:58.300 --> 00:10:11.510 Jason Hallstrom: before we get into more details of the solicitation we'd like to give each of our four partners an opportunity to introduce themselves and to share their respective interest in the fuse program. I'll first turn it over to our partners for America. 47 00:10:17.040 --> 00:10:29.159 Ali Khayrallah: Hi, good morning, everybody. My name is Ali Kairara. I'm. With the advanced technology group of Erickson in Santa Clara, California. 48 00:10:29.330 --> 00:10:32.830 Ali Khayrallah: So it's my pleasure to be with you here today. 49 00:10:33.100 --> 00:10:42.039 Ali Khayrallah: Erickson, as you know, is a mainly a mobile infrastructure company and our areas of interest, I, 50 00:10:42.570 --> 00:11:02.319 Ali Khayrallah: our frequency systems, data converters, energy management, compute sensors. You name it. So we are very tightly connected with the semiconductor industry, and we rely very heavily on advances made by the semiconductor research and development. 51 00:11:02.330 --> 00:11:05.330 Ali Khayrallah: So why are we interested in this program? 52 00:11:05.840 --> 00:11:09.700 Ali Khayrallah: The evolution of wireless communication has been 53 00:11:09.760 --> 00:11:17.279 Ali Khayrallah: outpacing so-called Moore's law for decades and the way we have been cashing up is by semiconductor innovation. 54 00:11:17.380 --> 00:11:25.500 Ali Khayrallah: As you know, there's A. In the world of telecom. There's a next step which is referred to as sixg, 55 00:11:25.510 --> 00:11:39.610 Ali Khayrallah: which is expected to be deployed around two thousand and thirty, and this step will be no exception. It will require a lot of innovation in semiconductor to support the features that we're trying to develop. 56 00:11:39.620 --> 00:11:51.670 Ali Khayrallah: So Axon believes in an open environment where industry and academia and government can learn from each other. And we believe this fuse. Two program is an excellent vehicle. To do this, 57 00:11:52.220 --> 00:11:59.159 Ali Khayrallah: The second question is, What do we expect? The program to achieve? 58 00:11:59.190 --> 00:12:11.539 Ali Khayrallah: Accent believes this fuse to will will lay the foundation and develop destructive concepts that will enable the vision that we are developing in the telecom industry. 59 00:12:11.670 --> 00:12:19.320 Ali Khayrallah: It will be an opportunity to share visions and concepts between world-leading teams in industry and academia. 60 00:12:19.430 --> 00:12:27.610 Ali Khayrallah: It will strengthen the as talent pool in semiconductors, which is extremely important for the Us. And global. 61 00:12:28.020 --> 00:12:29.460 Ali Khayrallah: And the 62 00:12:29.590 --> 00:12:47.790 Ali Khayrallah: the third question is, What resources can we make available to the project. So, as you may know, we're a global company with a research organization, and we will engage researchers from the Us. And from other sites in selected projects. One 63 00:12:47.830 --> 00:13:01.060 Ali Khayrallah: we have, of course, as you can expect, many resources that test Chambers equipment lab resources that could also be considered based on the relevance and the availability. And 64 00:13:02.320 --> 00:13:03.599 Ali Khayrallah: Yeah, thank you. 65 00:13:04.150 --> 00:13:07.020 Jason Hallstrom: Thank you, Ali. Next our partners from Intel. 66 00:13:08.960 --> 00:13:36.810 Melissa Cowan: Hi, there, i'm Melissa Count. I'm a program director at intel um in our Port University Research office. Um, please be part of the few solicitation. So Intel is a semiconductor involving world changing technology for the lives of every person on the planet. We are inspired by Moore's law. We continuously work to advance and design and manufacture semiconductors, and our major scope scans across every layer of the technology staff 67 00:13:36.940 --> 00:13:55.670 Melissa Cowan: we are excited to be part of views as we look at views. There's really three really important outcomes that we're looking for one is to really develop a skilled and we're growing a skilled workforce at all levels for semiconductors. We are in this period of unprecedented kind of growth 68 00:13:55.680 --> 00:14:07.719 Melissa Cowan: within this semiconductor industry here in the Us. And so we're looking at really developing a pipeline of diverse talent at all levels from technician to engineers to research sciences. 69 00:14:07.730 --> 00:14:20.579 Melissa Cowan: You know very important within fees. We're looking for outcomes that can really reach into undergraduate classrooms as well as impact students at community colleges and enterprise. 70 00:14:20.590 --> 00:14:33.059 Melissa Cowan: We really want to empower the next generation of faculty. Educators and researchers in the semiconductor field encourage new faculty to take on semiconductor research and really look collaborative, 71 00:14:33.070 --> 00:15:02.800 Melissa Cowan: collaboratively with partners on how we address workforce needs. And then, finally, you know, technology, innovation, Um, advancing us semiconductor manufacturing leadership and and really um. We're interested within a few solicitation that this is a program that that encompasses multiple levels of the step. We have interest in the materials and the advice, technologies, um systems, integration, and packaging technologies of our particular interest to Intel as well as 72 00:15:02.810 --> 00:15:07.020 Melissa Cowan: you know, um new new architectures. 73 00:15:08.790 --> 00:15:35.699 Melissa Cowan: As we engage with with you. We We do plan to provide access to technical measures. We have expertise in all areas of use, so happy to identify collaboration um and maturation pathways with funded proposals. We can also explore access to Intel's University Shuttle program and compute environments for research and and access to student internship. 74 00:15:38.390 --> 00:15:39.550 Melissa Cowan: Thank you. 75 00:15:39.770 --> 00:15:42.739 Jason Hallstrom: Thank you, Melissa next our partners for Mycon. 76 00:15:43.520 --> 00:16:07.749 Mark Helm: Hello, everyone i'm Mark Helm. I'm a senior fellow at Micron meeting microns, pathfinding and strategy groups, as as Jason mentioned, Micron is a newcomer to the fuse program with the fuse. Two solicitation, and we're very excited to be a part of the fuse, two along with the Nsf. And the other industry partners. 77 00:16:07.800 --> 00:16:15.900 Mark Helm: Now, Now, micron being, you know, a leader in memory and storage, we will certainly bring additional interest in 78 00:16:16.230 --> 00:16:26.840 Mark Helm: how these critical components can really compute, to contribute to compute architectures of the future in innovative ways. 79 00:16:26.850 --> 00:16:46.960 Mark Helm: This might be, you know, further evolution of memory devices. It may be exploring new ways, that we more tightly integrate memory and compute for the future to provide nonlinear power, efficiency gains 80 00:16:47.620 --> 00:17:05.479 Mark Helm: several reasons why micron is now joining. You know the the cross-functional teeming approach that Nsf and the industry partners have used for the fuse programs really resonated with us as a key way to develop innovative concepts, 81 00:17:05.490 --> 00:17:16.300 Mark Helm: and the full stack approach being advocated are really where we need to be looking as an industry and a community. 82 00:17:16.640 --> 00:17:26.900 Mark Helm: As you know, point solutions are necessary, but they are insufficient in really providing the revolutionary games that we all are looking for. Now 83 00:17:28.460 --> 00:17:56.320 Mark Helm: we would like to see vertically integrated solutions come from the proposals from and from the awardes. Um, you know, although micron is a memory company, and and we are very interested in things like materials and devices. But we are also very interested in applications and software stack, and there's a very strong recognition that new concepts and memories are 84 00:17:56.330 --> 00:18:02.900 Mark Helm: need that level of support across the entire stack in order to be successful in the marketplace. 85 00:18:04.880 --> 00:18:28.939 Mark Helm: Um, with regards to support, when we are certainly very interested in in collaboration and guidance to the awardees. Um, you know, we micron has a very robust research experience across the stack that is part of the fuse to solicitation, and we hope to provide perspective that is valuable to the community of Awardes. 86 00:18:28.960 --> 00:18:46.010 Mark Helm: Under the right circumstances we can offer access to our R. And D capabilities in the Us. And of course we have very strong interest in your students for internships and and potential future career opportunities as well. 87 00:18:46.800 --> 00:18:47.880 Mark Helm: He 88 00:18:48.270 --> 00:18:49.390 Jason Hallstrom: thank you. Mark. 89 00:18:49.400 --> 00:18:51.250 Jason Hallstrom: Next are partners from Santa. 90 00:18:51.770 --> 00:19:00.569 Stephen Chae: Hello, everyone! My name is Steven Chair. I'm: from open innovation team and I'm. Currently located in San Jose, California. 91 00:19:00.580 --> 00:19:15.889 Stephen Chae: We have a many area of interest under the pews program. Next generation. Computing is the one of them, probably including scalable heterogeneous architecture. Also Hbc. Accelerator and quantum computing, 92 00:19:15.900 --> 00:19:35.750 Stephen Chae: and also we have ah interest on Ai for semiconductor industry device, heterogeneous integration, low energy, high density embedded the memory devices you or improve the memory technology. And also we have an interest on over enabling material devices and processes in a broader spectrum of a window. One 93 00:19:36.150 --> 00:19:51.780 Stephen Chae: while you're interested in Samsung is excited to partner in the huge sol station. Given the need for the strong investment in the basic and applied research and also workforce training that will accelerate future semi-conducted technology development. 94 00:19:51.790 --> 00:19:56.809 Stephen Chae: Ultimately it will lead to the broad, social, and associated, or benefit. 95 00:19:57.260 --> 00:20:15.610 Stephen Chae: What is the our expectation? And then what to achieve? We expect that the strong emphasis on co-developing across the computing stack, which is the essential element of the program, and it will identify you way to compute with high efficiency, speed, and density 96 00:20:15.620 --> 00:20:21.859 Stephen Chae: as well as a provide a significant advancement to existing computing technology. 97 00:20:21.870 --> 00:20:35.979 Stephen Chae: Lastly, what resources can you make available to the projects we actually look forward to engaging with the funded project to provide industry, insight, and also identify complementary collaboration, opportunity, 98 00:20:35.990 --> 00:20:52.759 Stephen Chae: as well as a facilitating knowledge exchange. Ah! Be a visiting Samsung researcher where possible, We also hope to find opportunity for other tangible types of engagement to support validation of the technology which developed under the fuse program. 99 00:20:52.770 --> 00:20:54.060 Stephen Chae: Thank you very much. 100 00:20:54.680 --> 00:21:05.890 Jason Hallstrom: Thank you, Stephen, And to just reiterate Tony's comments from the start of the Webinar. We are very grateful to our industry partners for their support of the fuse program and for their participation in the Webinar today. So thanks so much. 101 00:21:07.750 --> 00:21:24.519 Jason Hallstrom: We now come to the core of the fuse to solicitation, and we are we are going to focus on Co-design. Semiconductors can be viewed as a combination of technologies that are stacked at different levels, and these can be coarsely broken down into three key areas, material devices and systems 102 00:21:24.650 --> 00:21:50.809 Jason Hallstrom: in large parts. The research within these areas occurs mostly independent of the other aspects of the technology stack and the goal of its use. Ii program is to change that to support fundamental research, enabling co-design of semiconductor materials, devices, and systems that will propel us semiconductor, manufacturing and applications beyond the current bottleneck, while enabling new application areas in growing the semiconductor research and development. Talent Pool 103 00:21:51.050 --> 00:22:03.319 Jason Hallstrom: co-design is emphasized throughout the solicitation to encourage cross fertilization among broad areas of research sponsored by the Nsf. Supporting activities that do not fit well within individual programs. 104 00:22:03.330 --> 00:22:14.749 Jason Hallstrom: This calls for joint consideration of material device and system performance, as well as other aspects of interest, including manufacturerability, recyclability, environmental impact and other factors. 105 00:22:14.870 --> 00:22:25.459 Jason Hallstrom: Co-design represents the unification of the research and design fabric across these areas under a common Ah R. And D. Environment, tightly coupled with education and workforce development. 106 00:22:26.740 --> 00:22:44.980 Jason Hallstrom: The fuse. Two solicitation identifies three topic: areas topic, one collaborative research and domain-specific computing topic, two advanced function in high performance by heterogeneous integration and topic, three new materials for energy efficient enhanced performance and sustainable semiconductor-based systems. 107 00:22:46.960 --> 00:22:54.680 Jason Hallstrom: In thinking through how to architect a competitive fuse to submission. We encourage our pis to use this figure as a reference 108 00:22:54.780 --> 00:23:06.089 Jason Hallstrom: as noted earlier. The semiconductor technology stack can be roughly organized into three layers, banning materials, devices, and systems. You see these as verticals on the graph 109 00:23:06.520 --> 00:23:10.479 Jason Hallstrom: proposals must span at least two of these layers. 110 00:23:10.570 --> 00:23:30.330 Jason Hallstrom: Similarly, proposals must pursue at least one of the three topic areas across those layers. So, while a proposal may pursue multiple topics. Precisely one topic area must be identified as the primary topic area. So it's. Choose two across the top. Choose one or more along the the vertical 111 00:23:30.750 --> 00:23:35.420 Jason Hallstrom: education and workforce development activities should, of course, be closely integrated, 112 00:23:36.610 --> 00:23:42.389 Jason Hallstrom: so it may be useful to consider a a few potential instantiations of this architecture. 113 00:23:42.880 --> 00:23:51.709 Jason Hallstrom: The first case On the left-hand side of the slide we see a proposal that's focused on topic, one with work spanning devices and systems 114 00:23:52.440 --> 00:23:57.820 Jason Hallstrom: the middle. We see a topic two proposal that's focused on materials and devices. We 115 00:23:58.510 --> 00:24:12.360 Jason Hallstrom: topic rather. The third example covers materials and devices across topic, two in topic three. But importantly, only one topic has been identified as the primary topic in this case. Topic two. 116 00:24:12.800 --> 00:24:31.670 Jason Hallstrom: So we want to emphasize this point. Exactly One primary topic must be identified, and it must be identified within the title of the within the title of the proposal. Using this format fuse, two topic, one, two, or three, followed by the actual technical title of your proposal 117 00:24:33.130 --> 00:24:50.500 Jason Hallstrom: awards. In Fy twenty four will be up to two million dollars per award, for up to three years, of course, commensur with the scope and team size and the program seeks to fund collaborative research and education that transcends the traditional boundaries of individual disciplines to achieve program goals again by low-breaking. 118 00:24:51.430 --> 00:24:56.699 Jason Hallstrom: We're not going to spend some time just hitting the highlights of topic one two and thirty 119 00:24:56.710 --> 00:25:15.900 Jason Hallstrom: topic, one collaborative research and domain-specific computing seeks to increase performance, energy, efficiency, usability, sustainability, and other aspects of computing systems through co-design approaches, that leverage characteristics of specific domains, We encourage you to consider domain-specific in the broadest sense. 120 00:25:15.910 --> 00:25:26.750 Jason Hallstrom: Example domains of interest include application, domains, computing strategy, domains and technical rather technology domains. And there are several examples that are articulated within the solicitation 121 00:25:27.880 --> 00:25:43.880 Jason Hallstrom: topic two is focused on advanced function and high performance through heterogeneous integration with the goal of accelerating the adoption of advanced electronic memory platonic energy or sensing devices and components in semiconductor technology to enable cutting edge functionality. 122 00:25:44.150 --> 00:25:57.589 Jason Hallstrom: Examples include. But again, are not limited to heterogeneous integration and heterogeneous technology. Ingredients package, platform, heterogeneous integration and heterogeneous integration, system, design and characterization, technology 123 00:25:59.300 --> 00:26:06.029 Jason Hallstrom: topic, three new materials for energy efficient enhanced performance and sustainable semiconductor-based systems 124 00:26:06.050 --> 00:26:18.649 Jason Hallstrom: potential areas of interest. Again, examples. These are not prescriptive novel materials, or innovative combinations of materials enabling novel energy, efficient logic and or memory functions, including non-von neumann logic 125 00:26:18.660 --> 00:26:34.849 Jason Hallstrom: novel materials, or innovative combinations of material for next generation, interconnect heterogeneous integration in devices and packaging at relevant dimensions, materials to enable patterning with the next generation of extreme ultraviolet in high- numerical aperture, e uv. And moderately photoresists, 126 00:26:34.860 --> 00:26:55.719 Jason Hallstrom: as well as novel bottom of patterning approaches such as direct and self-assembly and finally the development of new characterization methods and or high resolution, imaging technologies for the characterization of materials at the electronic device or chip level, for example, electrical or thermal transport or defect mapping at the atomic molecular level in a functioning electronic device. 127 00:26:57.920 --> 00:27:12.539 Jason Hallstrom: As we said, education and workforce development activities serve a central role in fuse two and must play a central role in all successful fuse. To submiss these activities are expected to be tightly integrated with the proposed research activity. 128 00:27:12.680 --> 00:27:28.220 Jason Hallstrom: All proposals must include within the broader impact description a section titled Education and Workforce Development Plan, which must articulate education and workforce development goals, plans for recruitment, retention and graduation of students from underrepresented groups. 129 00:27:28.230 --> 00:27:35.060 Jason Hallstrom: Plans for assessing the effectiveness of the Ewd plans and plans to integrate research and ewd components. 130 00:27:35.120 --> 00:27:44.820 Jason Hallstrom: Pis are of course, encouraged to engage experts in education, curriculum development, academic assessment in other areas as appropriate to the Ewd plans. 131 00:27:48.030 --> 00:28:07.689 Jason Hallstrom: Now we're going to briefly review the mechanics of the solicitation. There are no letters of intent or pre-procals required or accepted for this competition. All full proposals are due by March fourteenth, two thousand, and twenty four no later than five Pm. Local time proposals can be submitted either through research that 132 00:28:08.970 --> 00:28:23.960 Jason Hallstrom: and a submission deadline. An Api copi or senior personnel must hold a tenured or ten year track position, or a primary full time paid appointment in a research or teaching position, with exception granted for family or medical leave, as determined by the submitting institution 133 00:28:24.710 --> 00:28:34.800 Jason Hallstrom: Individuals with primary appointment to for-profit non-academic organizations or at overseas branch campuses of u s institutions of higher education are not eligible to apply 134 00:28:34.870 --> 00:28:45.930 Jason Hallstrom: researchers from foreign academic institutions who contribute essential expertise to the project may participate as senior personnel or collaborators, but they may not receive nsf financial support 135 00:28:46.730 --> 00:28:54.100 Jason Hallstrom: Nsf. Twenty, three, five, five, two recipients. These are recipients under the previous cues. Call that it's fuse one 136 00:28:54.110 --> 00:29:10.880 Jason Hallstrom: not serve as P. I. Or copi for the fuse to solicitation, but they may serve as senior personnel. These points are important. We're actually going to hit them again a bit later in the Webinar proposals that violate these limitations will be returned without review. So please do pay attention to these requirements. 137 00:29:15.060 --> 00:29:32.679 Jason Hallstrom: The awards will be issued as either standard or continuing grants. The total available budget for this program is forty million dollars. We expect to award approximately twenty awards, under the solicitation with each award providing up to two million dollars of support for a period of up to three years. 138 00:29:33.000 --> 00:29:42.570 Jason Hallstrom: Of course, the number of awards, size, duration, et cetera, will dispense will depend on the responsiveness of the solicitation, and it's always subject to the availability of funds. 139 00:29:44.120 --> 00:29:59.099 Jason Hallstrom: We've covered again some of these points already, but they're important enough that we're going to repeat some of them. Here, Please read the solicitation carefully. Non-compliant proposals will be returned without review. And We just. We really hate to do that. So we're going to really hammer on this point. 140 00:29:59.190 --> 00:30:15.289 Jason Hallstrom: Pis must hold primary full-time paid appointments in research or teaching positions at us-based campuses individuals with primary appointments at for-profit, non-academic organizations, or in overseas branch. Campuses of us institutions of higher education are not eligible. 141 00:30:15.500 --> 00:30:33.190 Jason Hallstrom: An individual may appear as p iii or a senior personnel on only one fuse, two proposals, although there is no limit on the number of proposals for organizations, so we could have two separate pis, two separate faculty members from an academic institution to apply that permissible. 142 00:30:34.190 --> 00:30:40.779 Jason Hallstrom: This solicitation allows only a single proposal submission with sub awards that are administered by the weed organization 143 00:30:45.140 --> 00:30:57.149 Jason Hallstrom: proposals responding to this solicitation must include a project, management and collaboration section. It must address the following: The need for sustained support of a multidisciplinary team using a convergence research approach. 144 00:30:57.320 --> 00:31:05.089 Jason Hallstrom: Why, the project team is appropriate to realize the project's goal, and how the team will ensure effective collaboration in the co-design process 145 00:31:05.140 --> 00:31:13.550 Jason Hallstrom: and a compelling rationale for a multi-organization project structure, inclusion of minority, serving and escort institution is strongly encouraged. 146 00:31:15.200 --> 00:31:22.990 Jason Hallstrom: Again, every proposal must select at least one topic area spanning at least two layers of the semiconductor technology stack. 147 00:31:23.370 --> 00:31:35.199 Jason Hallstrom: A single primary topic area must be identified in the project title, using the required format and the topics and layers addressed by the proposal must be captured in the very first sentence of the project summary. 148 00:31:35.230 --> 00:31:37.070 Jason Hallstrom: So, as an example, 149 00:31:37.410 --> 00:31:50.979 Jason Hallstrom: an appropriate first sentence for a proposal might be at rather for a great project, summary would be disproportable focuses on topic one devices and systems that would appear as the very first sentence in the project. Coming 150 00:31:53.630 --> 00:32:08.770 Jason Hallstrom: broad collaboration is encouraged by the solicitation spanning academic institutions, industry, partners, national laboratories, and other organizations. And while all of these organizations are eligible to participate. There are funding restrictions, some of which we've already touched upon. 151 00:32:08.780 --> 00:32:15.170 Jason Hallstrom: Please do consult the award policies and Procedures guide concerning funding eligibility for these organizations, 152 00:32:15.220 --> 00:32:26.129 Jason Hallstrom: submissions from escort states, and jurisdictions, as well as minority-serving institutions historically black colleges and universities. Hispanic-serving institutions and tribal colleges and universities are encouraged 153 00:32:26.790 --> 00:32:38.160 Jason Hallstrom: proposals are encouraged to leverage leverage other activities and resources, including existing collaborations and programs, such as Ahrus, Ahs, and others to broaden opportunities and expand participation. 154 00:32:38.640 --> 00:32:57.780 Jason Hallstrom: The national science foundation is committed to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion, and creating opportunities for everyone everywhere. Finally, industrial collaborations may be supported through the Nsf building mechanism in conjunction with this solicitation, and we encourage folks who are interested in pursuing that option to review carefully 155 00:32:57.790 --> 00:33:00.229 Jason Hallstrom: the Goalie solicitation for more details. The 156 00:33:01.870 --> 00:33:11.609 Jason Hallstrom: full proposals will be reviewed according to the Standard and Nsf. Merit Review criteria, using the Standard and Ss review process which most attendees today are familiar with 157 00:33:11.690 --> 00:33:21.990 Jason Hallstrom: the standard merit, review criteria apply intellectual merit. Criterion encompasses the potential to advance knowledge, the technological advancement of scientific advancement 158 00:33:22.000 --> 00:33:32.289 Jason Hallstrom: and the broader impacts Criterion encompass the potential to benefit society and contribute to the achievement of specific desired societal outcomes. This is in some sense the so what criterion 159 00:33:32.330 --> 00:33:35.290 Jason Hallstrom: reviewers will also be asked to address 160 00:33:35.330 --> 00:33:42.030 Jason Hallstrom: fuse two specific review criteria that are identified in the solicitation in which we will read through. Now 161 00:33:42.990 --> 00:33:53.519 Jason Hallstrom: these are the fuse, two specific review criteria that reviewers will be asked to specifically evaluate the proposals again. And of course, not all questions are relevant to all proposals 162 00:33:54.260 --> 00:34:00.030 Jason Hallstrom: does the project identify an overarching foundational problem which requires a co-design approach 163 00:34:00.390 --> 00:34:10.049 Jason Hallstrom: our energy-efficient, sustainable device, Manufacturing processes using earth abundance in nontoxic materials, minimizing water usage, and striving for zero waste amplitudes 164 00:34:10.480 --> 00:34:21.809 Jason Hallstrom: does the proposal identify an integrated, multidisciplinary research agenda that defines the roles of all participants, and is the composition of the multidisciplinary team appropriate for the scope of the proposed activity 165 00:34:22.730 --> 00:34:28.309 Jason Hallstrom: How are the research tasks synergistically integrated across the identified research focus area? 166 00:34:28.420 --> 00:34:33.469 Jason Hallstrom: Does the proposal address the Associated research risks and present mitigation plans? 167 00:34:34.170 --> 00:34:49.849 Jason Hallstrom: How effectively does the proposal present a compelling argument that the proposed educational activities will equip students and other workforce participants with the skills to engage in the evolving semiconductor industry and broaden participation by building on best practices and evidence-based Approach 168 00:34:53.020 --> 00:35:08.350 Jason Hallstrom: importantly. Fuse to industry, partners, erickson intel Micron and Samsung may not participate in fuse two proposals in any manner. If a fuse to industry partner is included within a submitted proposal, it will be returned without review 169 00:35:08.460 --> 00:35:18.979 Jason Hallstrom: to put a finer coin on this proposals may not list or describe any kind of agreed or assumed arrangement to use the contribution, spy, or any other collaborative arrangements with 170 00:35:19.230 --> 00:35:26.090 Jason Hallstrom: the fuse to industry partners that have been identified in the solicitation, and who you've had a chance to meet earlier in the Webinar 171 00:35:26.560 --> 00:35:33.880 Jason Hallstrom: proposers are not restricted, however, for making use of widely accessible products or services of those fused to industry Partners 172 00:35:34.770 --> 00:35:42.370 Jason Hallstrom: Proposers should not contact the forest use to industry partners with questions pertaining to their company's. Participation in the solicitation. 173 00:35:42.910 --> 00:35:53.100 Jason Hallstrom: All questions involving fuse to including participation of industry. Partners should be should be directed to the and Nfs at fuse one at and Nsf. Ah, 174 00:35:53.480 --> 00:35:57.099 Jason Hallstrom: please read the eligibility section of the solicitation carefully 175 00:35:59.230 --> 00:36:10.810 Jason Hallstrom: to further clarify the role of fuse to industry Partners On this solicitation prior to awards, these two industry partners will not participate in or observe. The review, 176 00:36:10.950 --> 00:36:25.370 Jason Hallstrom: and Nsf. Will, however, share some of the proposals which are under consideration for funding along with reviews and panel summaries and and Nsf. Will take into consideration the input of all Ts. To industry partners prior to making final funding decisions 177 00:36:25.540 --> 00:36:40.080 Jason Hallstrom: Importantly, Nsf. Will, however, retain final authority for making all award decisions, and finally, proprietary or privileged information that might be provided in the single copy documents. Section will not be shared with reviewers or industry partners 178 00:36:42.590 --> 00:36:55.649 Jason Hallstrom: post award and a step to administer the awards under the program. In accordance with Standard and Nsf. Policies and procedures, the fuse to industry. Partners will not oversee the activities or the use of funds provided to grantees, 179 00:36:56.110 --> 00:37:07.740 Jason Hallstrom: fuse to industry. Partners may make available direct contributions of resources. For example, software data sets computing infrastructure, but no awarding will be required to use any industry. Partners 180 00:37:07.800 --> 00:37:25.050 Jason Hallstrom: direct offered contribution. A fuse to industry partner may also arrange to fund its own personnel and as researchers to directly participate with Awardy project personnel. But these arrangements will be optional, and upon the mutual consent of the industry partner, and the respective awarding institution. 181 00:37:25.060 --> 00:37:28.619 Jason Hallstrom: No awardee will be required to accept an industry partner. Researcher 182 00:37:29.100 --> 00:37:39.370 Jason Hallstrom: and Nsf. Will share annual and final project reports with views to industry partners, but only after those reports have been reviewed and accepted by the cognitive and Nsf. Program. Officer 183 00:37:41.820 --> 00:37:48.870 Jason Hallstrom: fuse to awards will include specific provisions related to intellectual property generated underfunded projects. 184 00:37:49.050 --> 00:37:52.460 Jason Hallstrom: The award terms and conditions will include the following 185 00:37:52.760 --> 00:38:12.469 Jason Hallstrom: awardes shall grant to the sponsoring parties a non-exclusive worldwide paid-up non-transferable, irrevocable royalty-free license to all intellectual property rights and any invention conceived or first reduced to practice in the performance of the program work under the funding agreement importantly. This is a non-exclusive license 186 00:38:12.690 --> 00:38:21.559 Jason Hallstrom: award. He shall grant the license to each industry partner named in the corresponding award letter, unless, of course, the industry partner opts to decline that license. 187 00:38:22.150 --> 00:38:28.420 Jason Hallstrom: This license shall not extend to Awardy's background Intellectual property That is what the institutions bring to the table. 188 00:38:28.970 --> 00:38:36.100 Jason Hallstrom: Intel Micron and Samsung will be named as sponsors for all awards in Erickson will be named as a sponsor in a partial kind of award. 189 00:38:36.190 --> 00:38:42.349 Jason Hallstrom: No rights or licenses are granted or assumed by the fuse to industry partners to award you. 190 00:38:42.470 --> 00:38:48.910 Jason Hallstrom: Finally, Awardes may delay the publishing of data and software describing inventions to first permit to filing a patent application 191 00:38:48.960 --> 00:38:50.820 Jason Hallstrom: following standard practice. 192 00:38:53.150 --> 00:39:03.149 Jason Hallstrom: Now the Webinar cover the main points of the fuse. Two program we want to emphasize again that the solicitation is the definitive source for all requirements of policy specific to this solicitation 193 00:39:03.590 --> 00:39:11.620 Jason Hallstrom: and the standard regulations that are captured in the Phpg. Apply, we ask all the proposers to please review both of those documents carefully, 194 00:39:13.370 --> 00:39:24.779 Jason Hallstrom: and if that program officers are here to help, if any questions arise, if you're developing your proposal, we want you to reach out to us. Please do direct all inquiries to fuse one at Nsf. Ah, go! 195 00:39:24.790 --> 00:39:34.190 Jason Hallstrom: I realize it's a little bit unusual that this is the fuse to solicitation, and the email address is fuse one. So we ask you to just keep that in mind viewed one at Nfs go. 196 00:39:38.750 --> 00:39:57.839 Jason Hallstrom: So with that it brings us to the end of the Webinar, and we're now going to have a chance for attendees to submit questions, using the Q. And a panel feature in zoom. I'm going to give folks just a minute or two to go ahead and enter their question in the Q. And A. As they arise, and we're going to do our best to address as many as we can. 197 00:39:57.850 --> 00:40:07.829 Jason Hallstrom: We're fortunate to have many members of the fuse to team here on the zoom call today. So as questions come in, i'll direct those questions to the appropriate Pd. On the call. 198 00:40:10.910 --> 00:40:13.220 Jason Hallstrom: So I just need one minute to 199 00:40:14.250 --> 00:40:16.070 Jason Hallstrom: sort my screen, 200 00:40:28.720 --> 00:40:48.220 Nadia El-Masry: Jason. Uh, I would like to uh address uh one uh several questions that that all is one question an industry, small business can uh collaborate with industry uh with the Academia for a proposal, 201 00:40:48.230 --> 00:40:55.910 Nadia El-Masry: as we all know that this is allowed at Nsf. By submitting a goalie. 202 00:40:56.410 --> 00:41:08.939 Nadia El-Masry: And so I am just, you know, directing everyone to go to Nsf's website and look at the Goalie proposal rules and regulations as far as 203 00:41:08.950 --> 00:41:16.460 Nadia El-Masry: who can be on the cover page as a copi, and how the budget can be construct. 204 00:41:16.810 --> 00:41:25.719 Nadia El-Masry: I'm asking any one of my colleagues who's running a core program to answer the question of the budget issue. 205 00:41:28.380 --> 00:41:32.370 Jason Hallstrom: Thank you, Daddy. So i'm going to begin to read the questions that they come in, 206 00:41:32.380 --> 00:41:53.320 Jason Hallstrom: and if they're short I will. I will address them directly, otherwise I will direct them to the appropriate Cd. So a number of folks are asking, Can a fuse Two proposal include collaboration with a national lab? The answer is, Yes, a national laboratory can be a collaborating partner. But there are restrictions on funding eligibility that are documented within the solicitation and within the 207 00:41:59.820 --> 00:42:14.390 Jason Hallstrom: can you? Typically, the Nsf does not go to the national lab. So the sub I was to the national lab is unlikely to be allowed. 208 00:42:16.220 --> 00:42:17.359 Jason Hallstrom: It's it's 209 00:42:17.370 --> 00:42:33.449 Charles Ying - NSF: Yeah. And I will add the if a student and our posters are our faculty or other participants at the university, a spread expand us in a small fashion at the national lab. 210 00:42:33.480 --> 00:42:44.509 Charles Ying - NSF: Ah, with the ah scientists are near at the National lab. I I think that would. That would be okay. But no, no funds should go to the national life. 211 00:42:45.940 --> 00:42:47.200 Jason Hallstrom: Hey, Charlotte 212 00:42:47.660 --> 00:42:58.579 Jason Hallstrom: Sharon? The next question i'm going to ask you to address. Can you give any guidance on how much system. Circuit prototyping with novel devices would be valued in the context of fuse two. 213 00:43:01.750 --> 00:43:03.260 Jason Hallstrom: You're mute a chance. 214 00:43:05.130 --> 00:43:15.099 X. Sharon Hu: Sorry I was muted. Yeah, I would say it is valued. But the idea of having this prototype is really trying to 215 00:43:15.110 --> 00:43:26.359 X. Sharon Hu: um demonstrate the value or the contribution of a novel ideas, novel research ideas. It should not be just to have a prototype for the sake of prototype. 216 00:43:27.910 --> 00:43:29.029 Jason Hallstrom: Thank you. 217 00:43:29.230 --> 00:43:37.509 Jason Hallstrom: Would you be able to share what fraction of submitted proposals were awarded in fuse one. I'm afraid that we're not able to share that information today. 218 00:43:39.270 --> 00:43:41.139 Jason Hallstrom: The next question 219 00:43:41.550 --> 00:43:46.469 Jason Hallstrom: I am going to ask Michael Hop to address Michael. The question is, 220 00:43:46.640 --> 00:44:00.129 Jason Hallstrom: i'm working in a small business company as a staff engineer, and I would like to collaborate with the University professor to submit a proposal. The question is, Am I eligible to serve as a coup? I in the proposal or program? 221 00:44:01.810 --> 00:44:12.209 Michael Huff: Yeah, Thanks for the question. My understanding is that you can serve as a pi or copi. If you're affiliated with a university, 222 00:44:12.380 --> 00:44:17.780 Michael Huff: you can't have any of funds going to a private company, though that is my understanding. 223 00:44:25.680 --> 00:44:29.570 Jason Hallstrom: So There is a question here for Melissa, 224 00:44:30.270 --> 00:44:42.349 Jason Hallstrom: Melissa, Melissa, Colin in town. The question is which universities are current participants of Intel University shuttle programs. Are they the teams from fuse, or does it have broader participants? 225 00:44:45.700 --> 00:44:53.490 Melissa Cowan: Hi there? Yeah. So I can't disclose our fullest of university members, but we are supporting 226 00:44:53.500 --> 00:45:05.359 Melissa Cowan: dozens of universities across the Us. And even more globally with the University shovel program today, and it's not exclusive to fuse. This program is beyond that. So, 227 00:45:06.460 --> 00:45:23.090 Melissa Cowan: And I would suggest for proposals. Considering the shuttle, I think what we guided in fuse, one was to assume budgets for a you know, a typical academic, prototyping service, and a proposal and that we can connect after awards are made on shuttle access, 228 00:45:25.000 --> 00:45:26.789 Jason Hallstrom: he with her. 229 00:45:26.800 --> 00:45:35.560 Jason Hallstrom: The next question is, does fuse to consider hardware? Software, Co-design approach. So I just want to be sure. I've read this correctly. 230 00:45:35.720 --> 00:45:42.890 Jason Hallstrom: Does fuse to consider hardware software. Co-design also and Nadia, I'll ask you to address that please. 231 00:45:47.640 --> 00:45:49.790 Jason Hallstrom: I'm ear muted Nadia Harry. 232 00:45:53.140 --> 00:46:09.450 Nadia El-Masry: Yes, uh, like hardware software. Code is an approach. Of course, you know it is uh under the topic one and at the same time. Uh it. It is considered a a an approach as an approach, therefore 233 00:46:09.550 --> 00:46:16.080 Nadia El-Masry: proposal such that it's being considered. However, when you are 234 00:46:16.140 --> 00:46:29.639 Nadia El-Masry: writing your proposal. You have to make sure that you are addressing mainly a specific topic area as Jason has actually eluded in his Webinar. 235 00:46:29.700 --> 00:46:48.400 Nadia El-Masry: So again, i'm. I'm asking everyone to please label your proposal. Ah! The title as which topic area, and which stacks you are Ah! Addressing. Then, followed by the title of the 236 00:46:48.590 --> 00:47:05.580 Nadia El-Masry: Thank you thank you, Nadia. So i'm just going to add to that. So just just to reiterate that hardware software. Co-design is most welcome. But that does not meet the co-design requirement of the solicitation which requires that you span at least two layers of the semiconductor technology. Stack, 237 00:47:06.360 --> 00:47:09.359 Jason Hallstrom: Michael, The next question will be for you. 238 00:47:09.440 --> 00:47:14.519 Michael Huff: I am curious about the role of the tip program within fuse too 239 00:47:15.070 --> 00:47:24.129 Michael Huff: Well, Tip is a new directorate within the Nsf. Relatively new, and our mission is to 240 00:47:24.400 --> 00:47:44.199 Michael Huff: help translate technologies developed into research offices into where they have a broader impact, maybe in a commercial space, or maybe something else. So our role is to help help the performers under this program in any way they can to get their 241 00:47:44.280 --> 00:47:50.929 Michael Huff: ideas and the results of their research out into wider use. 242 00:47:52.830 --> 00:47:54.109 Jason Hallstrom: She's like her. 243 00:47:54.730 --> 00:48:08.630 Jason Hallstrom: The next question is, What are the major differences of fuse to compared to fuse one? The short answer is that there are no major differences between the prior round of fuse and the current run of fuse other than of change in the industry, Partners participating. 244 00:48:11.110 --> 00:48:29.920 Charles Ying - NSF: Ah, you know, like to add, I think there's a couple Ah, ah! Ah! Technical, different differences, and not technical, not in terms of science engineering, but into the association. Ah! When is in the case of feels to ah each semi piss, because they now can only participate one; for 245 00:48:29.930 --> 00:48:42.289 Charles Ying - NSF: in the first and last competition the limitation was two. So this time is only one, and the other is, if somebody, 246 00:48:43.270 --> 00:49:01.619 Charles Ying - NSF: the P. I. Or Code P. I. Of Award. Ah, so the fields one with a word made in September of two thousand and twenty three, and that person cannot be a pi or copi of the fields. Two proposal 247 00:49:01.630 --> 00:49:11.849 Charles Ying - NSF: such person may serve as a senior personnel, so play a role less than a pi on copia. 248 00:49:13.320 --> 00:49:14.640 Jason Hallstrom: It's true. 249 00:49:15.320 --> 00:49:18.400 Jason Hallstrom: So, Sharon, i'm going to ask you to address the next one 250 00:49:18.550 --> 00:49:29.740 Jason Hallstrom: if fabrication is allowed. Will the participating companies provide opportunities for awardees to prototype design, especially those that require gmos plus x. 251 00:49:30.360 --> 00:49:37.650 X. Sharon Hu: I actually probably have to point this question to Nadia, because this is more the Industry sponsorship related. 252 00:49:37.660 --> 00:49:39.170 Nadia, can you help 253 00:49:40.820 --> 00:49:42.009 Nadia El-Masry: It's 254 00:49:42.290 --> 00:49:52.950 Nadia El-Masry: i'm trying to find a good question. I was not listening. I'm sorry. So the question is whether the industry partner, particularly for Cmos Butx, will provide fabrication support, 255 00:49:54.250 --> 00:50:10.859 Nadia El-Masry: I guess. Ah! At this point we are advising to allow in the budget fabrication. Ah services! And you can go for a fabrication. Ah! Anywhere you want, including, you know, the industry. 256 00:50:11.190 --> 00:50:17.390 Nadia El-Masry: But we are not allowed these for industry partners to provide letters of support 257 00:50:17.400 --> 00:50:18.590 now for service, 258 00:50:19.100 --> 00:50:30.190 Nadia El-Masry: but that's just purely as a service. They don't treat them as a collaborator or a sponsor. They? You just go there shop for their fabrication service. Exactly. 259 00:50:30.200 --> 00:50:45.879 Nadia El-Masry: Yeah, just like, you know, if you have on campus uh uh facility for fabrication, and you're paying a service uh charge or service fees. It's the same thing, you know. You can shop for uh, anywhere to do your fabrication. 260 00:50:48.930 --> 00:50:55.179 Jason Hallstrom: Thank you. Next question is a letter of collaboration from one of the four partner companies allowed definitely. Not 261 00:50:55.310 --> 00:51:01.200 Jason Hallstrom: so. The four fuse to industry. Partners may not participate in any fashion with due to exhibition. 262 00:51:02.500 --> 00:51:05.229 Jason Hallstrom: Nadia, The next question will be for you: 263 00:51:05.240 --> 00:51:12.900 Jason Hallstrom: How does the Nss. Determine? The specific directorate, for example, size engineering that reviews the proposals as they're submitted. 264 00:51:13.180 --> 00:51:29.480 Nadia El-Masry: That's exactly why we are emphasizing the fact that you can determine which panel your proposal is going to go to, which is, you know, which directorate that is, or should 265 00:51:29.490 --> 00:51:47.729 Nadia El-Masry: manage your proposal, and put your proposal in a pen. So uh, may I allow you, you know, Am I allowed to to say what's topic? Okay, topic, one is going to size. The week two is going to be engineering and topic three is going to Mps. 266 00:51:47.740 --> 00:51:59.310 Nadia El-Masry: So, according to your proposal, you should be able to determine which community you would like to have in the panel that would evaluate your purpose. 267 00:52:01.870 --> 00:52:03.189 Jason Hallstrom: The carrier 268 00:52:03.820 --> 00:52:04.919 Jason Hallstrom: I 269 00:52:05.140 --> 00:52:20.889 Jason Hallstrom: similar question to one asked previously. Can I reach out to the industry partner to see if they have the specific technology to fabricate? You may not. You should not reach out to any of the few to industry partners. Please direct all inquiries to choose one at, and nsf e go 270 00:52:22.940 --> 00:52:40.210 Charles Ying - NSF: uh, I will add, uh, if you use a uh a fabrication facility or other two uh off of beyond those four companies um intel, micro and and some you may reach to those companies. 271 00:52:42.660 --> 00:52:43.899 Jason Hallstrom: It's you. 272 00:52:44.420 --> 00:53:02.259 Jason Hallstrom: So this is a a question really for Micron and Samsung. I I believe I know the the answer, but of course invite our our colleagues to to correct me. If i'm wrong, the question is, Does Micron and Samsung provide access to their memory? Fabrication facilities confused to award needs? The short answer is, 273 00:53:02.270 --> 00:53:14.080 Jason Hallstrom: should not assume that they have access to any facilities of the participating industry. Two partners that would be discussed post award, but of course, invite our colleagues from Micron and Samson to 274 00:53:15.630 --> 00:53:18.850 Mark Helm: That's indeed my expectation as well, Jason, 275 00:53:19.780 --> 00:53:20.859 Jason Hallstrom: he's Mark, 276 00:53:24.010 --> 00:53:31.589 Jason Hallstrom: Charles. This next question is, for you can a senior personnel from a fuse. One project participate in a fuse to project the 277 00:53:32.600 --> 00:53:37.389 Charles Ying - NSF: Yes with the understanding that senior person now 278 00:53:37.550 --> 00:53:40.399 Charles Ying - NSF: he is now the piano copia. 279 00:53:43.960 --> 00:53:45.149 Jason Hallstrom: Thank you. 280 00:53:47.730 --> 00:53:50.290 Charles Ying - NSF: Okay, let me be a more clear 281 00:53:50.300 --> 00:53:58.719 Charles Ying - NSF: If a senior personnel in the fields, one proposal and a pills one a word 282 00:53:58.860 --> 00:54:16.389 Charles Ying - NSF: was not at the Pr. Ah compr level, and then such an individual can participate. The force field. Two proposal in any capacity could be a P. I or could be a non-copi senior person. Now, 283 00:54:16.400 --> 00:54:19.270 Charles Ying - NSF: if a current, 284 00:54:19.290 --> 00:54:28.630 Charles Ying - NSF: P. Iii. Award made in September of two thousand and twenty three 285 00:54:28.830 --> 00:54:46.830 Charles Ying - NSF: um. Such person cannot be a Pi Alcopi of a proposal to be some better in watch. That person could be a Nano P. I see the personnel play at a smaller row 286 00:54:46.840 --> 00:55:05.179 Charles Ying - NSF: in addition, and as I've made Ah! Several teaming awards. Ah! Early last year, with proposals embedded in the December of twenty, twenty, two. There's no restriction for any of the P. Iii. Or senior personnel 287 00:55:05.190 --> 00:55:07.609 Charles Ying - NSF: for those awards. 288 00:55:11.370 --> 00:55:15.059 Jason Hallstrom: So the next question i'll ask Eleanor to address. 289 00:55:15.310 --> 00:55:26.010 Jason Hallstrom: There seems to be restrictions on the involvement of industry partners in the proposal. Is it okay to mention that students will apply for internships at the industry partners as part of their workforce? 290 00:55:30.790 --> 00:55:39.929 Eleanor Sayre: Well, i'm happy to answer part of this, which is It's absolutely okay for your students to seek internships as part of their training. 291 00:55:43.050 --> 00:55:44.430 Eleanor Sayre: It's 292 00:55:44.520 --> 00:55:53.829 Eleanor Sayre: and we're pretty clear that you can't be having our industry partners as part of your proposal. 293 00:55:55.570 --> 00:55:56.980 Jason Hallstrom: Thank you a lot, 294 00:55:56.990 --> 00:55:59.500 Jason Hallstrom: Nadia. The next question will be for you. 295 00:55:59.520 --> 00:56:05.350 Jason Hallstrom: It correct. That goalies are allowed and require an industry co-pi, to, 296 00:56:05.590 --> 00:56:09.099 Jason Hallstrom: but they just cannot be from the four partner organizations 297 00:56:10.010 --> 00:56:11.290 Nadia El-Masry: that's correct. 298 00:56:13.270 --> 00:56:19.350 Nadia El-Masry: A follow-up question nadia What level of commercialization potential should the proposed 299 00:56:19.660 --> 00:56:21.959 Jason Hallstrom: technologies have at this stage. 300 00:56:25.090 --> 00:56:45.789 Nadia El-Masry: Uh, if you're referring to the Gr eleven, I guess. Yeah, it it is uh this fuse uh So station is supposed to cross uh from the basic science to the industry. Uh transparency translation. In other words, I would say, 301 00:56:47.360 --> 00:57:03.260 Nadia El-Masry: it depends T. R. L. It depends on what are you doing in your In other words, i'm sure the industry partners would welcome any high level of Ah pick, transfer. 302 00:57:05.420 --> 00:57:08.929 Jason Hallstrom: Thank you, Nadia prem. The next question is for you. 303 00:57:08.960 --> 00:57:15.630 Jason Hallstrom: So it's used to consider test reliability and failure analysis for advanced packaging. 304 00:57:16.120 --> 00:57:18.490 Premjeet Chahal: The short answer is, Yes, 305 00:57:18.500 --> 00:57:45.250 Premjeet Chahal: Ah, make sure it cuts across the deck stack. The two text texts for sure. And also you're going to be careful as to which of the topics area you want to pick. For example, say, if you go to do reliability? Is it from materials point of view, or is it a different level? And which of the topics would you forward? The short answer is, Yes, it's allowed. But make sure you pick the two stack areas as well as the topic. 306 00:57:47.560 --> 00:57:48.640 Jason Hallstrom: Thank you 307 00:57:51.250 --> 00:57:52.319 Jason Hallstrom: right, 308 00:57:53.050 --> 00:57:56.390 Jason Hallstrom: Nadia. I'm going to. I'm going to send one more your way. 309 00:57:56.400 --> 00:58:01.409 Nadia El-Masry: Okay. Do the funds allowed for fabrication and packaging? Sorry, 310 00:58:01.580 --> 00:58:03.490 Jason Hallstrom: I think the question is, 311 00:58:03.800 --> 00:58:08.580 Jason Hallstrom: Is it permissible to include funds for fabrication, 312 00:58:08.700 --> 00:58:11.149 Jason Hallstrom: packaging at industry partners. 313 00:58:11.410 --> 00:58:17.459 Jason Hallstrom: Is there a preference for the collaborating companies that should be chosen for fabrication and packaging? 314 00:58:17.670 --> 00:58:24.109 Jason Hallstrom: Then can we pick other? That is non fuse to industry partners such as Tsmc: 315 00:58:25.450 --> 00:58:28.739 Nadia El-Masry: Okay, I would advise that. Do not 316 00:58:29.550 --> 00:58:35.959 Nadia El-Masry: ten point to any of the four industry partner that you're going to use there for application. Facility. 317 00:58:36.090 --> 00:58:38.109 Nadia El-Masry: Allow in your budget 318 00:58:38.500 --> 00:58:40.410 Nadia El-Masry: the fabrication, 319 00:58:40.420 --> 00:58:54.160 Nadia El-Masry: as you know, an unknown entity where you're going. However, if you're already have a fabrication facility that you are using. That's not one of the four industry partners you can identify. 320 00:58:55.680 --> 00:58:56.970 Jason Hallstrom: Take barrier, 321 00:58:57.140 --> 00:59:16.009 Jason Hallstrom: Charles I'm. Going to ask a question. You've touched upon this already. But there are still some questions coming in, so I want to give you another chance to hit on this, and the question is, if twofold um, if we collaborate with a national lab, how might they be funded? And then the second question connected is, 322 00:59:16.020 --> 00:59:18.659 Jason Hallstrom: if you have a pi at an Sfr. Dt. 323 00:59:18.940 --> 00:59:23.460 Jason Hallstrom: Who is also an adjunct at a local university. Can they propose? 324 00:59:24.850 --> 00:59:26.470 Charles Ying - NSF: Ah, 325 00:59:26.970 --> 00:59:31.429 Charles Ying - NSF: do not propose a sub award to the National national lab. 326 00:59:32.970 --> 00:59:35.599 Charles Ying - NSF: Okay, I think that's make you very clear. 327 00:59:36.030 --> 00:59:37.370 Charles Ying - NSF: Um! 328 00:59:39.730 --> 00:59:45.049 Charles Ying - NSF: If somebody was a primary appointment at the at the National 329 00:59:45.210 --> 00:59:52.569 Charles Ying - NSF: at the end, it is, uh with the Akron name. What is it. F. 330 00:59:53.200 --> 00:59:54.739 Jason Hallstrom: The epochs are Dc. 331 00:59:54.760 --> 01:00:02.410 Charles Ying - NSF: Fr Dc. Right? So that person cannot be a pi I cop here of the proposal. 332 01:00:04.110 --> 01:00:19.490 Charles Ying - NSF: Um! It's possible that the Uh. A graduate student, a postdoc or senior faculty could spend a small fresh on a time at the National Lab. 333 01:00:24.080 --> 01:00:25.359 Jason Hallstrom: They drunk, 334 01:00:25.710 --> 01:00:28.490 Nadia El-Masry: I I believe, uh uh, uh, 335 01:00:28.500 --> 01:00:30.549 Nadia El-Masry: Jason. 336 01:00:35.610 --> 01:00:44.310 Nadia El-Masry: That's you know. If this is, you know the concept. Just ask yourself. I'm collaborating with this lab. Is it federally fun? 337 01:00:44.470 --> 01:00:46.740 Nadia El-Masry: It's, you know it is. No, 338 01:00:48.810 --> 01:00:57.940 Jason Hallstrom: thank you, Nadia Michael. The next question is for you, and I sent you a message, a private message in chat as well. So the question is, Is there a single? 339 01:00:58.200 --> 01:01:02.959 Jason Hallstrom: It just jumped on me. Sorry. Is there a single place or a set of places 340 01:01:03.190 --> 01:01:10.199 Jason Hallstrom: to look at the services that are offered by the participating companies. Many may not be aware of what is available. 341 01:01:11.940 --> 01:01:13.180 Michael Huff: Um, 342 01:01:13.430 --> 01:01:27.219 Michael Huff: I you're not supposed to reach out to the companies. I know. That is a fact with regard to the companies making any kind of fabrication or services available. 343 01:01:27.440 --> 01:01:30.810 Michael Huff: It's not incorporated into the proposal, 344 01:01:30.830 --> 01:01:44.189 Michael Huff: so you essentially you find out what they have to offer. If you're awarded, and then you have the ability to have contact with those industrial partners. 345 01:01:47.760 --> 01:01:50.970 Jason Hallstrom: Thank you, the child. The next question is for you 346 01:01:52.050 --> 01:01:58.640 Jason Hallstrom: can a fuse to P. I. I also serve as a reviewer for other fuse to proposals. The 347 01:02:00.560 --> 01:02:03.590 Charles Ying - NSF: Ah! We do not plan to do so 348 01:02:05.890 --> 01:02:19.260 Nadia El-Masry: Now we are in the process of creating the legal document for a conflict of interest. So, and we are not planning to involve those pis of copies impacts. 349 01:02:20.040 --> 01:02:23.120 Nadia El-Masry: That's the consensus of the working group. 350 01:02:24.430 --> 01:02:38.590 Jason Hallstrom: Thank you. Naya. The next question is, Proposals can cover two topic areas. Should both of them be included in the proposal title? The answer is, No, Only the primary topic area must be included within the title. 351 01:02:45.530 --> 01:02:50.069 Jason Hallstrom: The next question I will ask Mark to address. 352 01:02:50.570 --> 01:02:56.840 Jason Hallstrom: Would it be fine and beneficial to have support letters from non-fuse to partners, 353 01:03:05.390 --> 01:03:16.139 Jason Hallstrom: and I i'm sorry mark. So the question is for Michael Tory. Would it be fine and beneficial to have support letters from companies that are not in the fuse too much. 354 01:03:16.750 --> 01:03:18.490 Michael Huff: They're absolutely 355 01:03:20.050 --> 01:03:21.109 Jason Hallstrom: he's 356 01:03:27.640 --> 01:03:45.040 Nadia El-Masry: um um Jason. I think there is the issue of collaborative proposals, that there were several questions about them, and the decision was to have only one proposal from the lead Institution and 357 01:03:45.050 --> 01:03:49.060 Nadia El-Masry: other institutions will be sub our these 358 01:03:49.240 --> 01:03:50.920 Nadia El-Masry: and yes, 359 01:03:51.150 --> 01:03:56.589 Nadia El-Masry: anyone from the Saba or these can be on the cover page as a copia. 360 01:03:58.700 --> 01:03:59.849 Jason Hallstrom: Thank you. 361 01:04:06.830 --> 01:04:26.179 Jason Hallstrom: So the next question is, It seems that the transformative aspect of the and Nsf. Intellectual merit and broader impact criteria have been relaxed for this solicitation. Can you confirm or comment on the standard review criteria apply for both intellectual merit and broader impacts. They have not been weakened or loosened in any way. 362 01:04:27.410 --> 01:04:37.480 Jason Hallstrom: The next question is, is it considered an advantage for a proposal to cover multiple topics as opposed to at least two stack layer. 363 01:04:37.710 --> 01:04:47.849 Jason Hallstrom: So I invite any of the Pds on the call. To add to this, but the short answer is that we always punch to the pis on how best 364 01:04:47.910 --> 01:04:57.019 Jason Hallstrom: their proposal, if it makes sense for your particular proposal to span more than two topics. Absolutely. That's appropriate and permissible. 365 01:04:57.170 --> 01:05:00.789 There is no specific advantage to covering three layers of the stuff you 366 01:05:01.240 --> 01:05:02.470 Jason Hallstrom: it's 367 01:05:09.970 --> 01:05:24.110 Eleanor Sayre: in general we love it when you are clear in what you want to do, and then pieces of your proposal are concurrent with each other, and the more pieces you add the more opportunity there are to lose coherence. 368 01:05:24.130 --> 01:05:30.009 Eleanor Sayre: So um put together a clear and coherent uh proposal. 369 01:05:30.380 --> 01:05:37.090 Eleanor Sayre: But don't try to stuff in everything plus the kitchen sink, because that is an opportunity to lose coherent 370 01:05:38.100 --> 01:05:51.780 Jason Hallstrom: Eleanor. Your your answer was so terrific i'm going to send a follow up on a on a related thread. So the question is, Can you provide guidance on how we should select a topic area given that the proposal might span more than one topic area. 371 01:05:52.020 --> 01:05:54.649 Jason Hallstrom: If one area is not dominant, the 372 01:06:03.650 --> 01:06:11.010 Eleanor Sayre: write a one-pager that says what you want to do and send it to us at fuse one and Nsf. 373 01:06:12.780 --> 01:06:17.590 Eleanor Sayre: And you can get some more specific feedback for the specific thing you were trying to do. 374 01:06:19.240 --> 01:06:22.140 Jason Hallstrom: Great, Thank you, Eleanor. The next question is for Nadia. 375 01:06:22.530 --> 01:06:26.650 Jason Hallstrom: Will this sub awardee from other universities be considered as a cocaine 376 01:06:26.690 --> 01:06:32.960 Jason Hallstrom: question? Is, can they be considered a copy? I, And is there a limit to how many sub awardees that may be involved. The 377 01:06:34.020 --> 01:06:53.260 Nadia El-Masry: well, it depends on your budget how many Sub. I would. This you would like to add to your proposal. And so uh, yeah, I mean, you know the the the cover page openness that allows, I think, for a copy eyes. And so it it is really up to you how you you want to craft your proposal. 378 01:06:54.980 --> 01:06:57.959 Jason Hallstrom: And, Sam, The next question is for you 379 01:06:58.360 --> 01:07:04.639 Jason Hallstrom: how detailed should the workforce development plan be? And can we allocate budget for it? 380 01:07:05.500 --> 01:07:34.389 ChunSheng "Sam" Xin: Yeah. I was just trying to type the audience first of all. Ah, the budget that can be eliminated. Ah, for the for the development and the education plan, and regarding the details I think about on. Ah, all the ah! This will be a ah live to the pi, so I will say, Ah, first of all, you will need to provide a innovative plan for workforce development and education. And really, regarding what kind of level details. 381 01:07:34.400 --> 01:07:38.170 ChunSheng "Sam" Xin: I think this will lead back to the Api's. 382 01:07:39.080 --> 01:07:42.630 Eleanor Sayre: I I will add to to what Tim just said. 383 01:07:43.210 --> 01:07:49.829 Eleanor Sayre: If you feel tempted to integrate your workforce development plans into different aspects of your proposal. 384 01:07:49.840 --> 01:08:05.589 Eleanor Sayre: As you write your project description, you are encouraged to um collect them all together into one section, so that we can clearly identify your education and workforce development plan which could reference other sections as appropriate. 385 01:08:05.600 --> 01:08:07.870 Eleanor Sayre: Yeah, Budget Rachel's, 386 01:08:08.790 --> 01:08:10.680 Jason Hallstrom: take them, take down all. 387 01:08:10.950 --> 01:08:19.359 Jason Hallstrom: So there are no additional open questions, so I think perhaps what we'll do is wait a minute to see if there are any other questions that may pop up 388 01:08:19.430 --> 01:08:24.800 Jason Hallstrom: before we close the Webinar, it will give everyone a chance to offer any additional questions you may have. 389 01:08:28.240 --> 01:08:39.389 Charles Ying - NSF: We have. We have also the many questions are in writing. If you think your question has not been fully answered, you may 390 01:08:39.560 --> 01:08:40.840 Charles Ying - NSF: us again, 391 01:08:45.350 --> 01:08:47.909 Jason Hallstrom: Sharon, we have a question for you 392 01:08:48.100 --> 01:08:51.600 Jason Hallstrom: for topic, one domain-specific computing 393 01:08:51.649 --> 01:09:00.609 Jason Hallstrom: how specific should it be? Are we focusing on specific applications, for example, Ecg. Detection or general application, for example, health care, 394 01:09:01.920 --> 01:09:26.870 X. Sharon Hu: I think, at the end of the day. This is the fuse proposal, so it has to be focusing on this one of the the two of the three stacks that Jason has mentioned. The end application could be one application. It could be a broad application domain. Either one is fine, but for one application I think you need to justify that application is really an important and critical application. 395 01:09:28.310 --> 01:09:33.090 X. Sharon Hu: So think about the impact, the transformative impact that the proposal will have. 396 01:09:34.609 --> 01:09:35.849 Jason Hallstrom: Thank you, 397 01:09:36.689 --> 01:09:38.949 Jason Hallstrom: Nadia. Next question is for you 398 01:09:39.979 --> 01:09:47.109 Jason Hallstrom: two million dollars for three years. Seems like a lot. Is there a penalty for smaller proposals with smaller teams? 399 01:09:48.550 --> 01:09:52.690 Nadia El-Masry: Of course there are no penalties for having 400 01:09:52.700 --> 01:10:01.709 Nadia El-Masry: logical proposal that have a co-designed approach and identify topic areas and technical stacks that make sense. 401 01:10:01.720 --> 01:10:09.860 Nadia El-Masry: Of course, you know the level of funding. It depends on the the efforts that are proposed. 402 01:10:12.170 --> 01:10:14.369 Jason Hallstrom: Thanks, Nadia. Next question 403 01:10:15.150 --> 01:10:19.010 Jason Hallstrom: is the workforce Development Plan and Project Management plan. 404 01:10:19.550 --> 01:10:22.010 Documents are part of the fifteen. They're part of the fifteen, 405 01:10:28.200 --> 01:10:29.879 Charles Ying - NSF: as he now says. No, 406 01:10:30.540 --> 01:10:45.020 Nadia El-Masry: it is part of the fifteen pages. That's right. It is part of the fifteen pages. The The answer to that one is, is the yes. Oh, no, I can't remember how it was raised. It is included in the fifteen. It is. Those are not separate documents 407 01:10:45.380 --> 01:10:49.289 Eleanor Sayre: for the network sections. Yes. Separate documents. No? 408 01:10:49.540 --> 01:10:50.860 Jason Hallstrom: Yeah. Thanks, Eleanor. 409 01:10:50.900 --> 01:10:54.120 Charles Ying - NSF: Uh, can I? Uh add a clarification. 410 01:10:55.010 --> 01:11:12.850 Charles Ying - NSF: Ah! So the earlier we discussed about the Fsr. Dc. And then our such as Ah laboratory operate for the diploma. And if there is a scientist at the Ffrbc 411 01:11:12.860 --> 01:11:32.660 Charles Ying - NSF: ah! Such as you know a deal lab and with primary appointment at the A university with secondary appointment at at such an organization. And that's scientists with primary appointment at University in the Us. University can be A. P. Iii. And our senior personnel 412 01:11:33.380 --> 01:11:38.149 Charles Ying - NSF: again. Uh, no sub award to Ffr. Dc: 413 01:11:40.710 --> 01:11:41.849 Jason Hallstrom: Thanks, Charlotte. 414 01:11:42.290 --> 01:11:48.200 Jason Hallstrom: So, Eleanor, I see you answering the current question. Would you like to answer that in real time? 415 01:11:49.240 --> 01:12:02.640 Eleanor Sayre: Sure. So the question here is, um is review location determined by which we choose as a primary track um size, Mps, or engineering and determined is a strong word. 416 01:12:02.650 --> 01:12:18.820 Eleanor Sayre: Your primary choice is highly suggestive of where it will go, but it could be that we um as we read your proposal, and as we read, or everybody's proposals, then we do some shuffling around to make sure that each panel is intellectually 417 01:12:20.900 --> 01:12:41.490 Nadia El-Masry: uh, Let me add, Eleanor, that uh, you know, after Api, the size which topic area he wants to apply to, that comes to us. And so among ourselves, we will decide that. Yes, the proposal falls into this category or no, it is stronger in a different public area, 418 01:12:41.500 --> 01:12:44.930 Nadia El-Masry: and then we start shuffling as alien or said, 419 01:12:45.580 --> 01:12:51.529 Eleanor Sayre: Yeah, make good choices to help us do good sorting, but also we do the sorting, not you. 420 01:12:52.140 --> 01:13:14.170 X. Sharon Hu: I think there may be also a little confusion there. What do we mean by track, and what do we mean by topic? So you are. You have to cover two plus tracks, but the topic area. You have to have only have one primary outfit area, and we typically, in general typically based on the topic area to assign 421 01:13:14.180 --> 01:13:26.710 X. Sharon Hu: which directly they those do, but it's not always right. But that's that's basically give us a guideline. However, you do have to cover two tracks, so make sure you know the difference between topics and tracks. Don't. Confuse the two. 422 01:13:30.300 --> 01:13:31.349 Jason Hallstrom: Thank you. 423 01:13:32.720 --> 01:13:39.940 Jason Hallstrom: So again we'll follow the same protocol. We'll wait a minute or two to see if there are any lingering questions folks may have. 424 01:13:54.340 --> 01:13:59.850 Jason Hallstrom: So there is. There is a question i'm not sure that I 425 01:13:59.890 --> 01:14:02.430 Jason Hallstrom: I see the contradiction. So the question is 426 01:14:02.600 --> 01:14:10.059 Jason Hallstrom: earlier. It was stated That topic one is size topic, two is engineering and topics three is Mp. 427 01:14:10.450 --> 01:14:11.730 Jason Hallstrom: Right? And P. Answering. 428 01:14:11.990 --> 01:14:14.310 Jason Hallstrom: The last answer contradicted this: 429 01:14:14.320 --> 01:14:16.210 Jason Hallstrom: Charles, can you clarify 430 01:14:17.570 --> 01:14:18.910 Charles Ying - NSF: It's 431 01:14:19.860 --> 01:14:23.200 Charles Ying - NSF: topic one. Okay. So if it's submitted 432 01:14:23.290 --> 01:14:32.809 Charles Ying - NSF: the top one, most likely the proposal will be revealed in the panels organized by size. 433 01:14:32.830 --> 01:14:36.630 Charles Ying - NSF: Uh, if you'll submit a proposal 434 01:14:36.640 --> 01:14:56.100 Charles Ying - NSF: indicating topic two, and then most likely the proposal will be reviewing the panel organized by the gearing. But with, and that if you submit a proposal in top three. Most likely the proposal will be revealed in the panel organized by the Mps. 435 01:14:56.110 --> 01:15:13.720 Charles Ying - NSF: But Nsf. Reserved the right to make adjustment if it would look at a proposal. If you submitted a proposal to top one, and then we say, maybe it's best revealed in the engineering ah panel, we will reserve right to do so, 436 01:15:13.730 --> 01:15:34.829 Charles Ying - NSF: and the second, even those proposal is revealed in a particular in the panel organized by, for example, size. Ah, it's likely there will be some engineering approval and dog to be there, or if you're submitted. But you know, if it were both ah revealed in engineering, it could be sized. Pd. To be there on the 437 01:15:34.840 --> 01:15:36.559 Charles Ying - NSF: but the Director P. There. 438 01:15:36.610 --> 01:15:49.280 Charles Ying - NSF: Okay. So each proposal need to cover at least two technologies that if you you know. For example, if it's submitted to top three, if you 439 01:15:49.890 --> 01:16:09.039 Charles Ying - NSF: can, you present on ninety five percent of the materials or chemistry, and such proportion will be revealed, but may not be what will not be competitive. You need to have a device component, a substantial device component if even you select the topic three. 440 01:16:14.510 --> 01:16:25.049 Jason Hallstrom: Thank you, Charles. So the next question is, How do we allocate copies? If we're only allowed for? And the short answer is that we always defer to the proposing team to make those 441 01:16:25.560 --> 01:16:26.679 Jason Hallstrom: it is 442 01:16:26.820 --> 01:16:35.860 Jason Hallstrom: we defer to you. But it is typical for those with the most significant intellectual leadership in the program to serve as as copies. 443 01:16:39.620 --> 01:16:41.999 Jason Hallstrom: So the next question 444 01:16:42.310 --> 01:16:44.769 Jason Hallstrom: I'm. Going to ask Nadia to address 445 01:16:45.040 --> 01:17:04.479 Jason Hallstrom: it was just stated that we should clearly distinguish the track that is stack levels from topics, that is, that we should address the late. We should make it clear which layer and which topics we're addressing. The problem is that the slide from last year Also point out that there is an option to have one topic plus two layer. Correct 446 01:17:04.670 --> 01:17:07.419 Jason Hallstrom: two topics, plus two layers. Also correct. 447 01:17:07.490 --> 01:17:08.810 Jason Hallstrom: Can you clarify 448 01:17:16.030 --> 01:17:35.370 Nadia El-Masry: topic area when you're writing a proposal? You know exactly where you want your proposal? Go to? And as far as having more than one topic area. Most probably there is a strength of the proposal that you are writing. Where is the topic? So 449 01:17:35.960 --> 01:17:38.189 Nadia El-Masry: the clue here is the topic air. 450 01:17:38.200 --> 01:17:46.939 Nadia El-Masry: So let you know if i'm writing that proposal. I would like to address, for example, a proposal that 451 01:17:47.010 --> 01:17:51.010 Nadia El-Masry: strongly materials, engineering, 452 01:17:51.110 --> 01:18:05.759 Nadia El-Masry: and so I would address that like novel materials, preparing new novel materials and allowing it to go all the way to device structure. So now we are doing two stacks, material and device. 453 01:18:05.770 --> 01:18:15.209 Nadia El-Masry: But we are addressing a novelty of the new material. Therefore you, I am addressing the topic free 454 01:18:15.610 --> 01:18:19.010 Nadia El-Masry: group type of proposals, which is materials. 455 01:18:19.130 --> 01:18:20.949 Nadia El-Masry: It is a 456 01:18:21.030 --> 01:18:30.649 Nadia El-Masry: devices and systems, and i'm going to refer to Pram to correct me if i'm incorrect, we're talking about topic two, 457 01:18:31.450 --> 01:18:44.469 Nadia El-Masry: all right. And so you just think from it. As far I I can understand that that would be more than one copy. I have the strength in different topic areas. 458 01:18:44.720 --> 01:18:53.510 Nadia El-Masry: So that's why you should identify which topic area you would like to address, even though if there are both of them are strong. 459 01:18:55.130 --> 01:18:58.020 Nadia El-Masry: You're going to leave that decision to us 460 01:18:58.910 --> 01:19:01.210 Nadia El-Masry: where that proposal will go 461 01:19:02.000 --> 01:19:04.290 Nadia El-Masry: and pray me if you would like that. 462 01:19:04.830 --> 01:19:06.590 Premjeet Chahal: Now that is correct, Nadia. 463 01:19:06.600 --> 01:19:25.160 Premjeet Chahal: So I mean just for everybody understanding. The goal is that we want your proposal to be reviewed fairly, and we have the right experts in the panel for that, and that is the goal. So if you know where where you feel. It should feel that helps us to get there then eventually, and the panel is going to be in traditional. So 464 01:19:25.170 --> 01:19:29.749 Premjeet Chahal: you know it's reviewed fairly, and they are experts in that panel. That's the key goal. 465 01:19:31.870 --> 01:19:33.730 Jason Hallstrom: Thank you, Brian. Thank you, Nadia. 466 01:19:51.080 --> 01:20:08.959 Jason Hallstrom: So I can see that we're beginning to have attendees log off, and so I think that folks have exhausted the set of questions that they may have had. Of course, if there are questions that arise after the close of the Webinar, you should feel free to reach out. We're here to help. Please contact us and fuse one at Nsf. Gov. 467 01:20:09.000 --> 01:20:19.910 Jason Hallstrom: With that we're going to conclude the Webinar today. We're grateful for the time that you've invested into the fuse to program. Thank you for your interest. Thank you for attending the Webinar, and we wish you the best of luck in successful applications. 468 01:20:19.970 --> 01:20:21.320 Jason Hallstrom: Thank you for attending.