TITLE: Staff Memorandum: NSF's 2007 Annual Employee Survey Results Summary OD 08-02 Date: 02/25/08 O/D 08-02 February 25, 2008 NSF recently completed the analysis of its 2007 Annual Employee Survey (AES) that was conducted in September/October of last year. Federal agencies are required to administer the survey, which is designed to assess employee satisfaction and attitudes about leadership and management practices that contribute to agency performance. The forty questions that were included on the 2007 survey were extracted from the 2006 Federal Human Capital Survey (FHCS), which allows NSF to conduct trend analysis using data from both surveys. The 2007 Annual Employee Survey was distributed electronically to 1261 NSF employees and received 504 responses. yielding a 40% response rate. Findings from the 2007 survey suggest that NSF employees are pleased with their work environment and continue to view our agency in a positive light. 2007 results were largely consistent with 2006 Federal Human Capital Survey results. with only nine questions in 2007 experiencing a shift of 5% or greater. Almost all of the shifts were in the positive direction, continuing the positive trend the Foundation has seen since the first mandated survey was conducted in 2002. Also of note, 93% of 2007 NSF respondents answered favorably to the question, "The work I do is important." Another 77% of 2007 NSF respondents answered favorably to the question, "Considering everything, how satisfied are you with your job?" NSF responses to all forty questions on the 2007 AES can be found in the 2007 AES Trend Analysis (http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2008/od0802/od0802_att.pdf) document posted on the NSF website. Arden L. Bement, Jr. Director Kathie L. Olsen Deputy Director Distribution: All Employees Cancellation Date: Effective Until Cancelled Originating Unit Division of Human Resource Management